Classic Chinese translation of Wang Can's biography:
Wang Can's courtesy name was Zhongxuan, and he was a native of Gaoping, Shanyang. Emperor Xian moved westward, and Can moved to Chang'an. Cai Yong, the general of Zuo Zhonglang, saw him and was surprised. At that time, Yong's talents and learning were outstanding, and he was valued by the court. He often filled the lanes with chariots and horses, and was crowded with guests. When I heard that Can was at the door, I fell down to welcome him. When Charm arrives, he is young and frail, with a short appearance. He is frightened when he sits down. Yong said: This king, Gongsun and his grandson have extraordinary talents, but I am not as good as them. My books and articles should be used accordingly.
Translation: Wang Can, whose courtesy name is Zhongxuan, is from Gaoping, Shanyang. When Emperor Xian moved westward, Wang Can also moved to Chang'an. Cai Yong, the general of Zuo Zhonglang, saw him and thought he was very strange. At that time, Cai Yong was outstanding in learning and was respected in the court. He often rode a horse to visit guests.
Hearing that Wang Can was at the door, Cai Yong put on his shoes and went to greet him. When Wang Can arrived, everyone was surprised because he was young, short, and short in appearance. Cai Yong said: This is the prince's grandson. He has extraordinary talents and learning. I am not as good as him. All my books and articles should be given to him.
Explanation: In this classical Chinese text, Zuo Zhonglang is the official name, Cai Yong is a famous writer, calligrapher, musician, and a celebrity in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. Qizhiqi is the connotation of the adjective In usage, he is considered to be different; riding and riding in the alleys describe a large number of visitors.
Being shocked shows that Wang Can is young and short but has outstanding talent; I might as well say that Cai Yong feels ashamed; it should be said that Cai Yong is willing to give away all the books and articles in his family To Wang Can.
The thoughts expressed in the classical Chinese text of Wang Can's biography:
Cai Yong's words and deeds in the article show his high evaluation of Wang Can and his extreme appreciation of his talent. He put on his shoes to greet Wang Can, expressing his respect and welcome to him; he asserted that Wang Can had extraordinary talents and was better than himself; he was willing to give all the books and articles at home to Wang Can, expressing his appreciation for Wang Can's talent and learning. recognized and valued.
Through this classical Chinese article, the author aims to convey his praise for Wang Can's talent and his gratitude to Cai Yong for his discerning eye and knowledge of people. At the same time, it also implies that the author attaches great importance to talent and knowledge, as well as respects and cherishes talented people. This also expresses the author's attitude and views on talent selection and identifying and employing people.
In short, the classical Chinese text of "The Biography of Wang Can" expresses the author's high praise for Wang Can's talent and his deep gratitude to Cai Yong for his keen eye and knowledge of people. It also conveys the author's views on talent selection, recognition and employment. attitudes and perceptions.