At that time, the teacher took pains to let the students distinguish between clothes and signs. There are two points beside the word "clothes", which are opposite to the word "sign". Since it is called next to the word clothes, it must be related to clothes. For example, sleeves, skirts, jackets and trousers are all related to clothes, so they are used next to the word clothes. The earliest time next to the sign was related to offering sacrifices to gods, such as immortals. Later, after continuous development and evolution, people gradually used it to represent things. For example, social clubs and gifts. Although this explanation is clear, I just have a phobia of discrimination! ! ! Especially when I read the words, it's probably the words Zen master and Zen clothes, and I'm completely confused. It stands to reason that the Zen master represents people and things, which are used next to the words. And Zen clothes are clothes. Why is it still a point? ! There is also the original word, why use the word clothes? ! Shouldn't it represent an object ... Baidu later explained that the beginning was made up of clothes and knives. In ancient times, the first process of making clothes was to cut cloth, which means to start, so the word clothes was used next to it ... well, it also explained the past, but it felt far-fetched.
Calligraphy is required to be neat at school. Every time I meet the words and brands next to clothes, I have to struggle for a long time. Even now, it is often difficult to tell. Fortunately, I learned to write Chinese characters, so I can get away with it. China's writing is profound and needs to be studied slowly.