Original text:
In the fourteenth year of Tianbao, Anlu Mountain fell into Luoyang, and next year it fell into Chang'an. The emperor was lucky to be in Shu, and the prince was located in Lingwu. Next year, the emperor moved his army to Fengxiang and returned to the two capitals. The emperor returned to the capital. Yu Xi! The emperors of previous generations who had great virtues and great deeds must be praised in praises. If someone is asked to sing the praises of a great cause and engrave it on gold and stone, who else should do it if he is not an expert in literature? The chant says: Heehee (yīxī means sorrow or sigh) before the court! The evil ministers are treacherous and arrogant, and they are confused and become monsters. The generals on the border are rushing (chěng running) soldiers, poisoning the country and causing chaos, and all living beings lose peace. When he was patrolling the south, hundreds of officials rushed to serve the thieves and call them ministers. The sky will prosper the Tang Dynasty, Hu (yī classical Chinese particle, only) look at (nì squinting) my emperor, horse north. With a call for independence, thousands of soldiers marched forward. I am marching to the east, the crown prince is supporting the Rong army, and I am fighting against the evil forces. The time limit for resumption of service has not expired, and there is no country without it. Things are extremely difficult, the ancestral temple is safe again, and the two saints are reunited. The earth is opened and the sky is opened, Juān removes demons and disasters, and auspiciousness comes. The murderer is against the concubine (the same kind of chóu), and the world is resting, and life and death are shameful. Merits are respected, loyalty and martyrdom are remembered, and descendants are spread. With the rise of great virtue, the mountains are high and the sun is rising, and all blessings are Ying (yīng bear, responsibility). It can make a great king, his voice and appearance are turbulent (yún refers to the flow of water), and he is no longer gentle. The Xiangjiang River runs from east to west, from the middle to Wuxi River, with stone cliffs and skyline. It can be polished or engraved, and this chant will last for thousands of years. "
Ode to the Zhongxing of the Tang Dynasty
"Ode to the Zhongxing of the Tang Dynasty" is Yan Zhenqing's masterpiece when his calligraphy has entered a mature period and reached a state of proficiency. The layout of the whole text is very tight, full of power, and the characters are The solid support pattern gives people a sense of outward expansion, full of simplicity, and magnificent momentum. There is a spirit of fighting and fighting between the lines, and the ambition to serve the country with fists and fists, and reflects the enterprising spirit of the times in "Collection of Ancient Records" by Ouyang Xiu of the Song Dynasty. Zhongyun: The Qi calligraphy is particularly majestic and the diction is elegant. Yang Shoujing of the Qing Dynasty said in "Xue Shu Yi Yan": "Ode to Zhongxing" is majestic and unique, and it covers an entire generation. Kang Lili of the Qing Dynasty wrote in "Guang Yi Zhou Shuang Ji". Zhongyun: Qi Pingyuan's "Ode to Zhongxing" has the Cangxiong of Yingping. Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty said in "The Manuscript of Tanzhou Mountain": The calligraphy and painting are square and stable, without showing the muscles and bones, which should be the first in Lu Gong's calligraphy.
"Selected Collections of Inscriptions from Past Dynasties·Ode to the Rebirth of the Tang Dynasty: Yan Zhenqing (Song Rubbings)" is a representative work of Yan Zhenqing's calligraphy that has entered a mature period and has reached a state of perfection. The whole text is very tightly laid out. Full of strength, the words are solid and solid, giving people a sense of outward expansion, full of simplicity, and magnificent momentum. The lines of the words have the spirit of fighting and fighting, and the ambition to serve the country with fists and fists, and reflect the enterprising spirit of Ouyang Xiuzai of the Song Dynasty. "Ji Gu Lu" says: "The Qi calligraphy is particularly majestic and the diction is elegant." Yang Shoujing of the Qing Dynasty said in "Xue Shu Yi Yan": "Ode to Zhongxing" is majestic and unique, and it covers a whole generation. Kang Lili of the Qing Dynasty wrote in "Guang Li". "Yizhou Shuangji" says: "Zhongxing Ode" in Qi Pingyuan has the Cangxiong of Yingping. Wang Shizhen of the Ming Dynasty said in "Canzhou Shanren Manuscript": The calligraphy and painting are square and stable, without exposing the muscles and bones. It should be the first book of Lu Gong's Law. 1. Reading "Selected Collections of Steles and Inscriptions from Past Dynasties: Ode to the Zhongxing of the Tang Dynasty: Yan Zhenqing (Song Rubbings)", we can not only truly feel that it involves the glory of the Zhongxing period of the Tang Dynasty: as well as the literature, art, and humanistic thoughts of that era. At the same time, you can appreciate the pioneering, courageous and courageous spirit of the Tang Dynasty and the spirit of the times. "Selected Collection of Inscriptions from the Past: Ode to the Zhongxing of the Tang Dynasty: Yan Zhenqing (Song Rubbing)" is Yan Zhenqing's only regular script work. , occupies an extremely important position in Yan's calligraphy, and has been an essential model for calligraphers to study for more than a thousand years. "Selected Collections of Steles and Calligraphies of the Tang Dynasty: Ode to Zhongxing in the Tang Dynasty: Yan Zhenqing (Song Rubbing)" records the Lushan Rebellion and Ode to Ping'an. The story of the resurgence of the Tang Dynasty. This stele is made of hard stone and has been weathered by wind and rain for more than a thousand years, but it is still intact and has left a very precious legacy to future generations. Because the inscription on this stele was written by Mo Shan, Yan Zhenqing adopted the method of death. That is to say, it is long and short when it is short. The entire inscription is written with a center and a round pen, but it neither looks bloated nor thin. The shape of the font is wide, dense on the outside and sparse on the inside. The middle palace is stretched, and the white cloth is just right. At this time, Yan Shu's calligraphy has completely diluted the aftertaste of Sanyi Wang's calligraphy, and established the bold and rigorous Tang Kai calligraphy style. Compared with the Yan Shu style in the middle period, Yan Zhenqing absorbed the Beibei stele when writing the stele. , the essence of the ancient poems, and also incorporates the writing style of the seal and official script, making it ancient and clumsy and durable. There is no weak stroke in this inscription.
"Selected Collections of Inscriptions from Past Dynasties: Ode to the Zhongxing of the Tang Dynasty: Yan Zhenqing (Song Rubbing)" changed the horizontal light and vertical heavy, silkworm head and swallow tail characteristics of early Yan books, which shows that Yan Zhenqing continued to explore, seek innovation, and forge ahead until his later years. It also shows the calligraphy master's skill in controlling large-scale works and the heroic ambition of the military general. Yan Zhenqing has an amazing, unique and creative writing arrangement method in this stone carving, that is, in vertical writing, he adopts an unconventional method from left to right, which opened the eyes of future generations and sighed. Public creative courage and self-confidence.
This publication is based on the Song rubbings of this stele provided by the collector for the benefit of the public.