Wang Ziyou and Wang Zijing were very ill, and Amethyst died first. Wang Ziyou asked his soldiers, "Why don't you always hear from Amethyst?" ? He must be dead. "You don't see any sadness on your face when you talk. I came to the sedan chair for the funeral, and I didn't cry all the way.
Amethyst has always liked playing the piano. (Amethyst) walks in and sits on the spiritual bed. He picked up the amethyst piano and played it. The sound of the strings is not harmonious. Amethyst threw the piano on the ground and said, "Your people and Qin Dou are dead!" So I cried for a long time and almost fainted. More than a month later, (Yu Zi) also passed away.
The source "Biography of Wang Huizhi in the Book of Jin" said: "The sacrifice of the pawn is the emblem ... I played the sacrifice of the piano for a long time and sighed:' Alas, the piano is dead! "
Interpretation: Ziyi: Wang Huizhi Ziyi, Wang Xizhi's son Amethyst: Wang Xizhi's son in Wang Zijing, Wang Xianzhi died: dead, no longer exists. Du: I never thought of it. (Li M ? o): Totally. Yu (yú): sedan chair. Tone: coordination. "Everyone dies" refers to seeing relics and mourning the sorrow of the deceased.
Wang Huizhi, the son of Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was a soldier under Fu Huan Wen. His character is unrestrained and detached. His hair is often fluffy and his clothes are not fastened, so he just goes to the streets to find friends and go out to meet guests. Idle Wang Huizhi doesn't often ask about his position. He used to be the cavalry of General Huan Chong. Once Huan Chong asked him, "What do you care?" He replied vaguely, "Maybe it's about horses." Huan Chong asked again, "How many horses do you care about?" He replied, "I don't know anything about horses. I am an amateur, no matter how far! " "Huan Chong asked again," How many horses have died recently? " He simply said, "I still can't figure out a live horse or a dead horse!" " "Wang Huizhi has a younger brother named Wang Xianzhi, named Amethyst, who is also a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Just like his father Wang Xizhi, he is also called "Two Kings". The two brothers, Hui Zhi and Xian Zhi, have a very good relationship and lived in the same room when they were children. Usually, a brother will admire his younger brother. One day, the house caught fire. Hui was too scared to put on his shoes and hurriedly fled; Provide it, but it looks the same, with the help of the servant calmly. One night in the middle of the night, a thief entered their house and tried to steal everything that could be taken away. After Wang Xianzhi found out, he said slowly, "Steal, that green carpet is an old thing of my family, so you can keep it." Hearing this, the thief ran away in panic. The two brothers often read books together at night and discuss them while reading. They are very interested. One night, the two of them were reading Ode to Gao Shi together when they suddenly shouted, "Good! The character of single crystal is really noble! " Single crystal is from the Eastern Han Dynasty. He is well-versed in learning and does not flatter powerful people, so he is praised. Huizhi listened and said with a smile: "Single crystal is not as proud as Changqing!" Changqing was the Sima Xiangru of the Han Dynasty. He broke through the shackles of feudal ethics and married Zhuo Wenjun, a talented woman who eloped with him. This was not easy in the society at that time, so the emblem said that he was proud of the world. Later, Wang Huizhi served as assistant minister of Huangmen (squire around the emperor), so he resigned and went home, because he was not used to the very restrictive life of the court. Coincidentally, not long after he came home, he and Wang Xianzhi began to get sick at the same time, and both of them were seriously ill. At that time, a magician (fortune teller) said, "At the end of a person's life, if a living person is willing to die instead of him and give him the rest of his life, then the dying person can live." Busy Hui said, "My talent is not as good as my brother's. Let me give him the rest of my years, and I will die first." The warlock shook his head: "You have to live for a long time before you die for others. Now you don't have much time to live, how can you replace him? " It wasn't long before he died. Huizhi didn't cry at the funeral, but just sat there. He took the piano he used before his death and wanted to play a song. But it can't be adjusted well after a long time. He didn't want to tune any more, so he threw down the piano and said sadly, "Amethyst, Amethyst and piano are all dead." It means: "Amethyst, Amethyst, you have lost the man and the piano!" " "
Wang Huizhi was very sad. He soon became seriously ill and died more than a month later. Later, people used the phrase "Qin is dead" to express their grief at seeing the relics and mourn the dead.
2. Recruit excellent English sentences (with translation) There are many excellent sentences in the movie. The Shawshank Redemption The Shawshank Redemption is either busy living or busy dying. Getting busy living or getting busy dying may be the best thing. Hope is not a good thing. Maybe the best thing is. The good news is that birds can't be caged, and every feather of them shines with freedom. When they fly away, you know it is a sin to lock them up, and you will be very happy. Some birds can't be caged just because their feathers are so beautiful. Sleepless in Seattle 1. Work hard! Work will save you. Work is the only thing that can help you through the difficulties. Work hard! Work can save you. Hard work can make you forget the pain. You made millions of meaningless decisions, and then one day, one of your decisions changed your life. You make many seemingly meaningless decisions every day. Yes, but one day one of your decisions will change your life. 3. Destiny takes a hand. Destiny takes a hand. You know, you can learn a lot from a person's voice. You can tell what a person is by his voice. People who really loved once are more likely to love again. You know, it's easier to be killed by terrorists than to get married after 40 years old. You know, it's hard for a woman to get married after 40. Easier to be killed by terrorists. 7. You are the most attractive man I have ever heard. 8. Why stay with someone who doesn't love you? Why do you miss someone who doesn't love you? 9. When you are attracted to someone, it just means that your subconscious mind is attracted to their subconscious mind, subconsciously. So what we think of as fate is just to realize that they are a match made in heaven. When you are attracted to someone, it just means that you are subconsciously attracted to the other person. So, the so-called predestination is just that two lunatics think they are a match made in heaven. 10. Everyone's movies before marriage. Everyone is nervous before getting married. 1 1. Your destiny can be your door. Fate may turn into bad luck. 12. I know the reason. This is different from you because I am young and pure. So I have more contact with the cooperation force. The reason why I know and you don't is because I am young and pure. So I can get in touch with the power of the universe. 13. I don't want to be the object you reset. I don't want to be anything set by anyone. I don't want you to do it, and I don't want to be its object. 14. What if something happens to you? What if I can't find you? What would I do without you? You are my family. You are all to me. What if something happens to you? What if I can't find you? What would I do without you? You are my family, and you are everything to me.
3. Translation of Classical Chinese Sentences Guan Zhong was an official three times and was dismissed by the monarch three times. Uncle Bao doesn't think he has no talent, but he knows he is unlucky.
From your point of view, "Yu" is passive; Think of it as corruption, think of it as a verb and interpret it as "thinking"
Only when the granary is solid can people understand etiquette and restraint; Only when people have enough food and clothing can people know the difference between glory and shame; Only the imperial court salutes, and the six relatives are in their proper places. Thank the imperial court for making it more United and stable.
Granary: A place where rice grains are stored
Know: know, understand; know
Suitability: observe etiquette; On Monday, just serve the royal things with the system suit.
4. Translation of several English sentences 1. No matter who wins the most medals in the Olympic Games, one thing is clear-these volunteers will win the hearts of Beijing tourists.
No matter who wins the most gold medals in the competition, there is no doubt that these athletes will win the sincerity and attention of those tourists who go to Beijing.
2. If you can get eight gold medals, you can get everything. Laura and I are proud of you, our family is proud of you, but most importantly, America is proud of you.
If you are sure to win eight gold medals, you can win everything, and Laura and I will be proud of you. Our family is proud of you, but the most important thing is that Americans will be proud of you.
3. Not pursuing a goal, no matter what it is to me, will only make me want it more. I will never give up until I reach my goal.
As they say, a positive attitude is the key to success. As the saying goes, a good attitude is the key to success.
When you look forward to the coming year, see the end of each $ TERM as a part of the journey, not a destination. Just as you look at the beginning of a year, you should see the end of the semester as a step on your way forward, not the end.
Taking the best attitude towards the new school year will help you feel good and enjoy the challenges you face. Greeting the beginning of the new school year with an optimistic attitude will make you full of confidence and enjoy the challenges you face.
5. Translation of several sentences in classical Chinese (urgent) original sentences:
Soil has to become Hongyi, and it still has a long way to go. Isn't benevolent important? Not far from death.
A scholar must have ambition and determination, because his task is arduous and his journey is long. Isn't it difficult to practice benevolence and righteousness as your own responsibility? Don't stop until you die Isn't it far?
Original sentence:
Its forgiveness! Do as you would be done by.
Isn't this the way to forgive? Don't impose what you don't want on others.
Original sentence:
Xian zai hui ye?
Yan Hui is really talented!
Original sentence:
Zhu, my language girl.
Sit down! Let me tell you something.
Original sentence:
If you are good at learning, you will not see it. ...
Love knowledge but don't study, its disadvantage is fun.
Original sentence:
Does Ann have a minister to play with?
How can courtiers joke with the monarch?
Original sentence:
The light of the candle. What is it and what is it?
Which is better, lighting candles or walking in the dark?
6. Some beautiful English sentences, with translation 1, to the world you may be one person, but to someone you may be the world. To the world, you are one person; But for someone, you are the world.
No man is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. No man is worth your tears, and the one who is, won't make you cry. Never frown even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile. Never frown even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.
4. We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent thing is to take the most beautiful scenery; The deepest wound is the truest emotion. We met at the wrong time, but separated at the right time. The most urgent thing is the most beautiful scenery, and the most profound thing is the most true feelings.
Time will heal almost all wounds. If your wound has not healed, please wait a moment. Time will heal almost all wounds. If your wound has not healed, please give some time! 6. There is a difference between "love" and "like". If you like a flower, you will pick it, but if you love a flower, you will water it every day. There is a difference between love and liking. Pick a flower if you like it, and water it every day if you love it.
7. There is no need to have a reason to love you. Anything can be a reason not to love you. Like you, don't need a reason; Don't like you, anything can be the reason. 8. Life is sad sometimes, but it is your own business to make your life happy. Life is sometimes frustrating, but you can try to make yourself happy.
9. Never think about the past. It will bring aging … don't think too much about the future. It brings fear ... Live in this moment with a smile. It brings cheers. Don't miss the past too much, because it will bring you sadness; Don't think too much about the future, because it will bring you fear; Living in the moment with a smile will bring happiness. 10, no matter how long it rains, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you are, believe that happiness is waiting. No matter how long it rains, eventually a rainbow will appear.
No matter how sad you are, always believe that happiness is not far away. Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass. It is about learning to dance in the rain. Life is not waiting for the storm to pass, but learning to dance in the rain.
12, three solutions to every problem: accept it, change it and leave it. If you can't accept it, change it If you can't change it, then leave it. There are three ways to solve all the problems. Accept, change and let go.
If you can't accept it, change it If you can't change it, let it go. 13, because what you are afraid of is actually the most worthwhile. Try to do something you are afraid of every day, because what you are afraid of is often the most worthwhile.
The purpose of life is to live, to experience life to the maximum, and to be eager and fearless to contact new and rich experiences. The goal of life is to live well, taste all kinds of things in the world, and bravely and actively experience new and rich experiences. Sometimes, we need a little tears to dispel the fog in our eyes, a little assurance to dispel the doubts in our minds, and a hug to soothe our aching hearts. Sometimes, we need a little tears to wash away the fog in our eyes, a little assurance to clear away the doubts in our hearts, a little hug to heal our broken hearts and a little rest to move on.
When life gives you a sad reason to cry, let life know that you have a terrible reason to smile. When life gives you a hundred reasons to cry, give it a thousand reasons to laugh. 17, change the world with your smile. Don't let the world change your life. Change the world with your smile, don't let the world change your smile.
18, when I wake up every morning, the greatest happiness is to publish it on you and the sunshine, which is the future I long for. When I wake up every morning, the greatest happiness is to see you and the sunshine. This is the future I want. Life is irreversible. So make sure you spend it in the right way and with the right people. There is only one life, and you should spend it with the right people in the right way.
When you wake up in the morning, set a goal. Today you must be better than yesterday. Do it every day and grow better! When you wake up in the morning, set yourself a goal: Today must be better than yesterday! Stick to it every day and you will certainly gain a lot! 2 1, the biggest mistake we make in our daily life is being too polite to strangers and too strict with close friends. The biggest mistake people make every day is to be too polite to strangers and too hard on close friends. 22. Nothing is more beautiful than a smile struggling in tears. The most beautiful thing in the world is a smile that breaks away from tears.
23. Dream what you want to dream; Go where you want to go; Be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go and be what you want to be, because you only have one life and one chance to do all the things you want to do. If you have enough courage to say goodbye, life will reward you with a new hello. As long as you say goodbye bravely, life will definitely give you a new beginning.
Love looks not with the eyes, but with the heart.
7. The usage of "Qi" in China's classical sentence translation and sentence translation.
1. I miss and grieve that she is far away from home, which is pitiful. Its: pronoun, she, refers to Yan Hou.
2, small success: the reputation is too small. Its: pronoun, it, refers to promoting knitting.
I don't know if they have tens of millions: they are majestic, and I don't know if they have tens of millions. Its: pronouns, they refer to palaces.
This evil will not be seen today, but will be seen another day: this evil will not appear now, but will certainly appear in the future. Its: demonstrative pronoun, this kind (disaster, disaster).
5, you are good at caressing them: I hope you take good care of them. Its: mood adverb, indicating the mood of hope.
6. Me too: Let's go home. Its: mood adverb, which means euphemistic discussion mood.
7. Having your three lost is your father's ambition: (I will give you three arrows now). I hope you don't forget your father's legacy! Its: modal adverb, expressing the mood of hope (imperative sentence).
8, so the country is almost the same? : So, it's almost time for Qi? Its: mood adverb, indicating the mood of strengthening speculation.
9, its capital punishment, saying: "Follow me, that is, stab his heart first, otherwise his limbs will be exhausted and his heart will not die." : (Yes) The man who was beheaded by the year said, "If you obey me, you must stab him in the heart first; Otherwise, if you break your limbs, your heart will not die. " Its: demonstrative pronoun, in which.
10, if so, who can resist it? If so, who can resist? Its: mood adverb, indicating hypothetical mood.
1 1. The road is long and its Xiu Yuan is Xi, and Xiu Yuan is Xi. I will pursue it up and down: the road is long and its Xiu Yuan is Xi, and I will pursue it tirelessly. Its: mood auxiliary words have no substantive meaning. (syllable auxiliary words, used to supplement syllables in sentences, have no practical significance. )
12, the snow is boundless, the clouds are falling: endless snowflakes are falling, and thick clouds seem to be pressing the eaves. Its: mood auxiliary words have no substantive meaning. (syllable auxiliary words, used to supplement syllables in sentences, have no practical significance. )
13, I don't know it's embarrassing, but I feel very sincere: as long as my heart is really beautiful, forget it if you don't know me. Its: modal adverb, indicating the mood of strengthening restriction.
8. English sentences are beautiful sentences, and there are translations. The more, the better. You won't meet the second me, friendship or love.
You won't meet the second me,
Friendship or love?
I had a strong drink, and I let go of my hand that I shouldn't have let go. I haven't looked back before, and I won't make do with it in the future.
I drank a lot of wine and let go of my hands that I shouldn't have let go. I won't look back before, and I won't settle down in the future.
If you had known me before, you would know me now.
If you had known me before, you would forgive me now.
I still hope that in this desolate world, there is someone who really understands you.
I still hope that in this desolate world,
There is one person who really understands you.
9. How to do this problem: translate the sentence in classical Chinese into preventing other thieves from entering and leaving and unexpected accidents.
(3) The reason why the officers and men are specially sent to guard Hangu Pass is that the State of Qin (1) can supply what they lack at any time. People with high moral character, who study extensively and reflect on themselves every day, will be smarter and will not make mistakes in their behavior. (2) If you give up the plan to destroy Zheng, let Zheng be your master in Qin, the messenger of Qin and the Great God Sauce Group 1BA |, posted on 20 13-02-27 12:50, and the comments recommend it for you:/* The Internet Alliance cuts Lu-knowing that the PC Q&A page is for you. Other similar questions 2011-03-21translation method of classical Chinese [Baidu experience] 568 2007-10-0/classical Chinese topic+translation sentence 3 2014-00.
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