1. Kai, the Chinese character, pinyin is kǎi, "kai" is simplified to "kai". Simplify and save strokes based on ancient calligraphy. From how, from how soon. It is a paradigm to revitalize the army after a victory and revitalize the army, drink wine and eat meat. Table-shaped utensils are used as examples. How, how many two paradigms are superimposed. The victory of the army and the return of troops to revitalize the brigade and Leyiji drink wine and eat meat are the paradigm of Kai.
2. Triumph [kǎixuán] return after winning a battle.
3. Victory song [kǎigē] is a song sung when victory is achieved, singing victory.
4. Kaiyan [kǎiyàn] a happy banquet.
5. Kaidi [kǎidì] is also called "Kaiti". And happy appearance.
6. Yankai [yǎnkǎi] happy appearance.