Why did Mrs. Wei cry when she saw Wang Xizhi’s calligraphy?

Xizhi, the king of Jin Dynasty, had the courtesy name Yi Shao and Kuang Zi. He was good at writing at the age of seven. Before he saw it, he wrote it on his behalf ② and secretly read it in his father's pillow. His father asked, "Why did you come to steal my secret?" Xizhi laughed but did not answer. The mother asked, "How do you think about the brushwork?" Seeing that he was young, his father was afraid that he would not be able to keep it a secret, so he said, "When you become an adult, I will teach you." ③Ye. "My father was pleased and followed him. After a few months, the book progressed greatly.

When Mrs. Wei ④ saw her, she spoke to Wang Ce ⑤ of Taichang and said: "This boy will definitely see the secrets of using a pen. If he sees his writing up close, he will have mature wisdom." Liu Ti said: "This boy will definitely cover up. My name!"

(Wang Xizhi's teacher) Mrs. Wei saw this situation and said to Taichang Wang Ce: "This kid Xizhi must have read a book about using pens (that is, calligraphy). When I read his writing recently, there was a sense of sophistication." Mrs. Wei was so excited that she cried, "This kid will definitely be able to overshadow (exceed) my reputation in the future."