One night, I sat in the Pottery Editing Building, wrote a book casually and got a poem in Bian Que. Evil hair book, bituminous coal is black and slightly shaped. I watched it in the light, but I didn't see many songs. I was shocked and suddenly called Shi Geng: "Who is the author of Bian Que?" Today? Furano? "Shi Geng said," Mr. Xu Tianchi, the ancestor of this township, wrote a letter. Mr. Wei, with a long word, was born between Jia and Long and died five or six years ago. The scroll with Tian Shuiyue on its forehead is also a person. "Before and after I realized it, I suspected that Wen Chang was the only one. When the poem was deserted, I got this strange secret, and I woke up like a nightmare. The two men jumped up, and in the shadow of the lamp, they read and shouted, and all the servants and sleeping people started up. Whether for people or books, I am naturally called Mr. Wen Chang. Those who come to see the rest are writing poems and reading poems. At that time, a famous teacher went to Mu Yun to learn Taoism.
Wen Chang is a scholar in Yin Shan, but he is not good at trying, and he is unrestrained. Governor Hu Molin is very famous and was hired as a screen guest. The agreement with Hu: "If you want to be a guest, you must be polite, so that you can get in and out at the right time." Gong Hu agreed. Wen Chang sat down with a deep bow around a black scarf and talked about what was happening in the world. No one was watching. Gong Hu was overjoyed. At that time, the governor counted the border troops, threatened the southeast, and did not dare to raise his head. However, Wen Chang is proud of his subordinates, walks confidently, speaks casually and playfully, and is unscrupulous. You will get a white deer, which belongs to Wenchang generation. At the dinner table, Yong Ling was very happy. Openness is good, and all the omissions are out of their control.
Wen Chang is conceited and resourceful, curious and resourceful, and talks about many soldiers. Anyone who seduces Wang and Xu Zhulu is secretly discussing and then starting work. After tasting a restaurant, several athletes drank it and refused to pay. Wen Chang-Mi used numbers to chase after the public, and the public ordered the athletes to be tied to their subordinates. All of them were cut down, and the army was in an uproar. Shamans with negative and foul language occasionally talk to the public in the wine room. When it is made public, they will do other things for the stick to kill people. Its trust is more like this.
Since Mr. Hu pities literary talents and laments their difficulties, he saves his time. The public tells anyone who walks into the curtain, "Xu Zi is a genius in the world. If he is in this room, he is lucky not to lose it. " They all said, "Like life." A magistrate of a county arrived after being detained and paid tribute to the public when he arrived. I forgot to belong to it. I was very comfortable in my room, so I didn't even have it.
Wen Chang lost his ambition to be a minister, so he indulged in mountains and rivers, went to the land of Qilu Yanzhao and saw the desert. What he saw was the mountains rushing to the sea, clouds rising from the sand, the wind singing, the trees dying, most of the valleys, people, fish and birds, all shocking and shocking, all expressed in poetry. There is an indelible breath in his chest, and the hero is lost and helpless, so it is poetry, such as anger, laughter, running water, and the widow's crying at night, which makes people feel chilling. It will be thousands of miles away when it is released; Occasionally deep and steep, ghosts talk about autumn graves. Wen Chang's eyes are always empty, and he is independent for the time being. At that time, the so-called dignitaries, coquettish literati and writers were all despised and enslaved, so they were not famous for their shame. Sad husband!
One day, I was drinking at the doctor's house in my hometown. At the banquet, the township doctor pointed to a small object for fu, and Yin made the boy servant continue to enter more, hoping to suffer. Wen Chang's assistance to Li Cheng, the pen holder, was full of paper, charm, freedom and hiding, which was a great surprise.
Wen Chang likes writing books, and his brushwork is bold and unrestrained, just like his poems, full of vigor and charm. I can't write, but it would be ridiculous to say that a long book must be above Wang Yayi and Wen. Regardless of calligraphy, the book god: a gentleman, the sincerity of the eight laws, and the chivalrous man in the word forest. Among the rest, flowers, bamboo and stones overflow, all of which are excellent works.
The pawn was suspected of killing his second wife and died in prison. Zhang Yang and Xieli reached a conclusion. When it comes out, it is as stubborn as ever. When you are old, you are deeply resentful, and it is good to pretend to be crazy. Show it to the door and refuse to accept it. Officer, you can't get a word in. You bring money to the restaurant and ask the servant to drink it. Or self-sustaining axe to break its head, blood quilt, skull are broken, friction sound. Or hammer its sac, or cut its ear with a sharp cone, and go deep into the inch, but you can't die.
Shi: The poems in his later years are unique. They are not engraved, but are collected at home. For those who see it, Xu Wenchang Collection and Bian Que are just two kinds. However, Wen Chang died of anger because he was depressed.
Shi Gong said: Sir, I am amazed at numbers, so I am crazy. Crazy disease unceasingly, hence the prison. Scholars in ancient and modern times complain about others, and the way of a gentleman does not exist. Although, it is a hero in the world, a hero in Yongling, and a different gift from the shogunate, as we all know, Hu has the style of a gentleman. On the table, the host is happy, and the host knows that there is a gentleman. Being single is not expensive. The rise of Mr. Wang's poetry has swept away the dirty habits of modern times, which is gone forever and has its own conclusion. Why not meet him? Mei Kesheng tried to send Yu Shu, saying, "Wen is my old friend, a sick freak, a strange poem, a strange word, a strange word and a strange painting." I said the length of the text was nothing but not surprising. Nothing strange, but nothing strange! Sad husband!
-Selected from Xu Appendix, printed by Zhonghua Book Company.