"Lantau Island, flat hills." In Gu Zhong, the word "Yu" has been well explained. It means the island next to the word mountain. Therefore, from the word meaning analysis, the five elements of the word "jade" belong to soil, and if it is named, it can make up for the baby's defect of using God as soil or lacking soil.
At the same time, the words used in the names are also beautifully explained, implying that the baby is broad-minded and kind to others, which can lay a good foundation for the fortune of popularity and future career development, thus having a smooth and healthy life. Gentle and honest temperament, but with confidence. A simple letter means honesty, gentleness and sincerity. Earth, the four seasons are prosperous, and the four seasons end.
Naming precautions
To avoid vulgar names, it is easy to bring inferiority to children in future social interaction. Don't use uncommon words and don't know how to explain people's image. Generally speaking, most people whose names contain uncommon words are withdrawn, introverted and unsociable. When naming a name, the pronunciation should be easy to read, easy to remember and catchy, which can give people a feeling of frankness.
In addition, when naming names, we should avoid some bad homophones and balance them. In mathematics, odd numbers are yang and even numbers are yin. Solitary yin is not born, solitary yang is not born, so pure yin or pure yang should be avoided when naming, and odd and even strokes should be reasonably matched. The best combination is parity, followed by parity.