The official name of Dr. Guanglu. Doctors are the emperor's closest ministers, divided into traditional Chinese medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, and admonition officials. They have no fixed number of employees and no fixed positions. They act according to the emperor's orders. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Chinese medicine was changed to Dr. Guanglu, with a rank of more than 2,000 stones, who was the official in charge of discussion. Among these doctors, Dr. Guanglu is the most prominent. At the end of the Western Han Dynasty, Jiuqing and other senior officials were all promoted by Dr. Guanglu. Yang Di took nine doctors and eight commanders? In this order, the nine doctors are: Dr. Guanglu, from grade one; Dr. Zuo Guanglu is the second product; Dr. You Guanglu, from Erpin; Dr. Jin Ziguang Road is the third product; Dr. yin Lu, from the three products; Talking about doctors, it is four products; Discuss the doctor, from four products; Please ask the court doctor, you are five products; Five-product super three doctors. Dr. Guanglu became a rank official and a second-class official after the Tang and Song Dynasties. Both the Yuan Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were promoted to subordinate levels. During the Shunzhi period of the Qing Dynasty, civil servants were all called Dr. Guanglu from the lower ranks, and Dr. Guanglu was the highest ranking official among civil servants, equivalent to the current national policy adviser. ? Official name. Qin has a doctor of traditional Chinese medicine. He is an official doctor. In the Han dynasty, the rank of doctor was changed to Guangluxun, and the rank of Chinese medicine was changed to Guanglu, with a rank of more than 2,000 stones. The number of posts is uncertain, and he is the most respected doctor. Until the Eastern Han Dynasty, he gradually became the position of Song San because the powerful minister no longer held this title. After Wei and Jin Dynasties, he served as an official position of promotion and commendation. In addition to Dr. Guanglu, Jin added something about Dr. Guanglu. About Dr. Guanglu's gold medal purple ribbon, and Dr. Guanglu's gold medal purple ribbon, ranked second; Dr. Guanglu's silver seal and green ribbon ranked third. Since then, there have been the names of Dr. Guanglu and Dr. Yin Guanglu. Sui, Tang and Song dynasties all used the title of "prose official". Dr. Sui Guanglu is from Grade One, and the left and right doctors are from Grade Two and Grade Three respectively. Gold is the third and Yin Qing is the third. Dr. Tang and Dr. Song Guanglu are the second category, gold is the third category, and Qing Yin is the third category. Gold, Sheng Yuan gold and Qing Yin are above Dr. Guanglu. Minter has entered a product of Dr. Guanglu, a product of Dr. Guanglu and a product of Dr. Qingguang. Yuan Fucheng, a genealogy of the Yuan family in Suiyang in the Qing Dynasty: "In the sixth year of the apocalypse, I was promoted to the right assistant minister of the Ministry of War and later transferred to the left assistant minister. Less than a year later, he betrayed the ministers in Yuan Keli headquarters and became an official. Later, I gave it to Senior Minister Shang Qing of Zheng Zhi and to Dr. Guanglu. "