Who are the virtuous people in Wen Zhiming?

Wen Zhiming was a great painter, calligrapher and poet in Ming Dynasty, and a disciple of Shen Zhou. Wen Zhiming's father, Lin Wen, was a satrap in Wenzhou, and his official position was clean. His son Wen Zhiming is also very frugal. After Lin Wen's death, Wen Zhiming's life was very difficult. His father's staff raised a large sum of money to help him, but Wen Zhiming persisted. These people praised Wen Zhiming's character very much, so they used these "fund-raising" to build a "Quejin Pavilion" as a memorial. Yu Jian, an ancient scholar, loved Wen Zhiming and wanted to help him. He asked with concern, "How is life day and night?"

Wen Zhiming said: "There will be porridge to eat sooner or later."

When the foolish old man saw his shabby clothes, he said, "Your clothes are all worn out."

Wen Zhiming said: "It's just that the rain is wet and the clothes seem to be old!"

Seeing that Wen Zhiming was indifferent and refused to accept charity, Yu Gong had to give up.

The question and answer between Wen Zhiming and Yugong shows the beauty of rhetoric euphemism.

At the age of 54, Wen Zhiming was appointed as imperial academy, which was appreciated by the emperor. However, he did not like the corruption of state affairs and refused to be promoted. He quit his job and went back to Suzhou to build a "Jade Palace". "Yushanju" is as famous as "Bamboo House" in China and "Peach Blossom Garden" in Tang Bohu, which implies symbolic significance. Wen Zhiming used the word "jade" to express his character of leading an honest and clean life.