(1) Wang Jin Gong De Grande, Jin Yan, which means King. Only Ruan Ji was sitting, singing loudly and quietly.
Note (1) King Wen of Jin: Si Mazhao was the Duke of Jin, later the King of Jin, and died as King Wen. When Ruan Ji was alive, he was just a male. Seats: Seats, here means full of people.
King Wen of Jin has made outstanding contributions and deep kindness. All the guests are serious and solemn in front of him, and compare him to the king. Only Ruan Ji sat on his seat with his legs crossed, whistling and singing. Drinking and indulging, not changing the normal state.
(2) He is a weak champion. When Liu Gongrong was sitting, Ruan said to the king, "There are two glasses of wine occasionally, so when you drink with the monarch, the people respected by him have no foresight." Two people treat dinner parties, Gong Rong can't have a drink; When it comes to drama, three people are the same. Or ask, answer it; "People who win public honor must drink; Those who are lower than public honor must drink alcohol; Wei Gongrong has nothing to do with drinking. "
Note (1) Hand in hand: toast each other. Wine glasses. Reward: host and guest toast each other. (2) The sentence "Win public honor": It is a joke to borrow Liu Gongrong's words.
When Wang Rong visited Ruan Ji in his youth, Liu Gongrong was there. Ruan Ji said to Wang Rong, "There are just two barrels of good wine that should be drunk with you. Gong Rong should not join. " The two frequently raised their glasses and toasted each other, but Liu Gongrong never had a cup; But the three of them talked and laughed as usual. Someone asked Ruan Ji why he did this, and Ruan Ji replied: "I can't help drinking with people who are better than Gong Rong;" People who can't compare with Gongrong can't help drinking with him; Only Gong Rong can't drink with him. "
(3) Zhong Shiqi is brilliant, but he doesn't know Sui Kangxian; The clock should be in the hands of virtuous and handsome people, and everyone should seek health.
Kang Fang forged under the big tree, and the stage for the children was the auxiliary drum row. Yang Kang kept hammering, and when he moved, he didn't say a word. When the bell rang, Kang said, "What did you hear? What did you see? " Zhong said, "I heard the sound and went away."
Note (1) Zhong Shiqi: Zhong Hui was met with a cold shoulder when he visited Ji Kang. Later, he used this as an excuse to frame Ji Kang in front of Si Mazhao, and Ji Kang was finally killed. ② Row: bellows.
Zhong Shiqi is so talented that he never knew Ji Kang before. He invited some people with outstanding talents and virtues to visit Ji Kang. I met Ji Kang, who was striking the iron under the big tree, pulling the bellows at Zizi. Ji Kang continued to wave the hammer, without stopping, and no one was watching. After a while, he didn't say a word to Zhong Shiqi. Zhong Shiqi got up to leave, and Ji Kang asked him, "What did you hear? What did you see before you left? " Zhong Shiqi said, "I didn't come until I heard it. I left until I saw it."
(4) Ji Kang and Lu Anshan, each lovesick, thousands of miles away. Later, when Kang was away, he liked to postpone going out, so he posted the word "Feng" on the door and left. If only I didn't feel it. Pretending to be a phoenix, every bird is also.
Note 1 Sentence: Biography of Jin Shu Ji Kang: "Dongping Lu 'an is well-served, and every homesickness drives thousands of miles. 2. Xi, Ji Kang's younger brother, Yangzhou secretariat. Delay: welcome; Inviting phoenix: The traditional Chinese character "phoenix" consists of two characters: fan and bird. Every bird is a metaphor for ordinary people. Press: Lu An, like Ji, looks down on the powerful and the common people, so he uses this word to express his contempt.
Ji Kang and Lu An are very friendly. Every time I miss each other, even if I am thousands of miles apart, I will set out to meet you at once. Later, when Lu An arrived, Ji Kang was not at home and Ji went out to invite him in. Liu An refused, only wrote a word "Feng" on the door and left. Ji Xi didn't wake up, so she was happy. So the word Phoenix is written because it becomes an ordinary bird when it is separated.
(5) When Liu Chu entered Luo, he asked Zhang, and Liu Dao was really one of them. In the past, Shang Liu mourned, and he was addicted to alcohol. After the ceremony, he didn't say anything at first, but asked, "Wu Dong has a long-handled gourd. Did you plant it? " Brother Lu was extremely disappointed, but he regretted it.
Note 1 Lu: Lu Ji, a Chinese character, was born in Wu and entered Jin after his death. See note 26 of the speech. Zhang Gong: Zhang Hua. He is well-read and respected, and is highly valued by Lu Ji brothers. Liu Daozhen: See Article 22 of Virtue. (2) The sentence of "The Past of Lu": Liu Daozhen was still addicted to alcohol during the mourning period, which was a sign of disobedience. During the Wei and Jin Dynasties, celebrating birthdays was not considered a simple act, but the Lu brothers from the Wu family still could not agree with this trend. 3 Wu Dong: Wu State in the Three Kingdoms, known as Wu Dong in the world; Wu also called. Gourd: Same as "Gourd".
When he first arrived in Luoyang, Kyoto, he asked Zhang Hua who he should visit. Zhang Hua thought that one of them was Liu Daozhen. When the Lushi brothers visited, Liu Daozhen was still in mourning and was fond of drinking. After the greeting ceremony, he didn't talk about anything else, but asked, "There is a gourd with a long handle in Soochow. Did you bring the seeds? " The Lujia brothers were particularly disappointed and regretted going.
(6) In Jingzhou, Solo, Wang Taiwei sent sages to the road. There are big trees in the yard and magpies on the ground. When Ping Zi undressed, he picked the magpie seeds from the trees on the path, covered himself with branches, and then left. When you get the magpie, you still get it. You look as calm as a cucumber.
Note 1 Wang: Wang Cheng is Wang Yan's younger brother. Life is bohemian, drinking day and night, and being poor and happy. Tilting the road: refers to the full road, which means going all out. 2 cool clothes: undershirts; Underwear. Detention: hanging; Take the bait.
Wang is about to be transferred to Jingzhou as a secretariat, and He Yan and contemporary celebrities have come to see him off. At that time, there was a big tree in the yard with a magpie nest on it. Wang took off his coat and headscarf, simply climbed up the tree and dug up the little magpie, and then took off his undershirt when it caught the branch. I found the little magpie, came down from the tree and continued to play with it, pretending that no one was watching.
(7) Sit high on the road, and sit on the side of the Prime Minister. When he met Bian Ling, he turned pale with fear and said, "He is a polite man."
Note ① Sit high: For the name of the monk, see Note ① of Article 39 of the Speech. But lie down: lie on your back.
A supine monk often lies beside Wang Dao when he is a guest at the home of Prime Minister Wang Dao. When he met the edge of Shangshu, he looked respectful and dignified and said, "He is a man who pays attention to etiquette."
(8) When Huan Xuan was in Xuzhou, Xie Yi was in Jinling, and there was no abnormality. Huan moved his capital to Jingzhou, and when he moved westward, he was very angry and suspicious. Only Wang's wife, Tiger, understands his purpose. Every time he said, "The purpose of Huan Jingzhou is very different, and it must be west of Jinling." I will lead the game to Sima. In the game, I still pushed the cloth, sat warm and screamed on the shore. There is no abnormal day. Every time Xuanwu said, "Our foreign Sima." Therefore, because of wine, there is no day and night ceremony. Round off, easy to go back and forth. Warm up after the game is drunk and avoid it. The Lord said, "You don't have a crazy horse, how can I meet you!" "
Note 1 Modesty: Modesty and concession. 2 Xie: Xie Zhi, the word, Xie Yi's brother.
③ Up: Jingzhou is located in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River, so entering Jingzhou in the west is called up. Shoes (zé): Shoes are headscarves that cover the forehead. A shoe is to lift it to show your forehead. This shows a natural and unrestrained manner. (4) "Suiyin" sentence: "Xie Jin Yichuan Book" says: "Every wine is drunk and there is no court ceremony." Refers to indulgence and rudeness due to drinking. Morning ceremony, morning and evening etiquette. ⑤ Lord: Daokang princess royal, daughter of Emperor Jin Yuan and wife of Huan Wen. "Xie Jin Yichuan Book" said that Xie Yi "wanted to force a warm drink, and Wen Wen went out of Nankang to avoid it."
Huan Wen was appointed as the secretariat of Xuzhou, and Xie Yi was appointed as the prefect of Jinling County, Yangzhou. At first, they paid a little attention to modesty and concession in their communication, but there was no unusual friendship. When he was transferred to Huan Wen and was about to leave for the west, Huan Wen had a deep affection for Xie Yi, and Xie Yi didn't have any speculation. Only the intention of Xie's wife, Wang Mingbai and Huan Wen, often said, "There is a special intention to visit Jingzhou, so we must go west with Jinling." Xie Yi was soon appointed as Sima. After Xie Yi arrived in Jingzhou, she also paid great attention to getting long-term friendship from Huan Wen. She visited Huan Wen, casually wore a headscarf and whistled and sang songs, which was no different in peacetime. Huan Wen often said: "It's my foreign Sima." Xie Yi finally violated the etiquette of meeting his superiors because of his good drinking. If Huan Wen didn't take him into the back room, Xie Yi always followed. Later, when Xie Yi got drunk, Huan Wen went to the princess to avoid him. The princess said, "If you don't have a dissolute Sima, how can I meet you!" " "
(9) Xie Wan wants to ask for the toilet in front of his brother. Ruan Sikuang sat down and said, "I'm new here, but I'm rude."
Xie Wan: Xie Wan's brothers are Xie Yi and Xie An. ② New Portal: Xie Jia was a famous family in the Jin Dynasty, but it didn't rise for a long time, so Ruan Sihuang said it was a new portal, which meant contempt. Portal: family status.
In front of his brother, Xie Wan wanted to get up and look for the urinal. At that time, Ruan No.4 Mine was present and said, "The new home is very rude."
(10) Xie Zhonglang, the son-in-law of Wang Lantian, tasted white silk and went to Yangzhou to listen to Wang ①. He bluntly said, "People say you are stupid, but you believe you are stupid." Lantian said, "There is no such thing, but it is too late." Note (1) Xie Zhonglang: Xie Wan used to be Jun Fu, who was engaged in Zhonglang, and he liked to show off himself and was arrogant and rude. Wang Lantian: Wang Shu, quiet and quiet, became famous at the age of 30. Some people think he is stupid. Later it became the secretariat of Yangzhou. Guān: A scarf made of ribbon. Shoulder: sedan chair. Listen: the lobby of the government office. 2 Late sequence: refers to becoming famous late. Order refers to a good reputation. Wang Shu was unknown when he was young, but he was praised by Wang Dao and others, so he gradually became famous, so he came from behind.
Xie Wan, the son-in-law of Uncle Wang of Lantian, once wore a white headscarf and went straight to see Uncle Wang in the lobby of Yangzhou House in a sedan chair. He said bluntly, "People say adults are stupid, but in fact adults are really stupid." Wang said: "It's not that there is no such discussion, just because it's late to become famous."
(1 1) Wang Ziyou joined the army and became a chariot rider. Huan asked, "What is your purpose?" Answer: "I don't know what the plan is, but I see a horse. It seems to be Ma Su." Huan asked again, "How many horses does the official have?" Answer: "How do you know the number of a horse if you don't ask it?" He asked again, "How much did Mabey die?" A: "If you don't know life, how can you know death?"
Note 1 Wang Ziyou: Wang Huizhi, a cunning word, acts strangely and pretends to be detached. Huan Chong once urged to handle official business. See article 13 below. ② Manger: Cao is an official department that handles affairs in different branches. At that time, there was no Ma Su, and Wang Ziyou deliberately described him as Ma Su to show his detachment and disregard for worldly affairs. ③ Mo Wen Ma: This is quoted from The Analects of Confucius Rural Party. It turned out that Confucius' stable was on fire, and Confucius only asked if anyone was injured. "Don't ask the horse." (Not asking the horse. ) 4 ratio: ratio; Recently. ⑤ "Unknown" Sentence: This is quoted from Advanced Articles of The Analects of Confucius. A student of Confucius, Luz, asked Confucius about death. Confucius replied, "How can you know death if you don't know your own life?" If you don't know the truth of life, how can you know death? Wang Ziyou didn't mean to be here.
Wang Ziyou was a cavalry general in Huan Chong when he joined the army. Huan Chong once asked him, "Which office do you work in?" He replied, "I don't know what the official office is, but I often see a horse coming in, which seems to be Ma Su." Huan Chong asked again, "How many soldiers and horses are there in the imperial court?" He replied, "How can you know if you don't ask the number of horses?" Huan Chong asked, "How many horses have died recently?" He replied, "If the living don't know, how can they know the dead!"
(12) Xie Gong wants to go west with Xie Wan and cross Wu Jun. A Wan wants to squeeze Wang Tianxu from him. The teacher said, "I'm afraid I don't have to pay you back." I am not satisfied. " Ten thousand people are still suffering, a teacher can't go back, and ten thousand people are lonely. When sitting less, Wang came in and was overjoyed, thinking that he was kind to himself. For a long time, I washed my hair and didn't sit down. I'm basking in the bed in the atrium. I'm proud. I won't pay for it. Thank you, so I returned it. Before I got on the boat, I called my teacher back. An said, "Chi doesn't do anything."
Note (1) Westward: refers to going to Kyoto to build health. Xie An and Xie Wan live in Huiji County, east of Jiankang, so they go to Jiankang to call Xixi. Zhao: Yes. Wang Tian: The word Tiger Mite (hereinafter referred to as Achi) is the son of Wang Dao, the prefect of Wu County. His birthday is extravagant and informal. During the Jin Dynasty, the Wangs were gentry and Xie Jia was new for a long time, so the legend looked down on Xie Wan and didn't treat him with courtesy. Reward: coping. 2 no return: it means no change of heart. 3 Still: Yes; Just ... 4 work: manual; Pretend. Reporter: Xie An knows that Wang Tian will not accept Xie Wan. If he knew, he was faking it.
Xie An once went to Kyoto by boat with Xie Wan. When passing Wu Jun, Xie Wan wants to go to Wangtian with Xie An. Teacher Xie An said, "I'm afraid he won't pay attention to you. I don't think it's worth visiting him. " Xie Wan still managed to invite his brother to go, but Xie An insisted on not changing, so Xie Wan had to go alone. After sitting in Wang Tian's house for a while, Wang Tian went in. Xie Wan looked very happy and thought he would be treated with courtesy. After a long time, Wang Tian came out after washing his hair and combing it. Instead of sitting with the guests, he sat on the Mazar in the yard to dry his hair. He looks arrogant and indulgent, and has no intention of entertaining guests at all. Xie Wan had to go back. Before he returned to the boat, he called out to his brother. Xie An said: "Achi will not be affected."
(13) Wang Ziyou joined the army and became a chariot rider. Huan said to Qi Weiwang, "You have been in the imperial court for a long time."
At first, he didn't answer. He straightened up, leaned on his cheek, and copied a sentence in his hand: "The coming of the Western Hills is refreshing."
Note ① Xishan: refers to shouyangshan. Reporter: Here is a story from Boyi and Shu Qi: Zhou Wuwang conquered and occupied the world. Boyi and Shu Qi thought it was heartless, refused to eat Zhou Su and lived in seclusion in shouyangshan. They wrote a song, saying, "Climbing the western hills is dominant." Wang Ziyou used this to show his detached attitude towards the world.
Wang Ziyou joined the army and became a chariot-riding general named Huan Chong. Huan Chong said to him, "You have been in the imperial court for a long time, and you have to deal with government affairs in the near future." Prince You didn't answer, just looked at the distance, propped up his cheek with a hand board and said, "There is a refreshing air in the morning in Xishan."
(14) Xie Wan's Northern Expedition often boasted and never comforted everyone. Xie Gong loves Wan very much, but it doesn't hurt to criticize his failure. He said calmly: "As a marshal, you should call a banquet for the generals to show the people's hearts. "Follow it. Because the general was summoned, he didn't say anything. They pointed to the cloud with wishful thinking: "You are all strong fighters. "The generals are very dissatisfied. Xie Gong should be deeply grateful, and since the leader is under the general, it is all done. And everything is defeated, and the army wants to get rid of it; Fu Yun: "Be a hermit. "Therefore, it is lucky to be exempted.
Note ① Xie Wan's Northern Expedition: See Note ① of Article 55 of Founder for the event of Xie Wan's Northern Expedition. 2 strength pawn: elite soldier. "Zi Tongzhi Jin Jianji" Hu Sansheng notes: "Anyone who strives to be a soldier is afraid of soldiers; Since it is a general, it is called a pawn, so it is beneficial and hateful. " 3 leader: the leader of the first group; Captain. The ancient army was composed of 100 people. 4 Hermit: refers to Xie An. Press: During Xie Wan's northern expedition, Xie An lived in seclusion in Dongshan and never became an official. So I can go with Xie Wan. After Xie Wan was abolished, Xie An became an official.
When Xie Wan led troops to the Northern Expedition, he often whistled and sang songs to show his dignity and never comforted the soldiers. Xie An likes and values Xie Wan very much, but he knows very well that he will fail, so he goes out with him. Xie An calmly said to Xie Wan, "As a coach, you should always invite generals to banquets and parties to make everyone happy." Xie Wan agreed. So he called all the generals, but he said nothing. He just pointed to the room full of wishful thinking and said, "You are all good soldiers." All the generals hate him even more. Xie An hopes to be more cordial and trusting to all generals. From the captain to the general, they all visited in person, very modest and sincere. After the failure of the Northern Expedition to Xie Wan, the army took the opportunity to get rid of Xie Wan; Later, he said, "You should think of hermits." So Xie Wanneng narrowly escaped death.
(15) When our brothers saw the palace, they tiptoed around asking questions and even practicing the ceremony of being born outside. Moreover, when the guests died, they all wore high-top shoes and looked contemptuous. Sit down; Quan Yun said, "I have something to do, so I can't sit down." When I went, I said generously: "Let the guests not die, and the mouse will dare!" !
Note 1 Wang Zijing sentence: namely, Wang Xianzhi is Yun's nephew and has been living in seclusion with his brother-in-law Wang Xizhi; Later, Xu and Yanzhou secretariat were transferred to Huiji Literature and History. Life span is very short. Treep: Wearing shoes shows respect. Exogenous: nephew. ② Guest: Chi Chao, son of Xi. He won the trust of Huan Wen, the general of the Western Expedition, and his weight was at that time. Reporter: He respects the guests, so he respects Xi. When the guest died, he was proud of his noble family and left him in the cold.
When Wang Zijing and his brothers go to see Xi, they should wear good shoes to meet them and observe their nephew's manners. After Xi's guests died, they all wore high-soled wooden shoes when they went to see Xi, and their attitude was contemptuous. Xixi asked them to sit down and said, "I have work to do and I don't have time to sit down." After they left, they all said with emotion, "How dare the mouse!" "
(16) Wang Ziyou tasted Wuzhong and saw that a scholar-bureaucrat had good bamboo. The Lord knows what to do, but he is sweeping and setting, listening to things and treating each other. The king's shoulders were built under bamboo, and he sneered for a long time. The Lord was disappointed, but he still wanted to pass, so he wanted to go out. The host couldn't bear it anymore, so he closed the door and denied it. The king even rewarded his master with this, but he stayed and left happily.
Wang Ziyou once went to other places and passed by Wuzhong, knowing that a scholar-bureaucrat had a good bamboo garden. The owner of the bamboo garden knew Wang Ziyou was going, so he cleaned and decorated and sat in the hall waiting for him. However, Wang Ziyou sat in the sedan chair until he came to the bamboo forest. He has been chanting for a long time. His master was disappointed. He also hoped that someone would inform him when he came back, but he kept going out. The master couldn't stand it, so he told his men to close the door and not let him go out. Wang Ziyou appreciated his master more, so he stayed and sat down and had a good time before he left.
(17) I learned from Wu that there is a famous garden in Bijiang, but I don't know its owner, so I went to its home first. The value of gathering guests and friends in ancient times is that when Wang's trip is over, he likes and dislikes and no one looks at it. Gu was furious and said, "Your lordship is rude; This is not a way to be proud of yourself. Losing these two is not enough for his ears! " And drive it around. The king is alone on the map, turning around and looking around, but it's not time to move left and right yet. And send it outside the door. I despise it.
Note 1 Gu Bijiang: Wu Jun, the garden pond is full of nymphs, ranking first in Wuzhong. Yan Yan: Pass the "banquet". Direction: the same as "command" and direction. (3) Lun: Wu people call Zhongzhou people awkward and contemptuous.
Wang Zijing passed by Wuxian from Huiji County, and heard that there is a famous garden in Gubijiang. He didn't know the owner of this famous garden at first, but went directly to someone else's house. When I met Gu Bijiang, I was having a banquet with guests and friends, but after Wang Zijing visited the garden, he only pointed out the advantages and disadvantages there, and there was no one there. Gu Bijiang's face changed with anger, and he couldn't bear it. He said: "Arrogant and rude to the host; It is unreasonable to think highly of others by virtue of their status. Without these two aspects, such people are not worth mentioning! " He drove his entourage out of the door. Wang Zijing was sitting alone in a sedan chair, looking around. His entourage hadn't come for a long time. Then Gu Bijiang asked someone to send him to the door, but he was indifferent and ignored him.
(18) Wei Wu will meet Xiongnu, and Wei Wu will meet Xiongnu. Since he is ugly, he is not far from the country. Let Cui take his place and the emperor make his own bed. After that, the spy asked, "Where's Wang Wei?" The Xiongnu messenger replied: "Wang Wei is very elegant; However, grabbing a knife by the bed is a hero. " Wei Wu heard about it and came to the envoy.
Cao Cao, Emperor Wu of Wei, wants to meet the Xiongnu emissary. He thought his appearance was not good enough to impress distant countries, so he ordered Twiggy to dress up as himself to receive them, while Emperor Wu stood beside his seat with a knife. After the interview, he ordered the spy to ask the envoy from Xiongnu: "Where is Wang Wei?" The Xiongnu messenger replied: "Wang Wei is elegant and extraordinary; But the man standing next to the seat with a knife is a hero. " When Cao Cao heard about it, he sent someone to chase it and killed the messenger.
Travel notes of Shide Xishan banquet
liu zongyuan
I am a murderer, living in a state, always on tenterhooks. If there is a gap, it will be a long journey. Instead of climbing mountains and mountains, entering deep forests and poor streams; Deep springs and strange rocks are far away. When you arrive, you will sit under the grass and get drunk. When you are drunk, you will lie down and dream. The meaning is extreme and the dream is very interesting. Get up, get up, come back. I thought all the mountains in the state had different states, so did I, but I didn't know the strangeness of the Western Hills.
On September 28 this year, I started pointing fingers because I was sitting in Fahua West Pavilion watching the Western Hills. Then he ordered his servants to cross the Xiangjiang River, where the stream was dyed, hazel fields were burning, and the poor mountains were high. Crawling and crawling, squatting and roaming, and then the soil of several States is padded below. Its struggle is bleak, if it is like a cave, it is thousands of miles in size, and it can't be hidden. It is dazzling blue and looks like the sky outside. Then I knew it was a unique mountain, unlike Pei * (tulou). It is leisurely and suffocating, but it is not enough; Travel with the creator without knowing his poverty. When I'm drunk, I'm drunk. I don't know the day, it's pale dusk. I came from far away and saw nothing, but I still don't want to come back. The mind is condensed and released, blending with everything. Then I know I haven't started swimming yet. I have already started swimming, so I am writing for it.
It's won and four years.
Ever since I became a disgraced person and lived in this state, I have been afraid. During that spare time, I walked slowly and traveled aimlessly. Go up the mountain with colleagues and friends every day, walk into the depths of the forest and walk through the winding streams. Where there are deep springs and strange rocks, no matter how far away, nothing is impossible; As soon as I arrived, I opened the thatch and sat down, pouring out the wine in the pot and getting drunk; Sleep on each other's pillows when you are drunk. Dream when you are asleep, and dream wherever you want. Get up when you wake up and go home when you get up. I thought that the mountains and rivers in this state have all kinds of strange postures, which I own and appreciate, but I never knew the strangeness and uniqueness of the Western Hills.
On September 28th this year, I started to point out the West Mountain and praised its strangeness because I was sitting in Fahua West Pavilion. So he ordered his servants to cross the Xiangjiang River, cut down the overgrown vegetation along the dyed stream and burn the dense thatch until they stopped at the height of the mountain. Then, we climbed the mountain, stretched our legs and sat down to see the scenery. I saw all the land in several states under our mat. Their height: the peaks are towering, the valleys are sinking, some are like small mounds, and some are like caves; The scenery thousands of miles away is close at hand, and all kinds of scenery are gathered together, and no one can escape or hide from sight; Green hills and white water are intertwined, and the scenery outside the field of vision is connected with the high sky, and it is the same when you look around. Then I know that this mountain stands tall, unlike a hill. The mind and the atmosphere between heaven and earth are interminably integrated, and no one knows their boundaries; Boundless, playing with nature, I don't know their end. Pick up the glass and fill it up. I was too drunk to know that the sun had set. The dim dusk came from a distance. I can't see anything when I come, but I don't want to go home yet. The mind is frozen, the body is dissipated, and it is secretly integrated with everything. Then I realized that my previous tour was not a tour, and the real tour only started this time. So I wrote an article for this trip as an account.
This year is Yuanhe four years.