At the banquet in Xie Shi, the sage Lide, the silent tree gentleman, was the successor of the couplet. According to the knowledge of couplets, the last word of couplets should be Yi, that is, 3 or 4 tones, and the last part should be 1 or 2. Therefore, the personal character and the ge character are reversed. But I can't remember it for the time being. I think you used Ji first, please ask the landlord to modify it himself. That's my fantasy. I have a holiday, and my classmates are not here. I have a senior classmate. When I think of something better tomorrow, I will do it.
My son, Xu Wei, was admitted to college, and a thank-you banquet was held at home. He wanted couplets, preferably with names. Some of them thanked him for starting a great career, with water and wine. Thanks to the teacher's persuasion, the sun was shining and yue longmen was thriving.
The banquet set off the atmosphere of couplets: the famous teacher taught the new high disciples, and the young eagle spread its wings and carved the eagle.
Who has a couplet thanking teachers, relatives and friends for further study? Help! It's urgent! ! ! Please thank the elders for their wrong love. Give this auspicious banquet to friends and relatives, and you will be grateful to the teacher. When you meet him, you will pay tribute to Xie Xibin.
Xie Shiyan's couplets: couplets with "Gao" and "Hong" as their hidden heads. Thank you very much for giving me another questioning. It will be ready at noon tomorrow, thank you. Part I: Strategically, talented women were admitted to the Academy with intelligence, Xia Lian: Hongyun was brilliant, and Li Shu was admitted to the headquarters with diligence. Constant recognition: make persistent efforts.
Label: couplets? Graduated from college? The first part of Xie Shi's banquet: greetings from love cards, greetings from love cards, and the next part: yes and yes and how to make sentences.