Since ancient times, China has been known as a land of etiquette. In the vastness of China, etiquette comes first, benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, and trust are the ancient sages’ ways followed by the descendants of the Yan and Huang Dynasties. As the foundation of interpersonal communication, etiquette has been followed through the changes of history to this day.
We believe that etiquette is less important than affection. The gift is not too many, but it depends on whether the person giving the gift is sincere, and whether the person giving the gift understands the world and is reasonable, and whether he can give gifts. It’s not surprising that many people pay attention to etiquette. Gifts are indispensable during festivals, when meeting people, and when entrusting people with errands.
It can be said that gift-giving is also a social science, and there is a lot of detail in it, including what to give, who to give it to, and how to give it. If you don’t think carefully about it, gift-giving may not be effective, and it may even be counterproductive. There are many situations where people are offended if the gift is not given.
So in the workplace, how much do you know about the taboos of giving gifts? Today happens to be the eve of National Day, let’s talk about gift giving. 1. Choose gifts according to your taste
During the Mid-Autumn Festival, moon cakes are a must, but if everyone sends moon cakes, it would be perfunctory to only send moon cakes without anything else. We need to think about what else to give besides moon cakes that is more differentiated and can impress the leaders on you.
First of all, we can find out the leader’s hobbies through our daily understanding of them, and proactively provide gifts related to his hobbies. For example, if the leader likes to drink tea, we can give him some tea leaves, tea sets and the like.
Secondly, if your leader has no hobbies, or you can’t afford to give him hobbies (sports cars, etc.), then we can choose some "high-end" gifts, such as calligraphy, calligraphy and painting, etc. Red wine, etc., not only shows that they are attentive, but also good at handling. 2. Don’t give gifts to leaders who don’t like giving gifts
The old leader retired and a new leader came. Because the relationship with the old leader was not good, Old C wanted to take this opportunity to get on board with the new leader. So I found an opportunity and went to the new leader's home with gifts.
As a result, the new leader was very angry, drove Old C out, and even scolded Old C. This was not over yet. At the subsequent staff meeting, the new leader used this matter as a negative example and even criticized Old C by name on the spot.
Old C felt that he could no longer work in this company, so he resigned. In the workplace, it is very taboo to flatter someone in the right way. It is true that there are some people who are unsophisticated and very upright.
It can also be said that this kind of leader cherishes his feathers very much. If you encounter such a leader and still give gifts knowing that he is not a person who accepts gifts, then you are committing suicide.
At this time, the best way is to do your job properly. 3. The most important thing when giving gifts to customers is to have highlights
If they can be bought everywhere and everyone gives the same gift, how can it reflect the company's concern and intention for customers?
When giving customers, the first choice is to give exclusive gifts customized by the company, such as calendars with company logos and blessings, porcelain, food sets, and collectible artworks, etc.
These gifts will make customers feel that you are attentive and have good taste. The most important thing is that the company's customized gifts effectively export the corporate culture. Coupled with careful design, they can establish a good company image and enhance its reputation. Confidence in cooperation.
What if the company does not have customized gifts?