display the Navigator window. N
run the editor Alt+F11
save the current drawing Ctrl+S
open the edit text dialog Ctrl+Shift+T
erase a part of the drawing or divide an object into two closed paths X
undo the last operation Ctrl+Z
undo the last operation alt+backspace
. > align the center of the selected object with vertical distance Shift+A
vertically disperse and align the center of the selected object Shift+C
vertically align the center of the selected object C
change the text to vertical layout (switching) Ctrl+.
open an existing drawing document Ctrl+O
print the current drawing Ctrl+P
open the "size tool shutter". Put the action and then return to the previous tool F2
Run the zoom action and then return to the previous tool Z
Export the text or object to another format Ctrl+E
Import the text or object Ctrl+I
Send the selected object to the back Shift+B
Place the selected object to the back Shift+PageDown
Send the selected object to the front Shift+T
. Place the selected object in front Shift+PageUp
Send the selected object to the right Shift+R
Send the selected object to the left Shift+L
Align the text to the baseline Alt+F12
Align the object with the grid (switch). Ctrl+Y
Align the center of the selected object to the center of the page P
Draw a symmetrical polygon Y
Split the selected object Ctrl+K
Align the dispersion of the selected object to the horizontal center of the stage Shift+P
Align the dispersion of the selected object to the horizontal center of the page Shift+E
Open the envelope tool shutter Ctrl+F7
Open the symbol and. L+F11
copy the selected item to the clipboard Ctrl+C
copy the selected item to the clipboard Ctrl+Ins
set the format of the text attribute Ctrl+T
restore the last undo operation Ctrl+Shift+Z
cut the selected object and put it in the clipboard Ctrl+X
cut the selected object and put it in the clipboard. Ctrl+ keypad 2
Apply gradient fill to object F11
Draw a rectangle in combination with the selected object Ctrl+L
; Double-click this tool to create a page frame F6
Open the Contour Pen dialog F12
Open the Contour Drawing Tool Roller Shutter Ctrl+F9
to draw a spiral; Double-click the tool to open the Toolbox tab A
of the Options dialog box to start the Spelling Checker; Check the spelling of the selected text Ctrl+F12
Switch Ctrl+Space
Deselect a group of objects or groups of objects Ctrl+U
Display a full-screen preview of the drawing F9
Group the selected objects Ctrl+G
Delete the selected object Del
Align the selected objects with T
Reduce the font size to a font size column. The last available setting in the table is Ctrl+ Keypad 4
Go to the previous page PageUp
Move the lens up relative to the painting Alt+↑
Generate the "Property Bar" and aim at the first visual item that can be marked Ctrl+Backspace
Open the "View Manager Tool Roller Shutter" Ctrl+F2
Switch between the two recently used view qualities+. Draw lines and curves in "Draw" mode F5
Use this tool to pan the drawing by clicking and dragging H
Display the properties of the object or tool according to the current option or tool Alt+backspace
Refresh the current drawing window Ctrl+W
Align the center of the selected object horizontally E
Change the text arrangement to Ctrl+ in the horizontal direction.
open the zoom tool shutter Alt+F9
zoom all the objects to the maximum F4
zoom the selected objects to the maximum Shift+F2
zoom out the figure F3
add a fill to the object; Click and drag the object to realize fountain filling G
open the lens tool roller shutter Alt+F3
open the graphic and text style tool roller shutter Ctrl+F5
exit CorelDRAW and prompt to save the active drawing Alt+F4
draw an ellipse and a circle F7
draw a rectangular group D
convert the object into a mesh filling object M
open the ". Drag to add "paragraph text") F8
Align the selected object below B
Increase the font size to the next setting in the font size list Ctrl+ Keypad 6
Go to the next page PageDown
Move the lens down relative to the painting Alt+↓
Contains the function of specifying the properties of linear dimension lines Alt+F2
Add/remove bullets of text objects (. Ctrl+M
places the selected object in the stack order of objects to the next position. Ctrl+PageDown
places the selected object in the stack order of objects to the previous position. Ctrl+PageUp
Use the "super fine adjustment" factor to fine-tune the object up. Shift+↑
Fine adjustment factor to fine-tune the object up. Ctrl+↑
Fine-tune object Shift+↓
fine-tune object down ↓
fine-tune object Ctrl+↓
fine-tune object Shift+←
fine-tune object right ←
fine-tune object ctrl+right. Fine-tune the object →
Fine-tune the object to the left using the Fine-tune factor Ctrl+→
Create a new drawing document Ctrl+N
Edit the node of the object; Double-click this tool to open the node editing roller shutter F1
to open the rotary tool roller shutter Alt+F8
to open the dialog box for setting CorelDRAW options Ctrl+J
to open the dialog box for Outline Color Shift+F12
to apply even fill to the object Shift+F11
to display the whole printable page Shift+F4
to select the object.
shift the lens to the right relative to the painting Alt+←
reproduce the selected object and shift Ctrl+D
by a specified distance to increase the font size to the next font size setting. Ctrl+ keypad 8
Paste the contents of the Clipboard into the drawing Ctrl+V
Paste the contents of the Clipboard into the drawing Shift+Ins
Start "What is this?" Help Shift+F1
Repeat the last operation Ctrl+R
Convert the calligraphy into paragraph text or vice versa; Convert the selected object into a curve Ctrl+Q
Convert the outline into an object Ctrl+Shift+Q
Use fixed width, pressure sensing, calligraphy style or preset "natural pen" style to draw the curve I