His son, Yu Chang, is not recorded in history, but according to the historical records of the Tang Dynasty, Yu Chang was an assistant minister of the Ministry of Industry. Later, he was in danger on the way to the task and died suddenly in the wilderness. He is under forty years old. This is the only record about his son.
Li Yu is young, smart and ambitious. When she grew up, she read widely and was famous for writing articles. Liang Shi appointed Si Wenlang, informed Assistant Minister of Sanqi, and Mr. Sheren of Zhongshu. When he entered Chen, the official prince was an illegitimate son. After her mother died, she lived a life of food, clothing, housing and transportation. He is the author of Ding Lu, which is included in Siku Quanshu and Siming Series. Chen Shu and Heather have been distributed.
(5 10—579), the word Ci 'an, numbered Yu. At the beginning of Liang Zhong's great cause, cultivating scholars had the highest countermeasures, except Xuanchengguo and Zuochangshi. Datong leads to disease. Wang Yueyang, the magistrate of Huiji, thought he would join the army, so he moved to the archives to join the army. Cite five official letters from the county and transfer them to the archives. In the Qing Dynasty, except nanxiang town, the East King negotiated to join the army. General Jia was trapped in Taicheng and fled to the village, looking for Chen Baoying according to Zhang Biao's statement. At the beginning of his holiness, Bao Ying didn't send him away except General Herong and Assistant Minister Zhongshu. But in Chen's diary, Bao Yingping became the secretary of Hengyang, and besides the doctor, he brought the disease back. Xuan Di acceded to the throne, in addition to Dong Zhonglang and Jian 'an's consultation, he also increased the loyalty of generals and doctors, and died in the eleventh year of Tai 'an at the age of seventy.
Yu Shiqi (? -6 18) calligrapher, writer and traitor in sui dynasty. Shi Mao, the representative work, was born in Yuyao (now Zhenming Hechang, Guanhaiwei, Cixi City). Later, Yu Wenhuaji was killed in Jiangdu.