22 idioms with short stories
In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Wang Chen showed his talent when he was young and was highly praised by relatives and friends. His uncle Fan Ning was a famous scholar at that time, and he also attached great importance to Chen Wang. When famous scholars visit him, he always asks Chen Wang to be present for reception. On one occasion, Chen Wang visited his uncle and met Zhang Xuan, who was famous earlier than him. My uncle asked them to talk. Zhang Xuan has long heard that Wang Chen is very interested and wants to talk to him. He is older than Wang Chen. Naturally, he hoped that Wang Chen would say hello to himself first and just sit up straight and wait. Unexpectedly, Wang Chen is very disdainful of Zhang Xuan's appearance. He also sat silently, saying nothing. Seeing him like this, Zhang Xuan can no longer put down the shelf. He sat for a while and left unhappily. Afterwards, Fan Ning blamed Chen Wang and said, "Zhang Xuan is an outstanding talent in Wuzhong. Why don't you talk to him? Wang Chen replied haughtily, "If he really wants to associate with me, he can come and talk to me. Hearing this, Fan Ning praised his nephew and said, "You are so romantic and elegant. You are really an outstanding talent." . Chen Yu said with a smile, "Without an uncle like you, how can there be a nephew like me?"