One day, a child rode a cow to collect herbs. His name is Xiaowen. On a road in the country, he saw a child lying on the ground. He jumped off the cow's back and looked at it carefully, only to find that he was injured and saw the kettle he was carrying with him. Then Xiaowen feeds the water. After a while, the child woke up. After understanding, his name is Xiaolong and his family is very rich. Xiaowen asked; "Why are you here?" Xiaolong replied, "I was bored at home, so I ran out and fell here." Speaking of which, his feet are bleeding. Xiaowen tore off a piece of cloth from himself, wrapped it up for Xiaolong, and then said, "I'm going to collect medicine. I'll take you there and help you with your treatment. " Xiaolong felt very interesting and agreed happily. "Yes, yes!" Xiaowen jumped on the cow's back and tugged at Xiaolong. Because Xiaolong is injured, he can't pull up. Xiaowen on the cow's back is sweating profusely. The cow seemed to know that Xiaolong's foot was broken, so he bent down and let Xiaolong sit on the cow's back. They talked and laughed all the way. During the conversation, Xiaolong learned that Xiaowen's family was poor and his mother was ill, so he decided to help Xiaowen.
The next day, Xiaolong sent a large sum of money to Xiaowen's house. Xiaowen met Xiaolong when she took her mother to see a doctor. They held hands tightly and were very excited ... Since then, Xiaowen and Xiaolong have become inseparable friends.
Yes, no matter familiar or unfamiliar, people should be honest with each other. Under a blue sky, the names of good friends are equal. Why not help others in many ways?
A pair of scissors and a piece of paper can create such a rich and exquisite work of art, which is our paper-cut in China.
Paper-cutting is one of the treasures of China folk culture and art. These colorful, vivid and beautiful paper-cuts are deeply loved by me! Behind every vivid paper-cut, there is a mysterious and wonderful story. Today, I saw a beautiful paper-cut, which is like this: a girl in a colorful skirt, with three beautifully carved ceramic bowls on her head, danced happily in the vibrant wheat field, as if she had a great happy event. I stared at this beautiful paper-cut and couldn't help flapping my clean and white wings and flying to the imaginary kingdom. ...
In a remote village, there lived a group of poor villagers, and Himalayan girls were one of them. Everyone in the village likes her very much because she is an honest, beautiful, kind and noble girl.
In fact, this village was covered with snow before. Not too fast. It only took five seconds. The whole village was razed to the ground. The next morning, the snow slowly melted, but people were surprised to find that all the brick houses they worked so hard to build, brick by brick, turned into messy and smelly thatched houses; When they go to farm, they scatter a handful of seeds in the soil and rot. The Himalayan girl knew this day ... she found Snow Ghost and asked him to change the village back to its original appearance. Because Snow Ghost wanted to keep the Himalayan girl as her own, she answered her like this: "Of course, but I have a request. You must marry me. " If. Fate, then you will die in the same place and become a snowy mountain. Ha ha ha ... "Hey ... Malaya girl glared at Snow Ghost who was grinning, turned around and took the water away.
She ran to the highest hillside in the village and carefully sprinkled magical water on every corner of the village. In an instant, the village recovered its original style. Excited, the Himalayan girl piled three bowls together, put them on a hat, twisted her waist and danced a cheerful "top bowl dance". Jumping, jumping, she lost track of time. Fifty minutes later, she suddenly fell to the ground like a flower. Slowly, she became a towering snowy mountain.
She is the highest Himalayan mountain in the world, because the lofty character of Himalayan girl's self-sacrifice touched the god of heaven and earth, and God gave her a higher position than heaven; The earth has given her more than the earth, so no mountain has ever exceeded her sacred height.