Handling by Jiangsu Higher People's Court

The salary of judges in Jiangsu Higher People's Court is calculated by combining basic salary, performance salary, post allowance and seniority salary. The basic salary of Jiangsu Higher People's Court is not less than 1.2 times of the local minimum wage income standard published by the human resources and social security department. Performance pay is based on assessment, and the assessment floating system is implemented. Those who pass the examination shall not be less than 50% of the basic salary, those who pass the examination shall not be less than 60% of the basic salary, and those who pass the examination shall not be less than 65% of the basic salary. According to the working years of the court and the professional level of the clerk, the post level of the clerk is determined, and the junior, intermediate and senior clerks are entitled to post allowances not less than 300 yuan/month, 700 yuan/month and 1200 yuan/month respectively. Enjoy the rights of marriage and funeral leave, maternity leave, parental leave, one-child parents' care leave, paid leave, social insurance and so on during the contract period.