Wang Huizhi and Wang Jingzhi

Wang Huizhi, Violet, Wang Xianzhi, Amethyst. Both of them are sons of Wang Xizhi and have made great achievements in calligraphy and other aspects. Wang Ziyou has been passed down through the ages with his unique personality.

Wang Ziyou lives in the mountains and it snows in the middle of the night. Wang Ziyou just stood up and drank two glasses of wine. Looking at the snow around me, I thought of his hermit friend Diane Road, who stayed in the mountains and rivers at that time and went by boat overnight. But after midnight, Wang Ziyou just walked to the door and turned to leave. People asked him why. Son lobbied: "I will do whatever I want." If I don't want to see him, why should I see him? " Wang Zi's indulgence is reflected in all aspects.

? Everyone knows that bamboo represents a gentleman, and that's because bamboo was fired by Wang Ziyou. Wang Ziyou once lived in an empty house of a family and ordered to plant bamboo in the yard. He looked at bamboo affectionately and said, "How can there be a day in my life when there is no bamboo?" Wang Ziyou's love for bamboo is desperate. When he passed Wudi, he saw a bamboo forest in the home of a scholar-bureaucrat and wanted to see it. This scholar-bureaucrat has also heard the name of Prince You for a long time, so he prepared the etiquette of ordinary people. But Wang Ziyou asked his men to take it directly to the bamboo forest. The master was disappointed and thought, tell me after you read it. As a result, I didn't expect him to strode directly to the gate after the visit, and the owner let his family block the door. Wang Ziyou looked at it: Yo! Regardless of worldly etiquette, it suits me very well. I chat with my master.

? When I was visiting Jiangsu, I met Huan who played the flute very well, but I didn't know him. Knowing that some guests recognized him, he sent a servant to ask, "I've heard a lot about you." I wonder if you can play a song for my master? " At that time, Huang Ziye was very famous. He had heard the name of Wang Zi. After boarding the boat, he sat on the hemp, played a plum blossom trick, got up and left. In this process, the host and the guest didn't say a word.

? Prince You left nothing to the world, but he left a unique figure who was famous for doing nothing. Wang Ziyou was born in the Wangs, and he has a strong backer, so no one is afraid. That is, "there is nothing to be afraid of."

? In contrast, his younger brother Wang Zijing is very talented. When Wang Zijing and Wang Ziyou were sitting together, they learned that there was a fire, and Wang Zi ran away without shoes, but Wang Zijing asked someone to help him out slowly, which showed that Wang Zijing was very calm in handling things.

? At a banquet, Wang Zijing and Xi Chishao sat together. Although he knew Xi Chishao was very knowledgeable, he was born in a poor family. Wang Zijing despises him and has to sit opposite him. After everyone broke up, Xie An said to his nephew, "Although I am respectful and self-reliant, I should not be so arrogant."

? When the Wang Zijing brothers met their uncle, they were very polite and did what nephews should do. When the guest they recommended died, they disrespected their uncle and asked them to sit down. They all said, "I don't have time to sit down!" After leaving, Gong said angrily, "How dare you mice be so arrogant before my son died? "

? Wang Zijing's calligraphy is called two kings with his father. Wang Zijing and his two brothers went to Xie Gong's house. The two brothers are discussing things in the world. Amethyst only said a few pleasantries. After the three left, Xie Gong said to everyone, "The youngest child of the three is the most knowledgeable." The guest didn't know why, and Xie Gong explained, "A wise man doesn't talk, but an impatient man talks a lot."

? From Wang Ziyou and Wang Zijing to Wang Xizhi, Wang Zijing is the most emotional. When he was seriously ill, the wizard asked him to tell the most shameful thing in his life. He replied: "nothing, just remember the divorce with Xi." Wang Zijing divorced because the princess wanted to marry him, so he had to obey the emperor's orders.

? There is a saying that "born in the royal family, the best is the dragon and phoenix among the people, and the poor is the tiger and leopard among the people." It can be seen that birth was valued at that time, and birth was also one of the reasons for the success of officialdom: the knowledge of gnashing teeth was equally high, but it was looked down upon because of poor birth. Wang Ziyou, a good poet and eccentric personality, is a dragon and phoenix among people; Wang Zijing's calligraphy is very good, and his works are very stable. He and his father are also called "two kings", also known as dragons and phoenixes. Brother Wang, there are dragons and phoenixes among people!