Gao Qiu (? -1 126), a powerful minister at the end of the northern song dynasty, was called the four treacherous court officials at the end of the northern song dynasty together with Cai Jing, Emperor Wen of Sui and Tong Guan. He is smart and good at copying and writing, trying to please Song Huizong and cater to Hui Zong's love for fame and greed. 1 126 (the first year of Jingkang), nomads from the south. He fled south with Huizong and died after returning to Beijing. This is a natural death, and all the wicked may not be rewarded.
According to the Records of Beijing, Hui Zongnan fled to Sizhou, and Tong Guan and Gao Qiu each led elite soldiers and imperial guards to meet him. At that time, a clique was formed, because Gao Qiu left Jiangnan early and did not participate in the struggle between Hui Zong Group and Qinzong Group at that time, but he got a much luckier end than Tong Guan and Cai You.
The description of Gao Qiu's ending in Dangkou Zhi
In chapter 132 of Dangkou Zhi, Xu Hulin died for his country, and Zhang Shuye was promoted by imperial edict. According to the description, "The son of heaven said,' Because of our ignorance, this talent was placed at the end of the dynasty. How to punish him today? "He immediately took Gao Qiu, confiscated all his furniture and sent Gao Qiu to Cangzhou in a few days." Chapter 133 of Dangkou Zhi describes that "Wang Jin rushed to scold Lin Chong and defended the two customs and four enemies" and "during the dinner, Zhu Tong and Lei Heng held out a big round bag. Everyone opened it and saw it was a head. When everyone looks closely, it is Gao Qiu. " That is, Gao Qiu was first sent by Zhu Tong and Lei Heng and then killed, taking his head, which was full of romance.