Reference: zh. * * */wiki/% E5 % 94% 90% E5 % A4 % AA % E5 % AE % 97
In the first year of Zhenguan (627), Zhenguan was changed on the first day of the first month. In the first month of the first year of Zhenguan (627), Emperor Taizong ordered officials from Zhongshu Province, Xiamen Province and above to enter the cabinet to discuss state affairs, and all officials should be accompanied by admonishers. If there are any violations, the protesters will immediately protest. In the first month of the first year of Zhenguan (627), Emperor Taizong ordered Sun Chang Wuji, the minister of the official department, and others to renegotiate laws and regulations with bachelors and judges. The relaxation of article 50 of hanging is to cut off the toes, but Emperor Taizong still thinks this corporal punishment is too cruel. Pei Hongxian, the king of Shu, asked Cao to join the army, change his conscription, and move three thousand miles to live for three years. Obey it. In the first year of Zhenguan (627), generals Tang Tianjie and Wang Liyi rebelled against Jingzhou. In February of the first year of Zhenguan (627), the whole country was divided into ten roads, namely, Guannei Road, Henan Road, Hedong Road, Hebei Road, Shannan Road, Longyou Road, Huainan Road, Jiangnan Road, Jiannan Road and Lingnan Road. The abandoned county was a state, so each road governed several states. In October of the first year of Zhenguan (627), Feng Ang, the chief magistrate of Lingnan, sent his son to the DPRK. At the end of the first year of Zhenguan (627), Liu, assistant minister of the official department, invited him to listen to the next four seasons and made a manuscript with Que, which was considered convenient. Emperor Taizong ordered some people to run away in Luozhou. Taizong said, "Officials have people, but not many people." Party and provincial central officials were ordered to set out, leaving only 643 civil and military officials. In 628 AD, in the second year of Zhenguan, warehouses were set up in various places. Inan, the leader of Xue Yantuo, was named Khan by the Tang Dynasty, and a Khan court was established in Mobei. In March of the second year of Zhenguan (628), Shao Qing of Dali played a monkey and reported the monthly accounts of prisoners to Emperor Taizong. After Emperor Taizong's order, the big extension crime was approved by Zhongshu, and officials of four or more grades in the province and Shangshu province were ordered to avoid injustice. Then he took them into the prisoners' rooms one by one. When it was Zheng's turn to be the secretariat, Emperor Taizong thought that although he was guilty, his official quality was not low and he should not be imprisoned. Therefore, he ordered officials above the third class to commit crimes in the future, and they did not need to be brought in, so they could be heard in the court around Chengtianmen in Taiji Palace. In the second year of Zhenguan (628), there was a drought in Guanzhong, and the people lacked food. Many people sell their children and girls in exchange for clothes and food. In April, Emperor Taizong wrote to the court to redeem the sold children and return them to their parents. Because of the heavy rain last year, it suffered from drought and locust plague this year, and it granted amnesty to the whole world. In April of the second year of Zhenguan (628), Tuguhun sent envoys to Tang to ask for assistance. Emperor Taizong called ministers to discuss, and Du Ruhui, the minister of the Ministry of War, invited soldiers to attack the Turks. In December of the third year of Zhenguan (629), Turi Khan entered the DPRK, and Taizong appointed him as the right-back general and awarded him the title of King of Beiping County. In September of the second year of Zhenguan (628), China calligrapher Li Baiyao invited another imperial concubine. Emperor Taizong ordered Zuo Cheng to select maids in Ximen on behalf of Zhou and the viceroy, and released more than 3,000 maids before and after. At the end of the second year of Zhenguan (628), Joe, a guerrilla general, was sent from the path with a book to worship Man Zi as the pearl of Pijia Khan and give him a drum. Yinan was very happy and sent envoys to pay tribute. In the third year of Zhenguan (629), in March, Emperor Taizong took Fang as his left servant, Du Ruhui as his right servant, and Shangshu as his secretary supervisor, all of whom participated in the state affairs. Fang is good at strategy, and Du Ruhui is good at decision-making. He is a famous figure in the Tang Dynasty and is called "Du Fang". In the early years of the Tang Dynasty, whenever a country's military and political affairs were important, China calligraphers would sign their names according to their own opinions, which was called the Five Flowers Judgment. It is reviewed by Assistant Minister Zhongshu and Assistant Minister Zhongshu, and corrected by Assistant Minister Zhongshu and Huangmen. In April of the third year of Zhenguan (629), Emperor Taizong reiterated the old system, so there were few mistakes. During the drought in the third year of Zhenguan (629), Emperor Taizong asked for an honest letter. During the Ma and Zhou Dynasties, Changhe made more than 20 suggestions to Emperor Taizong. Emperor Taizong was overjoyed and invited Ma Zhou to meet him, so that he stayed in the province directly. Soon, he took Ma Zhou as the censor and finally worshipped him. In August of the third year of Zhenguan (629), Li Jing, the minister of the Ministry of War, was the head office officer and Zhang was the deputy general manager, who went out to conquer the Turks. Nine Turks led 3000 cavalry to the Tang Dynasty, and Gu Ye, Servant Bone, Xi and other chiefs also led the troops to the Tang Dynasty. In the first month of 630 AD, Li Ji defeated the Turks in the White Road, and Excavate defeated Jie Li Khan in Yinshan. In the third year of Zhenguan (630) in December, Dong Xie, the satrap, and Nan Xie, the satrap, went to Tang Dynasty. East Concord and Iola are branches of Nanman, which are distributed in western Guizhou. In the third year of Zhenguan (June 30th), Emperor Taizong named the land east of Xie as Yingzhou (now Dejiang County, Guizhou Province). In December, Emperor Taizong Xie Nengyu and Yanzhou people paid tribute to Emperor Taizong. The imperial edict of Taizong took Songzhou as the land of Songhu. Tangut chieftain sealed the Tang Dynasty, which took its land as the orbit state), and Xie Guodi in the south was Zhuang Zhou (now Guizhou), which belonged to the first year of Zhenguan, the governor of Guizhou (630). Excavate led 3000 people to ride from Mayi to Xieyangling, attacked Dingxiang at night and defeated the Turks. Li Jie Khan was frightened and moved his teeth to his mouth. Kang Sumi was a confidant, and later, he fell to the Tang Dynasty through the political path of Xiao and his grandson Yang. In March of the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), leaders of all ethnic groups went to Chang 'an to ask Emperor Taizong to call Tiankhan. Emperor Taizong said with a smile, "I am the son of the Tang Dynasty, but is this a matter of Khan?" However, since then, Tang Taizong has used the title of "Tiankhan" in his imperial edicts to the governors of all ethnic groups in the northwest. In March of the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), Zhang Baoxiang, deputy general manager of Tang Dynasty, suddenly went to Suni to lose his barracks, captured profits and sent them to Chang 'an. In September of the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), the Lord of Yiwu went to Chang 'an to go to court. First, Yiwu belongs to the surname, and Sui set up Yiwu County in its place; At the end of the Sui Dynasty, Qi Huangong surrendered to the Turks. After Valerian was destroyed by the Tang Dynasty, Yiwu led seven cities to the Tang Dynasty, and the Tang Dynasty set up Xiyizhou (now Hami, Xinjiang) in Yiwu. After reading Tang Ming's Acupuncture and Moxibustion, Emperor Taizong thought that all the five zang-organs belong to the back. So he ordered in November of the fourth year of Zhenguan (630) that prisoners should not be whipped on the back after that. In the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), there was a bumper harvest in the whole country, and people scattered all over the country returned home one after another. Rice does not exceed three or four yuan a barrel, and only 29 people are sentenced to death a year. In August of the fourth year of Zhenguan (630), Japan sent a dog (also known as OTA shovel) to Tammy and a pharmacist Huiri to the Tang Dynasty. This was the first time that Japan sent an envoy to the Tang Dynasty. In 63 1 year, in the fifth year of Zhenguan, the capital of Xixia was sixteen states. Japan gave Tang dogs to the Tang Dynasty for the first time (last year). Lin Yi and Silla both sent messengers to see Don. On the second day of December in the fifth year of Zhenguan (63 1 year), Emperor Taizong formulated a system: "If you are sentenced to death, you must apply for it five times in two days, and Xiazhou must apply for it three times; On the day of execution, Shang Grain Bureau is not allowed to eat wine and meat, and Neijiaofang and Taichang Temple are not allowed to play music. The province under the door has to check again. If anyone who should die according to law is in a poor situation, write another letter and play it. " Five recitations refer to five times from two days before execution to the date of execution, which means that people's lives are at stake to show caution. Only evil people (Tang Chengzhi, the theme of Sui Li's heinous crime) play it once. In 632 AD, Zhenguan was six years old. Taizong is the only one. Add three department officials (Taishi, Taifu and Taibao). Emperor Taizong and his courtiers were based on safety. After his grandson, Emperor Taizong was very happy to remonstrate. King Yan Qi sent envoys to pay tribute, and Emperor Taizong sent Liu, a young man with a long history, to give the title of Taotu, that is, and Drukhan. In November of the sixth year of Zhenguan (632), the chieftain of Qiju (one of the fifteen departments of Tiele) led more than 6,000 families to Shazhou (now Dunhuang West, Gansu Province) to surrender to the Tang Dynasty. In 633, Zhenguan was seven years old. Emperor Taizong pardoned the condemned man and Li made a celestial ecliptic instrument. In 634 AD, Zhenguan was eight years old. Li Jing and others went to various places to investigate the situation. In 635 AD, Li Yuan died in the ninth year of Zhenguan in Tang Gaozu and Tuguhun in Tang Ping. In 636 AD, on June 21st, the first year of Zhenguan in North and South Asia in Tang Dynasty (636), Emperor Taizong died in the eleventh year of Zhenguan (637) at the age of 36. He advised Ma Zhou of the imperial court and suggested that * * * should attach importance to the selection of local officials in counties. Emperor Taizong heard about it and thought it was true. He decided that he would personally choose the secretariat in the future, and the county magistrate would give one person to each of the five or more people. In 638 AD, in the twelfth year of Zhenguan, Xue Yantuo was a small Khan, and Taizong built a hundred rides. In 639 AD, Emperor Taizong stopped hereditary secretariat in the thirteenth year of Zhenguan, and in 640 AD, the ghost country sent envoys to pay tribute, and then Gaochang was destroyed. Tang set Anxi in Jiaohe to protect the country, and the etiquette system changed. Princess Tang Wencheng entered Tibet in the 15th year of Zhenguan in 64 1 AD. Tang Fan and his wife Xi Jun bought the Tuyuhun Rebellion and conferred the title of Baekje King. Li Shi defeated Xue Yantuo in the 16th year of Zhenguan in 642 AD. No self-harm. In 643 AD, in the seventeenth year of Zhenguan, Guo Xiaoke defeated Wei Zhi and surrendered North Korea. Li Shimin ordered him to paint heroes like Lingyange. The prince rebelled, was abolished and made a prince. In the 18th year of Zhenguan in 644 AD, Emperor Taizong personally conquered Korea, and in the 19th year of Zhenguan in 645 AD, the leader of Tiele's nine surnames led the people to surrender to the Tang Dynasty. Xuanzang returned to China to learn from the scriptures. Sean and Cheng Mingzhen pulled out the city of Basa in Korea, Li Shiji attacked the city of Liaodong in Korea, Qiga joined forces to attack Korea, Baiyancheng in Korea fell, Taizong broke the city of Ancheng in Korea to help, and Taizong sent a letter to transfer troops from Korea. In the twenty-first year of Zhenguan in 646 AD, Xue Tingtuo surrendered to the Tang Dynasty, and in the twenty-first year of Zhenguan in 647 AD, Chile sent troops to attack Qiuci. Emperor Taizong cried Gao Shilian, and Gu Li made a tribute. Wang Boli built a ship to attack Korea, and the Turkish car nose Khan paid tribute to the Tang Dynasty. Zhao Mo, the commander of the Western Zhao Dynasty, attached Xue Wanche and other soldiers to attack Korea and Li Bai, and his bones were buried in the DPRK, which was quite loose. Wang Xuance will die only if he breaks Tianzhu. In 649 AD, in the twenty-third year of Zhenguan, he was a disciple of Mozi, and so on. In May of the 23rd year of Zhenguan (* * *), Emperor Taizong was critically ill. On his deathbed, he summoned Sun Chang Wuji and Chu Suiliang and asked them to help the Prince govern the country. In September, Taizong took the wind and died in Cuiwei Palace. Prince Li Zhi acceded to the throne for Tang Gaozong.
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