Song Taizong studied calligraphy, and the result was exquisite calligraphy, which surpassed the times. What is the reason?

When Song Taizong was in power, a man named Wang Zhu learned Wang Xizhi's calligraphy and got its essence. He works as a library assistant in the Hanlin Academy. In addition to dealing with political affairs, the emperor also paid attention to practicing calligraphy. On several occasions, he sent eunuchs to show Wang Zhu his own calligraphy. Every time Wang Zhu said he didn't learn well, Emperor Taizong paid more attention to copying. He asked Wang Zhu with calligraphy, and Wang Zhu's answer was the same as at the beginning. When asked about his intention, Wang Zhu said, "Although it is well written, it is said so soon, and I am afraid that the saints will no longer attach importance to calligraphy." From then on, the emperor's calligraphy was superb, surpassing the ancient times, which was considered as the benefit of Wang Zhu's encouragement.