Reading notes|PDCA work technique

Once the project has a plan, it also clarifies the plan. During the project implementation process, it only focuses on one thing - to implement the plan effectively so that the KPI and KGI can be finally achieved. Require.

In order to implement it effectively and in an orderly manner, there are five tasks to be carried out in the implementation stage

For multiple action measures to support the development of a plan, first of all, a logical sequence of time must be used to sort. Matters that can be carried out in parallel must still be sorted according to the principle of plan, and sorted from three aspects: impact, time spent and difficulty of participation.

KDI is different from KPI. It is more of an indicator to measure progress and procedures. For example, the KPI for reading a book may be how many chapters or pages are read.

The main thing is to be able to take action immediately, freeing the brain during the process, and no longer need to think about how to carry out, but only use the brain to concentrate on doing it.

For individuals, these TODOs can be directly included in your schedule or checklist APP. For team projects, run the 6W3H method to make everyone's actions concrete and clear to prevent ambiguity.

6W3H method: WHO (who), ·WHOM (to whom), ·WHEN (when), ·WHERE (where)

·WHAT (what to do), · WHY (why), HOW (how), HOW MANY (how many), HOW MUCH (to what extent)

Confirmation of the implementation of specific task "TODO" must be carried out during the implementation stage. Because at the level of specific actions, it is basically completed on a specific day. The specific actions of a day must be confirmed every day whether they are completed and to what extent. Just check each box on the TODO list. Incorporate project promotion into daily management.