It is said that Xu Xiake’s trip to the ancient city of Lijiang was invited by the chieftain Museng at the time. Mu Zeng is the 19th generation chieftain of Lijiang. He has inherited his father's position since he was 11 years old and has outstanding political and military genius. At that time, the rule of the Ming Dynasty was coming to an end, and there were internal and external troubles. Mu Zeng, who was loyal to the Ming emperor, contributed money to the Ming court many times to meet the court's war needs. He also wrote to the emperor, advising the emperor to respect heaven and abide by the laws of his ancestors; to love oneself and cultivate virtue, to avoid public appearances; to love the people and reduce taxes and services; to employ talents; to spread the word; to carefully inspect personal visits to distinguish between good and bad; to keep one's word, to distinguish rewards and punishments; and to pacify peace. Border troubles in Liaodong; emphasis on Confucius' learning, etc.
In 1620, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty bestowed "loyalty and righteousness" on Mu Zeng. This was the origin of the Zhongyi Archway in front of the Mufu Gate in the ancient city of Lijiang. In addition to his outstanding performance in military and political affairs, this wooden chieftain was studious and studious since he was a child. He was well-read and could recite poems and compose poems when he was young. He vigorously advocated the study of Han culture in Naxi areas. To this end, Mu Zeng also built the "Wanjuan Tower" in Mufu, Lijiang, to extensively collect classics from hundreds of schools. In the existing Mufu in the ancient city, there is also a series of Chinese books he collected at that time. In addition, Mu Zeng's calligraphy is also very good. In the Lijiang Museum that was later built, people can see two couplets written by him: The monk is in the bamboo room with half a curtain of the moon; The crane is perched on the pine path and the tower is full. Talking about air passengers, they are happy with flowers and smiling; talking about Dharma monks, they hear the birds chirping. From the two couplets, people can see that the chieftain's cursive writing is elegant and elegant, and his skills are profound.