China, as an ancient civilization and a state of etiquette, has always advocated the mode of "brother of gentlemen". The Book of Rites says, "The beauty of words, Emperor Mu Mu." Jiang Mumu, the sum of respect; The emperor is fair and beautiful. In other words, talk to people with respect and kindness, and be polite and not abrupt.
Especially on the issue of letter etiquette, the ancients took' self-modesty and respect for others' as the principle, and between the lines, the state of retreating and not retreating was not only clear, but also more gentle and polite. Learning to write letters is the most basic embodiment of cultural quality and personal restraint.
Letters have a long history in China. During the Warring States Period, Le Yi's Letter to the King of Yan Hui, Lv Zhonglian's Letter to the Prince of Yan, and Li Si's Letter of Cike were all well-known works. In the pre-Qin period, Han people wrote letters in a more casual way.
It was not until the Wei and Jin Dynasties that people began to write' Shuyi', which is the format of various letters for others to apply when writing letters. Up to now, the earliest known epistolary style is Le Yi by Suo Jing, a calligrapher in Jin Dynasty.
Our country's letter culture has been inherited and developed through the ages, and has generally formed a letter format widely recognized by the society. Although in real life, we seldom communicate by letter, it is still very important whether the letter etiquette is appropriate in official letters, especially when writing invitations.
Generally speaking, a letter should at least include the following parts: address, address, miss, body, greeting and signature.
The text format of the letter should fully reflect the etiquette.
The wording in the article should also reflect politeness and respect for each other everywhere, such as "please goodbye", which basically means that we have been apart for a while and we miss each other very much. There are many different polite expressions in letters.
If it is used on teachers, there are "regret for breaking the rules" and "don't believe in it, don't explain it", which means that after saying goodbye to you, you can't get your teaching. Used for peers, there is a meaning of "farewell to the gods, when I am wandering in my mood", which means that I have never seen each other after parting, and my thoughts after parting are always lingering in my heart.