Source: Zuo Zhuan's Thirteen Years as a Duke: "In the past, I was arrested for making contributions to the Duke and Mu Gong, and I made concerted efforts to apply for an oath. The most important thing is to get married."
Interpretation: Once upon a time, our ancestors were friendly to Mu Gong and joined hands with Qi Xin to clarify the relationship between the two countries with vows and deepen the relationship with marriage.
Different thinking and beliefs
Extended data:
United as one?
[soup x and n soup dé]
Unity of thought and belief.
Going out: "Shang Shu Tai Shi": "The number of foreigners is one billion, separated from Germany. Minister of ten chaos, wholeheartedly. "
Interpretation: Although there are tens of millions, it is separate from Germany. Although there are only ten of us, we are of one mind.
Under the leadership of the Party, people of all ethnic groups in our country are struggling to build socialism.