There was a man named Wang Shuyuan in the Ming Dynasty who had wonderful and exquisite craftsmanship. He could carve palaces, cups, plates, bowls, dishes and other daily utensils out of wood one inch in diameter. Characters, even birds, animals, trees, and stones are all carved into the images of various things according to the original shapes of the materials, each with their own expressions and postures. He once gave me a small boat made of peach stones, which should be Su Shi's visit to Red Cliff. The boat is about eight minutes long from start to finish, and is about as high as two yellow rice grains. The raised and spacious part in the middle is the cabin, which is covered with a canopy made of bamboo leaves. There are small windows on the side, four on the left and on the right, eight in total. Open the window and see the carved railings facing each other. When you close the window, you can see the words "The mountain is high and the moon is small, the water will come out" engraved on the right side, and the words "The gentle breeze comes slowly, the water waves are slow" are engraved on the left side. The recesses with the engraved words are painted with azurite. There are three people sitting on the bow of the boat. The one in the middle wearing a tall hat and a thick beard is Su Dongpo, the monk is on the right, and Huang Tingjian is on the left. Su Dongpo and Huang Tingjian looked at the calligraphy and painting scrolls on the banner together. Dongpo held the right end of the painting with his right hand and pressed lightly on Lu Chi's back with his left hand. Lu Zhi was holding the left end of the picture frame with his left hand and pointing at the picture frame with his right hand, as if he was speaking something. Su is showing his right leg, Huang is showing his left knee. Both of them have turned slightly, with their knees touching each other (that is, Su's left knee, Huang's right knee), each hidden in their clothes' pleats under the scroll. (In other words, the outline of the two joined knees can be seen from the pleats of the clothes) Monk Foyin is very similar to Maitreya Buddha. He bares his chest and exposes his nipples. He looks up. His expression is not similar to that of Su and Huang. Foyin lay down on his right knee, bent his right arm to support on the boat, and raised his left knee. A string of rosary beads hung on his left arm and rested on his left knee------the rosary beads could be counted clearly. There is an oar placed across the stern of the boat. There is a punter on each side of the oar. The boatman on the right has a vertebral bun, his face is raised, his left hand is leaning on a horizontal beam, and his right hand is holding his right toes, as if shouting loudly. The punter on the left holds a palmetto fan in his right hand and is stroking the stove with his left hand. There is a kettle on the stove. His eyes are looking at the tea stove with a calm expression, as if he is listening to see if the tea is boiling. The top of the ship is relatively flat, and the name is engraved on it. The text is "On the autumn day of Renxu, Wang Yishu of Yushan was just far away." The handwriting is as thin as a mosquito's feet, the outline is clear and the color is black. There is also a seal-cut seal engraved with the words "Chu Pingshan people" and the color is red. A total of five people were engraved on the nuclear boat; eight windows were engraved; a bamboo canopy, a paddle, a stove, a kettle, a hand scroll and a rosary were engraved; the seal characters of couplets, titles and seals were engraved, and the engraved characters were ** *Thirty-four, but its length is less than an inch. It turns out that long and narrow peach stones were selected and carved. Hee, this skill is really amazing!
1 Strange person A person with wonderful and exquisite skills. Kit Kat, a strange trick. Qi: strange. 2 for use. 3 Diameter: One inch in diameter. Used to describe the smallness of objects. A piece of wood one inch in diameter. 4 to do. verb. This refers to carving. 5 Utensils: cups, plates, bowls, dishes and other daily utensils. 6 I. 7 Wood Wood. 8. Don’t use pictograms according to the situation, each with its own mood. All the things carved are just like the wood to imitate the shape of those things, and each has its own expression and posture. No, no. Cause: basis. Image, imitate, imitate. 9 taste once. 10 Yi as a gift. 11 "Gai Da Su Pan Red Cliff Clouds" is engraved with Su Shi's boat trip to Red Cliff. Su Shi (AD 1037-1101), named Zizhan and Dongpo, was a famous writer from Meishan (now Meishan County, Sichuan Province) in the Song Dynasty. People call him and his younger brother Su Che "Da Su" and "Little Su". Fan: boating. Su Shi once visited Red Cliff and wrote "Chibi Ode" and "Later Chibi Ode". Chibi: The Chibi where Su Shi traveled was in Chibiji outside the city of Huangzhou (now Huanggang, Hubei). The Chibi in the Battle of Chibi in the Eastern Han Dynasty is generally believed to be in the northeast of Jiayu, Hubei. yun, sentence-final particle. 12 Eight points are odd (ji) A little more than eight points. You, same as "you", is used to connect integers and zero numbers. Odd, zero number. 13. It is about as high as two yellow rice grains. Yes, approximately. Xu, table approximation. 14 The open and open place in the middle is the cabin. The raised and open place in the middle is the cabin. 15 Ruo Canopy: A boat canopy made of Ruo bamboo leaves. 15. The carved railings face each other. The carved railings face each other. Looking at each other, facing each other from left to right.
16. The mountain is high and the moon is small, but the truth will come to light. Sentences from Su Shi's "Fu on the Red Cliff". 17 The breeze blows slowly, but the water waves are calm. Sentences from Su Shi's "Red Cliff Ode". Xu: Slowly. Xing: Starting 18 Shi Qing Zhi (sǎn): Use azurite to paint the recesses where the characters are carved. 19. A person who wears a tall hat and has many beards. Eguan, tall hat, here refers to wearing a tall hat. Beard, beard, here generally refers to the beard on both cheeks. 20 Foyin: The name of the person is a monk and a friend of Su Shi. A monk from the Yunmen sect of the Song Dynasty. He was a close friend of Su Dongpo. His dharma name is Yuan and his courtesy name is Juelao. His common surname is Lin, a native of Fuliang in Raozhou (Jiangxi Province). 21 Lu Zhi Huang Tingjian, a poet, writer and calligrapher in the Song Dynasty, was named Lu Zhi. He is also Su Shi's friend. 22 Handscroll: A long scroll of calligraphy and painting that can only be rolled but cannot be hung. 23 Roll end refers to the right end of the frame. 24 The end of the scroll refers to the left end of the frame. 25 If there is something to say, it seems to be saying something. Language, speaking. 26. Slightly turn the body (body) slightly to the side. 27 Comparing the two knees: Su Dongpo’s left knee and Huang Tingjian’s right knee are close to each other. Than, closer. 28 Each one is hidden in the folds of clothes at the bottom of the roll. Each one is hidden in the folds of clothes under the roll. It means that the two knees that meet can be seen from the folds of clothes. 29 The peerless Maitreya is very much like the Maitreya Bodhisattva in Buddhism. Absolute, extreme; kind, like. Maitreya, one of the Buddhist Bodhisattvas, often has a statue of him in the temple, with his chest exposed and his belly smiling. 30 Naked. 31. Straighten your head and look up. Look up. To correct, to lift. 32. Not similar. Genus, similar. 33. Lie on your right knee. Lie on your right knee. 34 Yi: Same as "flexion", bending. 35. Rosary beads are also called "Buddha beads" or "Counting beads". They are tools used by Buddhists to count when reciting the name of the Buddha or mantras. 36 Yi Zhi (left arm) rests on the left knee. 37 The numbers are clearly counted. Lili, clearly countable. 38 oars. 39 Zhouzi: The person who punts the boat. 40 Vertebral bun Vertebral bun. 41 Heng is the same as "horizontal". 42 Climbing and pulling. 43 If it seems like. 44 Take it. 45 If...then it seems like.... 46 The man looked calm. The man looked directly at the tea stove with a calm expression. Its, that. correct. 47 If you listen to the sound of tea, it seems like you are listening to whether the tea is boiling or not. 48 The back of the ship is slightly flat and the top of the ship is relatively flat. razed, leveled. 49 Tianqi Renxu Tianqi Renxu year, which is 1622. Tianqi, the reign name of Zhu Youxiao, Emperor Xizong of Ming Dynasty. 50 Yushan Wang Yi Shuyuanfu Changshu people's surname is Wang Yi and the courtesy name is Shuyuan. Yushan, the name of the mountain, is now in the northwest of Changshu County, Jiangsu Province. It is used instead of Changshu. In the past, literati often used the place of origin of the famous places in their hometown. Shuyuanfu means "Zi Shuyuan". Fu, which means "father", is a good name for a man in ancient China, and is usually attached to the word Biao. 51 It’s clear. 52 Ink black. 53 Seal seal seal seal. 54 Dan vermilion. 55 Tongquan. 56 For five people, that is, for five people, five people were carved. 57 and conjunction, and. 58 You Tongjia means "you". 59 It was not even an inch. Zeng, Shang, Huan. filled. 60 Simple "choose" selection. 61 Zeng Huan 62 Xiu Narrow Long and narrow. 63 The skills are amazing. The skills are amazing. "矣" and "哉" are used together to accentuate the exclamation tone. 64 Even until. 65 Because of that. 66 Kai Open. 67 Look at it. 68 Xu Slowly. 69 rise. 70 Grits are filled with powdery objects. 71 Residence. 72 Take it. 73 Yes. 74 Calculation. 75 is engraved.