In 29, the English People's Education Edition of the senior high school entrance examination must recite words.

a (an) art. one (one, one ...)

ability n.; Ability

able A. able, capable

about prep. able

ad. About; Everywhere;

about prep. On

about a&; Ad went abroad

absent a.; Not in

accept v. accept

accident n. accident

ache n. ache v. reach, obtain

cross prep. cross, cross

act n. decree, regulation

v. Action

action n. action

active a. active n. activity

add v. add

address n. address

advantage n. advantages; Benefit



advice v. advice v. advice v. affordable (the cost of ...); Can spare (time); Provide

after ad. Later

prep. After ...; After-

conj. After-;

afternoon, afternoon

once again; Then, again,

against prep. Right, against

age n. age; Era


agree v. unification; Agree

to be unified and consistent; Agreement

air n. air

airline n.; Aviation system

airport n. Air station, airport

alive a. All a. All (part); All; Total; Whole

pron. all; All personnel

allow ad. Allow; Allow


Alone A. Alone

Alone AD. Loudly

Ready AD. Already

also ad. Also

although conj. Although

always ad. Always; Always; Forever

America n. America; America

American n. American

A. American; American

among prep. In the middle of ...; Between (more than three)

ancient a. ancient

and conj. and; Again; And

angry, angry


another; Another; Others; Different

pron. Another

answer n. Answer; Reply; Reply; Answer

v. Answer; Reply; Reply; (make) the answer

ant n. ant

any pron. (whichever); What

A. Any; (used in interrogative sentences and negative sentences) some; What

anybody pron. Anyone, no matter who

anyone pron. Anyone, no matter who

anything pron. What (thing); Anything (thing)

anyway ad. Anyways

anywhere ad. Anywhere


Apple n. Apple

April n. Area n. Area; Region; Place; Region; Scope; Field

arm n. arm, support

arm n. army

around. About

ad. around, near

arrive v.; Reach

art n. Art, fine arts; Skill

article n. article; Things; Articles; Article

as ad. Like ...; Like; Because

conj. Like ...; Like; Because

prep. as; As

Asia n. Asia

Asia n, Asian

n. Asian

ask v. Ask, ask; Request, request; Invite

asleep a to sleep, sleep

at prep. At (what time); At (somewhere)

Atlantic n.&; A Atlantic

attention n. Pay attention to

August n. August

Aunt n. Aunt; Aunt; Aunt; Gu; Aunt

Australia n. Australia; Australia

Australia n. Australian

a Australia, Australian

autumn n. autumn

available a available, available, useful, available,

avoid n. Escape from

awake v. Wake up

awake ad. Leave away from


baby n. Baby

back n. Back, back, back

ad. Back (original place); Backward

background n. background

bad (worst, worst) a. bad; Harmful; Unfavorable; Serious

bag n. schoolbag; Bag; Bag






bank; Bank (of a river, sea or lake)


basic a basic




be (is, am, are, was, were. Be

beach n. seaside, beach

bear n. (music) beat

v. Beat; Beat; Win

beautiful a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful

because conj. Because

become (become, become) v. become; Become





before prep. Before ...; In front of

ad. Before

conj. Before

begin (began, begun) v., set about

beauty n. Behavior

behind prep. (indicating position) Behind

believe. Bell (bell) sound; Bell

below prep. Under

beside ...; Close to

dreams prep. Besides (and)

ad. Besides

between prep. In between (the two); In the middle of ...

beyond prep. (indicating position) On the other side of ...

big a big

bike = bicycle

bill; Bills, motions; (U.S.) paper money


birth; Birth




a little, a little

bitter; Painful, sad; Harsh

black a black

n. black

blackboard n. blackboard

blind a

blood n. blood

blow (blow, blow) v.; Windy; Blow

blue n blue

a blue

board n board; Bulletin board; Committee; (government) department

boat, boat


book n book; Book

boring a boring

born a

borrowed (from others); Borrow

boss n foreman; Boss

both pron. Both; Both sides

a two; Double


bottom; Bottom

bowl n Bowl

box n Box, Box

boy n Boy

brain n Brain (son)

brave a Brave

bread n Bread

Break (broken, broken) v.&; Break (break, break); Damage, tear


breath n breath; Breathe

breathe v. breathe

bridge n

bright a; Clever

bring (brough, brough) v. Bring, bring, bring

brother n; Brother

brown n brown, brown

a brown, brown

brush v; Wipe

n brush

build (built, built) v. building; Build

building n buildings; Houses; Building

burn (-ed, ed/burn, burn) v. Burn, burn, fire; To scorch; Make a tan

bus n public car

business n (duty) work, occupation, responsibilities; Business

busy a

but conj. But, but

butter, cream


buy (bought, bought) v. Buy

by prep. Near, beside ... At ... time; Not later than; Be, use; By; Goodbye by (bus)



cabbage n, cabbage

cake, pastry; Cake

call v title; Call; Shout, call

n shout, call; Telephone, talking


camera; Camera

camp n (summer) camp

v calm; Sedimentation

can modal v is possible; Able to; You can


cancel v to cancel

candle n candle

cancer n cancer

candy n candy

cap n hat; Cap (of a bottle); Pen case

capital n capital, provincial capital; Capitalize; Capital

captain n (navy) colonel; Captain, captain; Captain

car n car, sleeping car

card n card; Business card; Card

care n care and protection; Be careful

v mind …, care; Care about

careful a careful, careful, cautious

careless a careless, careless

carry v take, carry, carry, lift, carry, hug, transport, etc.

cat n cat

catch (catch, catch) v; Catch; Catch up; Cause


v to cause



ceiling, ceiling

celebration v

cent n cents

centre n center, central

century. There is no doubt about it; It will definitely be ...

chair n

chairman/woman n (female), president (female); (female) Speaker

chalk n chalk

chance n Opportunity, possibility

change v Change, change; Replacement; Exchange

chantn &; V hymn

cheap a cheap, cheap

cheat v cheat, cajole; Cheating
