At this time, the Qin army was defeated. Xiang Yu summoned the generals of the princes' armies. When they entered the camp gate, they all knelt on the ground and did not dare to look up. From then on, Xiang Yu became the top general among the princes, and the princes all obeyed him. At the beginning, Song Yi met Qi envoy Gao Lingjun who appeared in the Chu army. When he saw the king of Chu, he said: "Song Yi said that Wu Xinjun's army will be defeated. After staying for several days, the army was defeated. The army was defeated without fighting. Foreseeing the defeat of the expedition can be said to know the troops." Wang summoned Song Yi to discuss the plan, so he appointed him as the top general, Xiang Yu as Duke of Lu, as the second general, and Fan Zeng as the last general to rescue Zhao. All other generals belong to Song Yi and are called Qing Zi Champion. Travel to Anyang and stay for forty-six days without entering. Xiang Yu said: "I heard that the Qin army besieged the King of Zhao with a huge deer, and quickly led his troops across the river. Chu attacked the outside, and Zhao responded within, and the Qin army was bound to be defeated." Song Yi said, "No. The man's spear of fighting the ox cannot break the lice." Now Qin is attacking Zhao. If they win, they will stop and I will take over. If they fail to win, I will lead the army to the west and lead Qin. Therefore, it is better to fight against Qin and Zhao first. The policy is not as good as justice." Because he ordered the army to say: "Anyone as fierce as a tiger, as strong as a sheep, as greedy as a wolf, and too strong to be killed will be killed." So he sent his son Song Xiang to join him and send him to Wuyan. Drinking high party. It was cold and raining heavily, and the soldiers were freezing and hungry. Xiang Yu said: "The general will attack Qin with all his strength, but he will not be able to stay for a long time. This year, the people are hungry and poor, and the soldiers eat taro and rice. The army has no food, so they drink and have a party. They do not lead the troops across the river because Zhao is eating, and they attack Qin together with Zhao, so he said, ' If you take advantage of the strength of Qin and attack the newly created Zhao, then Zhao will be strong and Qin will be strong. How can I inherit the country's troops? The safety of the country depends on this action. If you do not care about the soldiers and favor your own interests, you are not a minister of the country. "Xiang Yuchen killed Song Yi's head in his tent and sent an order to the army: "Song Yi and Qi are plotting against Chu. , King Chu secretly ordered Yu to kill him. "At that time, all the generals were frightened and no one dared to branch out. They all said: "The first person to establish Chu is the general's family. Now the general will punish the chaos." Nai Xiang and Li Yu established themselves as false generals. Send people to chase Song Yizi, get together and kill him. He sent Huan Chu to report his fate to King Huai. King Huai made Xiang Yu the general, and both Dangyang Jun and General Pu belonged to Xiang Yu.
Xiang Yu has killed the champion of Qingzi, which shocked the Chu country and became famous among the princes. He then sent Lord Dangyang and General Pu to cross the river with 20,000 soldiers to rescue the giant deer. The battle was less profitable, and Chen Yu asked for troops again. Xiang Yu then led his troops across the river, but all the ships were sunk, the cauldrons and steamers were broken, and the huts were burned. He took three days' worth of food to show that the soldiers would die and none of them would return the favor. So when they arrived, they surrounded Wangli, met the Qin army, fought nine times, cut off the corridor, defeated it, killed Su Jiao and captured Wangli. She Xian refused to surrender to Chu and burned himself to death. At that time, the army of Chu was more powerful than the other princes. The troops of the princes were more than ten meters away from rescuing the giant deer, but no one dared to send troops. When Chu attacked Qin, all the generals watched from the wall. The soldiers of Chu were all equal to ten, and the shouts of the soldiers of Chu moved the heavens, and the armies of the princes were all terrified. So having defeated the Qin army, Xiang Yu summoned all the princes and generals to enter the camp gate. They all walked forward on their knees, and no one dared to look up. From then on, Xiang Yu became the general of the princes, and all the princes belonged to Yan.