Proverbs of my love

those who are divorced from others seek their wishes alone,

and resent all true wisdom.

fools don't like to be wise,

they just like to show their minds.

when the wicked come, contempt will follow;

shame comes with abuse.

words in the population are like deep water;

the fountain of wisdom is like a flowing river.

show partiality to the wicked, and

judge the case of the righteous, which are all bad.

A fool opens his mouth to start a dispute, and

opens his mouth to whip.

a fool's mouth brings his own destruction;

his mouth is the snare of his life.

the tongue talker's words are like delicious food,

which goes deep into people's hearts.

those who are slack in their work

are brothers with wasters.

... the wealth of a rich man is his strong city,

in his mind, it is like a high wall.

before corruption, people are proud;

before honor, there is humility.

If you answer before listening,

it is his ignorance and humiliation.

people have diseases, and their hearts can tolerate them;

who can bear the sadness of heart?

the experience and knowledge of smart people;

the ears of the wise seek knowledge.

People's gifts open the way for him, and

lead him to high people.

it seems reasonable to complain about the reasons first;

but when the neighbors came, they found out the truth.

Drawing lots can stop the competition, and

it can also dissolve the strong winners.

it is more difficult for a brother to make an enemy and persuade him to make up, than to take a fortified city;

this kind of competition is like the bolt of a fortress.

the fruit of the population will fill the belly;

what comes out of his mouth will satisfy him.

Life and death are under the power of the tongue.

Whoever loves it will eat its fruit.

..... poor people say pleading words;

the rich man replied with threats.

those who make friends promiscuously invite their own destruction;

but there is a friend who is closer than a brother.

(Proverbs 18:1-9,11-21,23-24 and KJV)