Mohism has a huge belly, living in Qin, and its son kills people. Qin Huiwang said: "My husband is too old to have a son. I have ordered officials to punish me. My husband listens to me. " Mohist law says: "When a murderer dies, he must punish the offender. It is also forbidden to kill people. It is of great significance to forbid him from killing people. Although it is given by the king, it is of great significance to the world. "
What people do is private; A giant can be said to be public by forbearing private and acting righteousness.
There was a famous Mohist in the state of Qin, whose name was Abdul. His son killed someone. Qin said to him, "Wang is old and has no son. I have ordered the officials not to kill him. Please listen to me about this. " Answer,' Mohist code says,' whoever kills or injures people shall be sentenced.' It is forbidden to kill or hurt people. Prohibition of killing and injury is an important principle in the world. Although your majesty saved my son's life and ordered officials not to kill him, I can't help but adhere to the principle of Mohism. "There is no promise to Hui Wang, so he killed his own son. People's private righteousness, forbearing private righteousness and doing righteousness, giants can be said to be fair.
2. The original translation of the law is not biased:
A giant of Mohism lived in Qin, and his son killed people. Qin Huiwang said, "Your husband is too old to have a son. Now I order my officials to punish him. Mr. Wang listens to me at this point. " Belly-to-belly: Mohist Law says: "Whoever kills will be punished. "So it is forbidden to kill people. For the world, it is of great significance to prohibit people from killing. Although the king gave it to him, he ordered the officials to punish him. He must do what the ink man did. " Don't Wang Hui, and then kill it. People's private, forbearing private to do justice, courtiers can be described as public.
There was a famous Mohist in the state of Qin, whose name was A Dou. His son killed someone. King Hui of Qin said, "Mr. Wang is old and has no other sons. I have ordered the officials not to kill him. Mr. Wang should listen to me on this matter. " The stomach replied: "Mohist laws and regulations stipulate that' the murderer should be put to death and the injured person should be punished'." This is used to prohibit killing and wounding, and it is a just cause on earth. Although the king took charge of this matter and asked the officials not to kill him, I had to abide by the laws and regulations of Mohism. "Without the consent of Qin Huiwang, the abdominal man killed his own son, who won the hearts of the people. It is selfless to have a heart cut and a righteousness do something.
3. The meaning of "Fa" in ancient Chinese:
The ancient prose "Ling" (knowing. From the perspective of "water", that is to say, the fairness of laws and regulations is like the surface of water; From "ambition", that is, Xie, a mythical beast, is said to be able to distinguish between right and wrong, and can touch people with its horns when trying a case. Basic meaning: criminal law; Law; It is also recorded that the cloud "Fa" is a kind of beast similar to deer and cattle. In ancient times, people used it as a tool to solve crimes. Whenever there are multiple suspects in a case, people usually give them up. If it touches anyone with its horn, it is a criminal.
1, with the same basic meaning.
Alas, punishment is also. As flat as water. From the water, those who can't touch directly go, go and realize. -Xu Shen's Shuowen in the Eastern Han Dynasty
Use torture to amend the law. -"Yimeng"
Just for the punishment of five abuses. -"Lu Xun Shu"
Law, punishment also. So * * * is forbidden. -"On Salt and Iron, Imperial Decree"
Killing is prohibited from criminal law. -"Pipe Story"
Rituals are forbidden before what will happen, and legalists are forbidden after what has happened. -"Dai"
If time is lost, laws should be cut. -"Historical Records Chen She Family"
Therefore, if you can't govern the country, it will be chaotic and law-abiding will be reversed. -"Lv Chunqiu Cha Jin"
2. decrees; Laws and regulations; system
Chinese and French are not a line. -Han Jiayi's Public Security Policy
Great, the rope won't bend. -Mo Zhai in the Warring States Period (dí) "Mozi"
3. standards; Mode/ one person is a hundred teachers, and one word is the law of the world. -Stone's "Chaozhou Chinese Temple Monument"
4. method; way
Where is the fight? It's the best in the country. -"Nine Changes of Sun Tzu"
Its method, with clay lettering. -Meng Qian Bitan Partner by Song Shen Kuo.
Herbs collected by ancient methods are mostly used in February and August. -"Meng Qian Bitan, Collecting Medicine"
5. In memory of Buddhists
Wen Shaobao also used the method of realizing the great light to eliminate cicadas. -Spring Plum Blossom Ridge in Wang Zu
Another example: Buddhism (using Buddhism to measure people); Legal heir (Buddhism calls a disciple who inherits the mantle a legal heir. Later also refers to the heir); Dharma circle (Buddhism refers to the whole phenomenon circle); Fahua (Buddha name. Short for Lotus Sutra. One of the major Buddhist classics)
Step 6 learn from others
So Wen Wang isn't enough? -"Mencius Gong Sunchou"
It is impossible to repair the ancient times by chance. -"Everything is ready, five mistakes"
Law is law. -"Lv Chunqiu Cha Jin"
Hanging down all the rules is the law of future generations. -Tang Hanyu answered Li Yishu
7. According to the law.
[Shang Yang] General Prince Fa. -Biography of Historical Records and Shang Jun
4. Translate classical Chinese and its meaning 1. Feng Xianghe is an important minister of North Korea. One day, Adan said to Feng Xiang, "What is the straight geometry of new boots?" Feng pointed his left foot and said, "900 yuan." Gu said impatiently to the little official, "Why do my boots need 1800 yuan?" Because of the abuse of power by small officials, I suspect that they are insatiable. Then Feng Xu raised his right foot and said, "This is also 900." Laughing nonstop.
Feng Xianghe and Xiang Xiang are both ministers who hold important positions in North Korea. One day, Feng's relatives and Xiang said, "Your boots are new. What is their value? " Fengxiang showed him the left corner and said, "900 coppers." He Xiang's temper was even more urgent. He turned to a small official and said, "Why do my boots cost 1,800 coppers? So I scolded the little official and suspected him of corruption. Then Fengxiang slowly raised his right foot and said, "This is only 900 copper coins." Everyone around him burst into laughter.
The blind man fell off the bridge.
There is a blind road that dries up the stream, the bridge falls off, and you climb on the rafters with both hands, striving to hold on firmly, and you will miss rolling in the deep.
Passers-by told him: "Don't be afraid, put it down first, that is, on the ground." The blind man didn't believe it and played the trombone. After a long time, he was exhausted and fell to the ground. He said, "Hey! If I had known, I would have been on the ground. Why have you suffered so long? "
Husband Avenue is desolate, empty and silent. Those who are strict with themselves take this place as a province!
A blind man crossed a dry stream, slipped on the bridge, grabbed the railing of the bridge with both hands and held it trembling, fearing that he would fall into the abyss accidentally. Passers-by told him: "Don't be afraid, just let go, it's on the ground." Blind people don't believe it. He grabbed the railing and kept crying. After a long time, the blind man accidentally fell to the ground. He laughed at himself: "Oh! If I knew it was on the ground, why did I put up with it for so long? "
The road to truth is actually very smooth. Those who are confused in the dark and stubbornly stay alone in the corner and are conservative should be aware of this story!
Dare to explore the truth, the future is always bright! With agnosticism, clinging to old ideas and denying all scientific and empirical reality, we can only hope for the unknown or fantasize about the afterlife and heaven.
Premier Zhang studied well, but he didn't have a job. At that time, everyone laughed at it. The prime minister is calm. A word a day, a pen, a book, a piece of paper full of dragons and snakes dancing for my nephew to record. My nephew turned a deaf ear when the waves were dangerous. He took the book and asked, "What is this word?" The prime minister has been familiar with it for a long time, and he doesn't know it himself. He criticized his nephew and said, "If you hadn't asked earlier, I would have forgotten."
Explanation: Prime Minister Zhang likes calligraphy, but he doesn't study hard. At that time, people laughed at him, and the prime minister was very calm about it. Once, when he got a good sentence, he picked up a pen and wrote it down quickly, and the whole paper danced. He asked his nephew to copy it down and went to that messy place. The nephew couldn't understand what he wrote, so he took a piece of paper and asked him, "What is this word?" The prime minister looked at it carefully for a long time, but he didn't recognize it himself, so he blamed his nephew: "Why didn't you ask earlier? I forgot what I wrote.
4. Original text
Mencius said: "erudite and refined, but you promise it on the contrary."
Mencius said: "The purpose of learning from others and explaining in detail is to return to simplicity after mastering it."
reading comprehension
Truth is simple, partly because of our need to understand, and partly because of the ostentation of so-called "learned people", which makes them more and more complex and profound.
"You don't say I still understand. The more you say, the more confused I am! " This is a complaint or humor that we often hear. If this complaint comes from a diligent student, I'm afraid the teacher will really sweat under his arm and wish there were no holes to drill.
In fact, on many issues, we hate having no holes to drill. For example, "What is a person?" "What is culture?" Don't say that everyone understands, that everyone is confused. Therefore, erudition is not to show off one's profound knowledge and pretend to be profound, but to explain it in simple terms and return to the original.
Teaching is like this, talking is like this, dancing is like this.
The so-called "gorgeous and extremely plain", erudition is attributed to simplicity.
Erudite comment is that mean, and conciseness is the purpose.