The books are scattered. If you want to make a reservation, you must first open your arms and let your feelings follow your inclinations, and then make a reservation; If forced, although Zhongshan rabbit can't get well. Fu Shu, first sit quietly and meditate, feel at ease, say nothing, be angry and look dense. If you are supreme, there is nothing wrong with that. For the text of a book, it must conform to its shape. If you sit and walk, fly and move, come and lie down, worry and be happy, insects eat wood leaves, swords are long, bows and arrows are strong, fire and water are hard, clouds are misty, and the sun and the moon can be seen everywhere, it can be called a book.
[Comment] The calligrapher's spirit is closely related to the effect of his calligraphy creation. Forced by circumstances. If you are in a bad mood, even the best brush can't write well. Only with casual concentration and good tools can the written words be wonderful.