From this, I thought I grew up in Wang and Xie's family and lived a luxurious life. Today, I got this kind of retribution: taking bamboo hat as the head and sandals as the heel to compare with the gorgeous crown and shoes I enjoyed before; Take clothes as retribution for wearing fur and linen as retribution for taking gingerbread, compared with the previous light and warm clothes; Taking bean leaves as the retribution for eating meat and coarse grains as the retribution for polished rice, the habit is opposite to the previous food; Praise grass as a warm mattress and stone as a soft pillow, as opposed to gentle things; Take the rope pivot as the retribution of the superior household pivot and the urn as the retribution of the bright window, which is used to dry Gao Shuang's bedroom; Smoke is the retribution of the eyes, and dung odor is the retribution of the nose, which is used to enjoy the fragrance instead of the previous enjoyment; Trekking is retribution for feet, carrying bags is retribution for shoulders, and it was opposite to the former sedan chair servants. All kinds of crimes in the past can be seen in all kinds of results today.
Hearing the crowing of the chickens on the pillow, the pure and quiet mood has just recovered. Therefore, when I look back on my life, my prosperity disappears in the blink of an eye. For fifty years, it has been just a dream. Now that the pipe is cooked and the car is back from the nest, how should we spend the day? I can only remember the distant past, write it down as soon as I remember it, and take it to the Buddha to confess. What is written is not in chronological order, so it is different from the chronology; Nor are they arranged by category to distinguish them from branch forests. Occasionally, I will take out one to have a look, as if I have been to a place I have been before and met an old friend. Although the castle is still there and no one is there, I am very happy alone. I'm such an idiot that I never dreamed of.
There used to be a porter in Xiling who picked out wine for people. He accidentally fell and broke the jar. It is estimated that there is no compensation, so I sat for a long time and thought, "just dream!" " Another poor scholar has passed the juren examination and is attending a banquet in Ming Road. Suddenly, thinking it was not true, he bit his arm and said, "Stop dreaming!" " "The same is true of dreams. One is afraid that it is not a dream, and the other is even a dream, but they are just like idiots. I'm about to wake up from my big dream now, but I'm still playing tricks. This is talking in my sleep again. Therefore, it is difficult to change the reputation of a scholar who sighs with wisdom, just like when the dream of Handan was coming to an end and the dawn was coming, Lu Sheng wanted to spread the calligraphy of the two kings on his couch to future generations. Therefore, its name root is as strong as a relic, and it can't be burned even if it is robbed and burned.