Wang Xizhi was a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, with few words and a broad mind. He was good at calligraphy when he was seven years old. At the age of twelve, he saw the book Pen Shuo under his father's pillow and stole it. When his father found it, he asked him. He replied: I want to learn calligraphy so that I can stand on the world when I grow up. Father was very happy after hearing this, so he gave him the book Pen Shuo. In less than a month, Wang Xizhi's calligraphy has made great progress.
Wang Xizhi used to write cursive script on the board, but the carpenter didn't know his handwriting, so he cut it out as ordinary characters. Wang Xizhi was so angry that he wrote Huang Tingjing for the carpenter. The carpenter was surprised and realized that he was a great calligrapher.
Once, Wang Xizhi went to visit a friend, who happened to be out. Wang Xizhi wrote a few words on several cases at a friend's house and left. My friend's father came back and saw these words, so he asked his family to find the person who wrote them. When they found Wang Xizhi and asked him to write some more words, Wang Xizhi wrote an article about Le Yi for them. These words are so beautiful that my friend's father wants to keep them as family heirlooms.
Wang Xizhi's calligraphy was highly respected at that time. People praised his calligraphy as a dragon leaping into the sky and a tiger lying in the phoenix, and thought that his calligraphy had reached its peak. His calligraphy style is unique, fluent and natural, giving people beautiful enjoyment. He is also known as the book saint.
Wang Xizhi's classic quotations:
1, the husband is a calligrapher and a mysterious geisha. If it explores mysteries, it is expensive to use a pen, but it can't be used with a brain.
2. Husband's calligraphy is fair and steady. You must use a pen first, and it's wonderful to be restrained, positive and biased, and clear of yin and yang.
3, the word is expensive in specificity, accurate force, clever ink, and exquisite pen.
4. The beauty of calligraphy lies in its vivid charm, both form and spirit, as well as its rich brushwork and peculiar bones.
5, the method of Linchi, expensive pen. If you have a pen, you want it. If you use it, it's easy.
6, the key to the book, care about ups and downs, ups and downs properly, can be called wonderful.
7, the book's coup, the first is to create momentum. Shape is controlled by potential, meaning is expressed by shape, meaning follows shape, and meaning is consistent with shape.
8. A writer should put the meaning first, control the pen with the meaning, and express the way with the pen.
9. The beauty of calligraphy lies in neutralization. If it is too dark, it will hurt beauty and harmony, and that would be too bad.
10, the beauty of the book is that the pen is like a cloud, like running water, without blocking or interrupting, and it is a top grade.
1 1, write words like an eagle hitting the sky, the fish is shallow and natural.
12, the realm of books, intended to cultivate temperament, not expensive appearance.
13, the importance of calligraphy is to penetrate the back of the paper and be consistent.
14, writers should know how to do their best in me, instead of being happy for things or sad for themselves.
15, the book heart is also painted, and the book heart is also painted.