Adobe Certified Artificial Intelligence Test Database and Answers (5)

Adobe certified artificial intelligence question bank and answer

A. intersection

B. Alliance

C. Migration path

D. hollowing out

Answer: c

14. The path finder * * * provides various path operations.

A.4 types

B.8 kinds

C. 10 species

D. 12 species

Answer: c

15. After executing the split command in the path finder, the following description is correct:

A. The filling color of the overlapping part becomes the circular filling color at the back.

D The fill color of the overlapping part is the mixed color of the original two circular fill colors.

C The edge color of the overlapping part is the same as the edge color of the previous circle.

D the edge color of the overlapping part is the same as the edge color of the circle behind.

Answer: c

Graphic color filling and artistic effect processing

[Typical test questions]

1. The following description about the use of the brush tool is incorrect:

A. When the brush tool is selected to draw a path, a small X will be displayed in the lower right corner of the brush tool, indicating that any path is being drawn.

B In the preset dialog box of the brush tool, the greater the fidelity value, the fewer the nodes on the drawn curve, and the smaller the value, the more the nodes on the drawn curve.

C. In the preset dialog box of the brush tool, the greater the smoothness value, the greater the difference between the drawn curve and the moving direction of the brush, and the smaller the value, the smaller the difference between the drawn curve and the moving direction of the brush.

D. In the preset dialog box of brush tool, if the option of filling new brush strokes is selected, the newly generated open path with brush will be filled with color.

A: A.

2. The following description about brushes is correct:

A there are four brush types in A.Illustrator: calligraphy brush, scattering brush, artistic brush and pattern brush (a).

B before creating a new scattered brush, you must select a graphic on the page, which can include paths with brush effect, gradient color and gradient grid.

C. Before creating a line effect brush, there must be a selected graphic on the work page, and this graphic does not contain the path set by using the brush.

D. In the dialog box of the pattern brush, there are five small boxes under the name column, representing five patterns from left to right.

In turn: pattern periphery, inner corner, outer corner, beginning and end.

Answer: a, d

3. The following description about the stroke palette is incorrect:

A. On the stroke palette, there are three options behind the Cap: the first is ButtCap, the second is Round Cap, and the third is RectanSleCap.

The width of the path can be changed at will on the stroke panel.

There is an option called DashedLine under the C Stroke Palette, and there are six number input boxes below.

D in the stroke palette, there is an option called miter limit to control the miter angle, which can only be set when miter connection is used after connection.

A: A.

4. You can use the paint bucket tool and the straw tool to modify the color of the graphic. Which of the following statements is correct:

The eyedropper tool can copy the color of one object to other objects.

You can use the eyedropper tool to copy the color of any object in the Illustrator file.

C. PaintbucketTool is used in the same way as the paint bucket tool in AdobePhotoshop.

The tolerance value should be determined first.

The paint bucket tool cannot copy the color of one object to other objects.

Answer: a, b

5. The following descriptions of gradient colors are incorrect:

The defined gradient can be directly dragged into the swatch panel for easy access at any time.

B you can control the composition ratio of gradient colors by moving the diamond on the gradient palette.

The software default diamond position is located in the middle of two colors, that is, the colors are evenly mixed.

C. The color change of the color slider on the gradient palette is realized by color. Color can be CMYK mode.

RGB mode color or any spot color.

D. Gradient refers to a color filling method formed by mixing two or more colors. It can be used not only for graphics.

Partial filling can also be used for sideline filling.

Answer: d

6. The use of gradient tool:

The gradient tool can not only change the direction of gradient, but also change the distribution of gradient colors on the map.

B. Radial gradient is a gradient mode that spreads outward around a point, and the diffusion mode can be controlled by gradient angle.

change clothes

C. When dragging a gradient with the gradient tool, if you want the gradient direction to be horizontal, vertical or multiple of 45' angle, you need to hold down the Command/Ctrl key while dragging the mouse.

D. If the gradient type is radial gradient, it is very convenient to use the gradient tool to determine the center point of the gradient.

Make a high-gloss sphere

Answer: a, d

7. The following description about the gradient grid is correct:

A. The working principle of gradient mesh is the same as gradient.

B the grid tool can convert path objects (or bitmap images) into multiple independent filled objects with gradient colors.

C in the dialog box of Create GradientMesh, you can set any values of Rows and Column to create the number of grid lines in the horizontal and vertical directions of the graph.

D In the dialog box for creating gradient mesh, highlight the representation. The intensity of the highlight, the greater the value, the greater the intensity of the highlight.

Answer: a, d

8. The following description of the transparency palette function is correct:

A is in 1 1 luscacor9. You cannot change the transparency of the fill color in 0.

B in the transparency palette, when changing the transparency of an object, the transparency of its border color and fill color can only be changed at the same time.

C. the transparency effect can only be applied to a single object.

By using the transparency palette, you can produce a gradient transparency effect in mixed objects.

Answer: d

9. Which of the following statements is true about the hybrid tools in Adobe lllustrator9.0:

A. The blending tool can only blend graphics and shapes, but not colors.

B When mixing two graphs, the number of middle mixed graphs cannot be changed.

C. The blending tool cannot continuously blend more than two graphics.

D. After executing the Blend command, you can edit the mixed path.