Therefore, Shen Zi said that "there is a world without willfulness, and life is bound by the world", but he can't supervise the responsibility. What he cares about is to serve the world with his body. If Yao and Yu ran, it is called "shackles." Husband can't practice Shen and Han Zhiming, so he should be supervised. He specially adapted himself to the world, but it was a local battle of hard struggle and favoritism. What is not an animal in the world is not worthy! If the husband is partial to others, it will be expensive and cheap; Being partial to others is cheap and expensive. Therefore, people who are partial to others are cheap and those who are partial to others are expensive. Since ancient times and today, there is nothing else. Those who respect the sages in ancient times are also expensive; And those who do evil are mean to them. Yao and Yu, who are loyal to the world, have lost the heart of respecting the sages because they follow them. Husband is all wet. Is it appropriate to call it "shackles"? You can't blame yourself.
Therefore, Zi Han said, "A loving mother loses her son, and Yan's family is not qualified." Punish if you can. Therefore, Shang Jun's laws abandoned all punishments to Tao. It is a crime for a husband to abandon his ashes, but he will be punished and severely punished. He only knows the Lord and can deeply supervise misdemeanors. Husband's crimes are light and deep, but is there a felony? Therefore, people dare not commit crimes. Therefore, Zi Han said that "cloth and silk are ordinary, mediocrity persists, money is rampant, and stealing feet does not fight", but it is not mediocrity, deep interests, and stealing feet is shallow; I don't take the trip of stealing feet lightly. Beating will be punished at will, so steal your feet without hitting a hundred times; And there is no need to do punishment, so it is mediocre. The old city is five feet high, and the construction season is not light; Mount Tai is one hundred feet high, and lame sheep graze on it. It is difficult to reach the limit of five feet in the husband's family season. Is it easy for lame sheep to mow the grass? The potential of steep canyons is different. The reason why the holy Lord and the holy king can be respected for a long time and hold important positions for a long time is that he is only good at the interests of the world. Unless he has different ways, he can judge and supervise his responsibilities at will and will be severely punished, so the world dare not commit crimes. If you don't do anything today, you won't commit crimes. If you do something, you won't realize the theory of saints. If a husband can't even practice the skills of a saint, what can he serve the world? Don't mourn evil!
And the frugal and virtuous people stand in the court, then the desolation is over; If the admonishers and debaters are around, they will be full of ambition; The martyrs' trip to the Day of the Dead is obvious to all, so the danger of prostitution and health will be abolished. Therefore, an enlightened master can only exercise the master's skill to control the submission of ministers and practice the Ming method, so he is respectful and powerful. A wise man can brush the world away from vulgarity, get rid of evil and do what he wants, so he is born with respect and dies with wisdom. Because the monarch is arbitrary, the power is not in the minister. Then, you can destroy the road of righteousness, hide people's eyes and ears, and fall into the trip of martyrs. We can't listen and watch alone inside, we can't rely on the way of benevolence and righteousness outside, but we can't walk inside with remonstrance. Therefore, I can walk alone and be willful, but I dare not violate it. If this can then be said to be able to understand Shen Han's skills, practice the law of respecting the monarch, practice the law clearly and cleanly, and the world is in chaos, I have never heard of it. So "Wang Dao is so fucked". Only by knowing the Lord can we do it. If this is the sincerity of supervision responsibility, then the minister is innocent, and the minister is innocent, and the world will be safe. If the world is safe, the Lord will respect it strictly. If the Lord is strict, the supervisor will win. When a country is rich, it will be rich. So, if you set up the technology of supervising responsibility, you can do whatever you want. The minister and the people can't save it. How dare they change their plans? If this is the case, the emperor will be prepared, and it can be said that he knows the art of monarch and minister. Although Shen He can't be added.
A wise monarch must be a monarch who can fully master the way of monarchy and exercise the rule of supervising subordinates. Under strict supervision, officials dare not serve the monarch faithfully. In this way, once the responsibilities of the monarch and the courtiers are determined, the rules of the relationship between the higher and lower levels will be clear, so no matter whether there are talents or not, it is impossible for everyone to serve the monarch wholeheartedly. Therefore, the monarch can rule the world without any constraints and enjoy the ultimate pleasure. How can a wise monarch not see this clearly!
Therefore, Mr. Shen Buhai said: "If you don't know how to indulge yourself in the world, it is called taking the world as your own shackle." There is no other meaning, just that you don't blame your soldiers and crabs, but you work hard for the people all over the world like Yao and Yu, so you call it "shackles." You can't learn from Shen Buhai and Han Fei's brilliant spells, take measures of supervision and responsibility, and let yourself and the whole world live comfortably and happily. Instead, you just worry about it in vain and work hard for the people. That is the slave of the people, not the emperor who rules the world. What is worthy of respect? Let others die for themselves, and they will be glorious and others will be humble; Let yourself contribute to others, and you will be humble and others will be honored. Therefore, those who give their lives are humble, and those who accept their lives are noble. From ancient times to the present, there is no such thing. Since ancient times, sages have been respected because the respected people themselves are noble; I hate unscrupulous people because they are humble. Yao and Yu are both people who have dedicated themselves to the world. To respect them with secular evaluation will lose the original intention of respecting the sages, which can be said to be a big mistake. Is it inappropriate to say that Yao and Yu regard the world as their own "shackles"? This is an blameless mistake.
Therefore, Mr. Han Fei said that "a loving mother will raise a prodigal son, and a strict master will not have a strong slave." What is the reason? This is the inevitable result of severe punishment. Therefore, the new law of Shang Yang stipulates that people who scatter ashes on the road will be sentenced. It is a misdemeanor to scatter ashes on the road, and an additional punishment is a heavy punishment. Only a wise monarch can severely punish misdemeanors. A misdemeanor is a heavy penalty, let alone a felony. So people dare not break the law. Therefore, Mr. Han Fei also said: "A few feet of silk are taken away by ordinary people when they see it, and hundreds of dollars are not taken away." It's not because ordinary people are greedy. A few feet of silk is extremely valuable. Nor is it because of the noble behavior of stealing feet that it belittles the interests of the hundred gold. The reason is that once caught, they will be punished at will, so thieves dare not catch platinum; If the punishment is not resolutely implemented, then the average person will not give up a few feet. Therefore, the five-foot-high city wall dare not offend easily in Lou Ji; Mount Tai is 100 feet high, but the lame shepherd dares to eat grass on it. Is it difficult for Lou Ji to climb a five-foot wall, but it is easy for a lame shepherd to climb a 100-foot-high Mount Tai? This is because the situation is different between steep and gentle. The reason why wise monarchs can be in power for a long time and monopolize the interests of the world is not that they have any special methods, but that they can monopolize power and be good at supervising their responsibilities, and they must be hell to pay to those who break the law, so no one dares to violate it. Now, if we don't formulate crime prevention measures and follow the example of loving mothers to raise black sheep, we will not understand the theory of the previous generation of sages. We can't practice the method of sage ruling the world. What can you do besides being a slave to the world? Isn't this a sad thing!
What's more, when thrifty and upright people serve in the DPRK, the absurd and licentious fun will stop; Advise Chen that if the reasonable courtiers around him intervene, their unscrupulous thoughts will converge; Martyrs' martyrdom is respected by the world, and their indulging entertainment will be abandoned. Therefore, a wise monarch can exclude these three kinds of people, monopolize the ruling power to control obedient officials, and establish a strict legal system, so he is noble and powerful. All wise monarchs can go against the world, reverse folk customs, abandon what he hates and build what he likes, so he has aristocratic power when he is alive, and wise posthumous title after he dies. It is precisely because of this that a wise monarch is centralized and autocratic, so that power does not fall into the hands of his minions, so that he can cut off the road of righteousness, block the mouth of lobbying, close his eyes and let himself act arbitrarily, so that he will not be shaken by the actions of righteous people and be confused by the theory of exhortation. Therefore, we can stand alone and do whatever we want, and no one dares to resist. In this way, we can say that we have learned the ruling skills of Shen Buhai and Han Fei and the legal system of Shang Yang. I have never heard of the rule of law, the rule of law is well learned, and if it is clear, the world will be in chaos. Therefore, some people say: "the rule of the emperor is simple and easy." Only a wise monarch can do this. In this way, it can be said that supervision and responsibility can be truly implemented, so that the generals can not divorce, the world can be stable, and the world can have the dignity of the monarch. Only when the monarch has dignity, supervision and responsibility can be strictly implemented, the monarch's desires can be satisfied, the country can be rich and strong, and the monarch can enjoy more after the country is rich and strong. Therefore, once the art of supervision and responsibility is established, the monarch can satisfy any desire. It's too late to mend, how dare the people rebel? In this way, we can say that we have mastered the emperor's rule, and we can also understand the method of controlling the princes. Even if Shen Buhai and Han Fei are resurrected, they can't be surpassed.
Brief introduction of the author
Li Si (about 284- 208 BC), surnamed Li, was named Si, with ancient characters. At the end of the Warring States Period, Chu was a native of Shangcai (now Shangcai, Henan). A famous politician, writer and calligrapher in the Qin Dynasty.
Li Si was a small official in the county in his early years. Later, he learned from Xunzi the art of emperors and entered the Qin Dynasty. At first, he was appointed as Lang. Later, he persuaded the king of Qin to destroy the princes, became emperor and was appointed as a long history. The king of Qin adopted his strategy and sent advisers to lobby the six countries of Kanto with gold and jade, alienating the princes and ministers of various countries and making them guests and ministers. In the 10th year of Qin Dynasty (237 BC), due to the entry of North Korean spy Zheng Guo into the State of Qin, the King of Qin ordered the expulsion of six Hakka ministers. Li Si's "Exhortation and Expulsion" stopped it, which was adopted by the King of Qin, and soon the official arrived at Ting Wei. It played a great role in the political destruction of the six countries by the king of Qin. After Qin unified the world, he agreed with Wang Wan and Feng Jie to respect Qin as emperor, and formulated relevant etiquette systems. Be appointed as prime minister. He suggested dismantling the county wall and destroying civilian weapons; Oppose the enfeoffment system and adhere to the county system; He also advocated burning hundreds of languages, such as poems and books collected by the people, and banning private schools to strengthen centralized rule. He also participated in the formulation of laws to unify the system of tracks, characters and weights and measures. The implementation of Lisi's political thought has had a far-reaching impact on China and the world, and laid the basic pattern of China's political system for more than two thousand years.
After the death of Qin Shihuang, he conspired with Zhao Gao to forge a will, forcing Fu Su, the eldest son of the first emperor, and Meng Tian, the general, to commit suicide, and made Hu Hai, the youngest son, the second emperor. Later, Zhao Gao was jealous. In the second year of Qin Ershi (the first 208 years), he was beheaded in Xianyang City, and the three clans were conquered.