Answer: There are two handles of punishment and reward, only the person can control them. Respecting the thick and accepting the lenient is the virtue of the emperor. Shenzi said: "Those who use force to serve the law are the common people; those who stick to the law with death are the officials; those who use the Dao to change the law are the kings." However, it is the rule of the people and ministers. Later in the Wei Dynasty, You Zhaozhi became a court official. Emperor Wei personally ordered Zhao to forgive him, but Zhao refused and said, "Your Majesty is able to forgive you. How can you make me Qubi?" This is because we know that forgiveness is the king's way, and Qu is a king. From Fei Chen Festival. A person may not achieve the purpose, and be unaware of his duties. He may regard peaceful punishment as severe, bend the law as lenient, and strictly abide by the charter, which is called deep secret. "Inner Law": "If you release the wrong precepts, you will kill five hundred people at a time, and the Tathagata will not save their sins." Does it mean that the Buddha's teachings are incomplete? Laozi's "Tao De Jing" says: "The sky's net is vast, sparse and not leaking." Does it mean that the Buddha's teachings are incomplete? Is Taoism strict? "Family Language" says: "There are five punishments for a king, and there is no warning when he is sleeping with a thief." This is the flow of debating words and falsehoods. "Book of Rites" also mentions the four killings, which are called breaking the law and confusing the name. Is it true that Confucianism is a strict prohibition, but Confucius is profound in literature? Those who use these three teachings can understand the true meaning, attach importance to Xuanyou, preserve the principles of heaven, and establish the best of people.
However, the Qianxiang is shining brightly, and the way of heaven is powerful. The people of Qi only punished, and hundreds of kings set an example; they analyzed people and followed the law, and the three empresses succeeded. The task of holding the constitution and making decisions is the duty of Wei Wei. "Yi" says: "If a family member chews, there is no blame; if a woman laughs, she will end up being stingy." Being strict with one's family can be transferred to the country. In the past, Cui Shida wrote "Political Commentary" on theory. Zhong Changtong said: "Anyone who is a leader should write a comprehensive "Political Commentary" and put it on his side." It is generally said that the country should be strict to achieve peace, not to be broad. However, those who claim to be strict do not have to go beyond the rules and regulations, and the heavy punishment is to use implicit means to correct wrongdoings and to use flat codes to prohibit wrongdoings. The punishment is constant, the punishment is light and unforgiving, it is not easy for people to commit crimes, and it is difficult to prevent and overcome them. But people are arrogant and officials are arrogant, and their falsehoods and filial pecuniary accumulation are deep, but if they are treated leniently, there will be no faults. How is it different from ordering Wang Liang to guard the body and abandon his title to rush to the heel? Ask Yu Tao to attack the disease and stop the medicine to use the stone on the skin. At the right time, the autumn horse turns away, and the ointment is deeper. What is the merit of treating people and servants? p>
He also said to the servant: "The law changes after it is established, and it is only the order of the emperor." He said: "Why is this so? In the past, Zhaopingjun, the nephew of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, killed someone and treated his princess as his son. The court officials asked for comment." After speaking to the left and right, Emperor Wu sighed and said: "The law was created by the late emperor. He used his relatives to falsely accuse the late emperor's son. How can I enter a high temple with my face? And I have to bear the burden of thousands of people!" This is the memorial. In modern times, Emperor Wen of Sui Dynasty's son Qin Wangjun was the general manager of Bingzhou, and he indulged himself in luxury and was dismissed from office. Servant Yang Su reported: "King, your Majesty loves your son, please let him go." Emperor Wen said: "The law cannot be violated. If it is the public will, I am the father of five sons, not the father of Zhaoren, why not restrain the emperor." What's the law? I can't harm the law!" He said no. This is the emperor's method of conduct, which is consistent with the unchanging meaning of the Rites. What's more, in the autumn, official duties and military affairs can be changed! Our emperor Ruizhe ascended the map and looked up at the rock corridor; the Prime Minister Ming Yun came to line up and compiled it under the temple of Mu. The heaven and earth are in harmony, the sun and the moon are shining brightly, the common people are united, and all the workers are in harmony. If you gather together to be upright, your servant will be lucky enough to see the great person; to bring good fortune to him, you will be able to raise uprightness in the lower position. Zhongzheng is entrusted, why should I be afraid?
The foundation of a husband and a gentleman’s conduct comes from two sources. When you go out, you should make a name for yourself, be honest and trustworthy, follow a straight path to serve people, be kind and accept loyalty, and look up to the Supreme Rank to control the government. He who cares about his integrity wants to be a minister of the country; he bows to the bandits and is willing to serve as a pillar. Everywhere, he expresses gratitude to his ministers and is famous for his filial piety to his friends. This is also for politics. The smoke and clouds are still aspirational, and they are used forever to carry out their careers, and their thoughts are there. It is as if the water is full, the world is long, and it is a pride to control it, to sweep the door and flatter yourself, to worship the dust and invite the power, to collect the bag and guard the salary, to never rest for a long time, and feel it is a deep shame. The guest is wandering around and doing something wrong, so there is no room for him to serve.
Zhongzong read it and praised it. Moved to the Ministry of Driving as a doctor.
In the first year of Jingyun, he was transferred to Zuo Yushi Zhongcheng and moved to Dali Shaoqing. In the second year, according to the system of the Han Dynasty, the governors and supervisory counties were established, and twenty governors were appointed in the most important states in the world. They cleverly selected the most powerful people to serve, so they worshiped the governor of Qizhou, but things did not work. He was also appointed the governor of Qizhou and served as the inspector of Henan Province. Not long after, he moved to Bianzhou to be the governor, and still served as the inspector of Henan Province. In the first year of Tai Chi, he was ordered to enshrine Zhongcheng and Nei, who were both officials and censors, and granted a special seal of 100 households. Xunjia Yinqingguanglu, a doctor, paid homage to the Minister of Household Affairs. He was appointed as the governor of Weizhou, and then transferred to the governor's office of Yangzhou, and both served as envoys for his own affairs. Where there are orders and prohibitions, there is no trace of cunning and cunning, and the territory is solemn. After a long time, he was summoned to pay homage to the Minister of Punishment.
In the ninth year of Kaiyuan, he went to the Eastern Capital and ordered him to stay in the capital. Ten years ago, Liangshan, a man from Jingzhao, pretended to be Xiang Wangnan and called himself Emperor Guang, and rebelled against his party and the prison guards in the left and right camps.
Driving to the eastern capital, he passed through Tongzhou. Chao Yin was ordered to summon him to reward him, and he was given a pair of clothes and a hundred pieces of silk. Looking to move to Henan Yin, the government is very clear and strict, and the traces of Hao You are visible. At that time, the prince's uncle, Zhao Changnu, took advantage of his power to harm ordinary people. Chao Yin said: "If you don't have a rope, how can you do it for politics?" He held it with a stick. After hearing this, he issued an edict to comfort him.
In ten years, he moved to Dali. At that time, Wu Qiang ordered Pei Jingxian to beg for stolen goods and accumulate 5,000 pieces of stolen goods, but he escaped after the incident. The superior was furious and ordered the crowd to kill him. Chao Yin said: "Pei Jingxian's destiny is to beg for stolen goods, and he will not die if he commits the crime. Also, Jingxian's great-grandfather, Sikong Ji, passed away and belonged to the establishment, and he was the first to predict the hero. In the early years of the book, the family was not guilty, and all the brothers were imprisoned. To punish the barbarians, only Jingxian survives. Now that he has inherited the stolen goods, he will still be punished. The punishment of violent market is to surrender to the battle of famine, but the old honors will not allow it. Chao Yin said again:
There is a break from the sky, which is the ultimate method. The handle of life and death belongs to both the master and the master; there are rules for committing suicide, and ministers should abide by them. Those who violate the law and take it in vain, fifteen horses will be worth the death penalty; those who beg, because begging is stolen goods, thousands of horses will just sit there. Nowadays, if someone is guilty of begging, he will be punished by beheading. If there is a violation of the law in the future, what should be done to fix it? Therefore, we cherish the law for the country and abide by the laws and regulations. We do not dare to follow others with the law and distort the destiny of immortals. Shooting a rabbit in Weiyuan, shocking the Han Bridge, and shocking the emperor for the first time, he actually consulted from the court. How can it be that power cannot control it, but the law is noble and permanent. In addition, Jingxian's great ancestor Ji, who was ignorant of loyalty and loyalty, was designated as a hero. He was promoted to Taisi, and his kindness was doubled. At the beginning of his career, his family was destroyed in vain, and all the disciples were guilty of wrongdoing, but the immortal now saw his direct descendants. If Ji Xun is abandoned and the immortal sins are especially increased, then how can Shu Xiang be called worthy? What if Ao's ghost does not have enough to do? He will give up his sins and think of his merits, and beg Heaven to listen. The stick should be ordered to be assigned to those who commit crimes, and the pronunciation of virtue should be close to the sound, and the general standard should be special. The person with the stick will listen to the subtraction, and the person with the flow will still be given to Cheng. The world is full of people, who is so unfortunate! Looking around the world, I have been deeply favored. How can one person be the only one who can stand alone? He begged for the opinions of his ministers and became an immortal in the Dharma.
Naixiazhi said: "The crime is not serious, it is based on emotion; the punishment must be done, not severe. I set an example and teach the common people, how can I punish and kill them so severely that they will be helpless?" Pei Jingxian was lucky enough to be promoted to the prime minister, but he underestimated my constitution and was beetle in my wind. He was afraid of the gold of knowledge, but he wasted the treasure of knowledge without greed. His family was full of goods, but he was on the run. He did not know that it was a sin of heaven to violate it, and he felt guilty. It is difficult to do so, so I do not follow this law and impose special punishments in order to punish the greedy and violent people and block the way of invading fishing. However, I used my grandfather's previous economic plan to support my mission and have made great achievements. I remember the meaning of reward and extension. In order to assist the government and be generous, it is advisable to abandon his extreme methods and use them to escape the wilderness. He still has a hundred sticks and wanders in the evil places south of Lingnan. He became the governor-general of the Yangzhou Governor's Office, resisted the stubborn words, and controlled Xu. Hidden filial friends in the dynasty have become old and twilight, and they are especially ruined in mourning. Next year, Zhi was promoted to the governor of Yangzhou again. He took up his post without success. He was reinstated as the minister of Dali, and was granted the title of Jincheng Bo. He replaced Cui Yinfu as the imperial censor. Chaoyin has always had a reputation for being fair and upright. Whenever there is a shortage of imperial censors, they will be discussed and approved. When he was in his position, he had no trouble and only bothered with the details, so his expectations were slightly reduced. Russia transferred to Taichang Qing. In the 21st year, he also judged the affairs of Guangzhou, still photographed the imperial censor, and served as the envoy for reporting and handling of Lingnan. Next year, he died outside the mountains at the age of seventy. He was given the title of Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, the official title was given to Lingyu, and the family members were given to him to return to his hometown. His posthumous title was Zhen.
Pei Piao is a Wenxi person from Jiangzhou. The world is for the surname. Fu Yanzhi, who lived in Yonghui Province, joined the army as a householder in Tongzhou. He was young and had a beautiful appearance. Li Chongyi, the governor of the country, took him lightly at first. First of all, there were hundreds of old cases in the state, and Chongyi urged Yan to settle them. Yan ordered several scribes to put paper and pens together, and they had to break up and complete the cases. They were both beautiful in writing and writing, and they were able to capture and seize them. reason. Chongyi was shocked and said with thanks, "How can I bear to hide my sword and make it a bad husband's mistake!" Because of this, he became famous and was called "Thunderbolt Hand". Later, it was the Yongnian Order, which benefited the government, and officials published poems praising it. He served successively as a doctor in Cangbe, but he died at home due to old illness.
He worked hard and did not seek official advancement for more than ten years. After his father's death, he should be honored with a great ceremony and paid homage to Chen Liu, the chief register, and he was moved to the supervisory censor. At that time, Cui Shi and Zheng Min, the ministers of the Ministry of Personnel, were impeached by the censor Li Shangyin for taking stolen goods, and they were imprisoned together. Princess Anle, Shangguan Zhaorong, Dangshi and others were actually punished by the emperor, which was very popular at the time. He was born in Zhongshushe in the third year of his life.
In the first year of Tai Chi, Ruizhong built temples and temples for Princess Jinxian and Princess Yuzhen. It was a spring drought and wars continued. Shu Shang Shu remonstrated and said: Chen Jingan's "Book of Rites" Spring and Autumn Orders said: If there is no gathering of people, no big battle, no soil work, fear of hindering farming.
If the orders are obeyed and the servants are not on time, the danger of disease and epidemics will be aggravated, and the country will suffer from floods and droughts. These five elements must be responded to. Today, from spring to summer, there is a rainy period, and the servants are worried and don't know what's going on. Although His Majesty issued a decree of mourning and mourning, there are still temples in both cities. This is in response to the drought. Moreover, when the spring order comes, work begins in the east, which is the day when young men are strong and successful, and when civil engineering is in progress, I am afraid that it will cause more obstacles and less benefits, and the farmers will lose their concubines, which will be the source of hunger and cold. Therefore, "Spring and Autumn" states that "there was no rain in the winter of the 31st year of Duke Zhuang", and "Biography of Five Elements" states that "a platform was built at the age of three"; "there was a severe drought in the summer of the 21st year of Duke Xi", and "Biography of Five Elements" states that "it was the time of the year". At the south gate, people work hard." Your Majesty always thinks of all directions, is diligent and diligent in his mission, and protects the country and helps people. If you wish to make a clear system and pronounce the sound of virtue, when you follow the sky, you will look forward to the deputy people. If the public and private construction in the two capitals, as well as the wood and stone in Zhuhe City, please stop, then the people will be very lucky. Farming and mulberry farming are lost, household registrations are dispersed, and looking at the temples and camps, how can it save Li Yuan from hunger and cold!
The sparse memorials are not reported. He was transferred to the Ministry of War as the Minister of War, and he was appointed as the Prince's general secretary.