And Hui Di acceded to the throne, on the hydrophobic begging. Soon, the magistrate of Liaozhou wrote a letter to Wang Wei. Wei Wei went to the official department to write a book on current politics. Fang Yi, servant beheaded the kings, and invited Han Yu successively. In short, he said: "The high emperor enfeoffed the kings, which is an ancient system. Both are excessive, and the king is arrogant and lawless, which violates the dynasty system. If you don't cut it, the court's discipline will not stand; If you cut it, it will hurt the goodwill of kissing. Jia yi said:' there is no better way to maintain public order in the world than to establish vassals without their help.' Today, I'm afraid I will do what I want. I don't want to be fooled by Chao Cuo, but I will take the initiative to suppress his kindness for my father. In the era of the northern kings, children were enfeoffed in the south; In the south, children are divided in the north. In this way, the power of the princes will be cut instead of cut. I also want to benefit from the gift of kissing. When I get old, Ralph asks people to ask questions. The sage wrote a letter praising it. Those who are arrogant and lawless will tolerate for the first time, forgive for the second time, and sue for abolishing the ancestral temple if they don't change for the third time. Does anyone disobey? "Book, emperor qin.
Have Yan Bing, life from Li Jinglong for military affairs counsellor. Wei Yan replied, "I would like to make Yan. Put on loyalty and courage, Chen Yili, know the blessings and sorrows, feel the friendship of relatives, and return the soldiers to the princes. " The emperor strengthened his words and promised them. Said ehud Shapiro to yan, claiming to be:
Chu Shi Gao Wei, King of China, once again paid homage to His Royal Highness the Prince of Yan: Taizu was the guest of honor, the son of heaven was the heir, and the envoy was loved by the world. They all said: "There are saints inside and Fan Han outside, and successful and healthy rule, farewell to today." It's not that the king is absolutely different from Zhang Sanjun in the imperial court, but he is resistant to the six armies. I don't know what the king means. Today, among courtiers, writers are wise and warriors are fearless. They stand up for obedience and resistance and safeguard justice. The chances of winning or losing are clear in your hands. Jun Yun "punishes the civil servants in the left class as an excuse, but in fact, Wu Wang is wise and his mentality is well known." Afraid of treacherous people, Wei Wei took advantage of the gap to strike hard. If anything goes wrong, the king will offend the late emperor. Today, according to Peiping, the king took Miyun, went down to Yongping, and attacked Xiongxian County. It's true. Although it is easy to build a restaurant, the war has been going on for several months, and there is still no way out. Besides, all the soldiers under the command of the king can't be counted as 300 thousand. A country with a limited number of people can easily become a teacher of the world. The king and the son of heaven are righteous, close relatives are flesh and blood, and they are still alienating each other. 300,000 people with different surnames can guarantee that Qi Xin will die together in your highness? Every time Wei Wei reads this, he doesn't cry.
May your majesty believe a word: apologize above and mend the relationship again. Without him, the court will be lenient. Mao is safe in the spirit of heaven. If you stick to your own opinions, give up respect for thousands of times, donate a country's wealth, win small battles, forget the great righteousness, and be outnumbered, this is a paradox that can't be achieved by luck. Wei Wei doesn't know what kind of car the King is driving. The situation is not over yet. Poison has been promoted to division brigade. Isn't it very different from the meaning of "Tai Bo, Yi, Qi Fang Guo"? Although the king is determined to destroy the imperial court, there is no doubt that the world is usurping reunification. That is, fortunately, unbeaten, who is the king?
A scholar with white hair, ephemera, is not afraid of death. In the seventeenth year of Hongwu, Taizu Gaozu was the courtier of Xiaozong. Wei Wei conceited: a dutiful son and a loyal minister. Loyalty and filial piety to the death, only wish. Granted the death penalty, it can be seen that Mao is in the spirit of heaven and can only be innocent.
In terms of the number of books, it is not reported.
Jinglong was defeated and Wei fled the south. When I arrived in Linyi, I cried in case I participated in politics in Tiexuan. Run to Jinan, fight to the death, and beat Yan Bing many times. And the city is broken, Vivian has died in the hostel.
2. What is the translation of the classical Chinese "Gao Liaowei Zhou Ren"? Gao Wei, a native of Liao and Zhou Dynasties, advocates integrity and is good at writing. Mother Xiao had an incurable disease for a long time, and Gao Wei served at her side until her mother was old. After his mother died, Gao Wei ate coarse grains and lived in the room next to the tomb for three years. During the Hongwu period in Ming Taizu, in recognition of his filial piety, he was appointed as a student of Yitai Square and a left judge in the former military governor's office. Reclamation in Henan, Shandong and Beiping. In addition, it is also divided into four parts: restraining industry and commerce, carefully selecting people, paying attention to titles and car service system. Ming Taizu praised and adopted his suggestion. Soon after, he was punished for judging that things did not conform to the emperor's wishes. The death penalty was reduced and was assigned to guard Guansuoling in Guizhou. The emperor specially allowed his brother and nephew to take the place of service, saying, "This is to honor a dutiful son."
After Ming Huidi acceded to the throne, Gao Wei asked to resign and return to China. Soon, Wang Qinfeng, the magistrate of Liaozhou, summoned Gao Wei. Gao Wei then took office in the official department and wrote a letter to discuss political affairs. The authorities are talking about cutting off the captaincy, but Gao Wei and Shi Yu Han Yu have asked for a kind captaincy. Gao E said: "Jia Yi once said,' If you want stability in the world, it is better to set up governors widely and weaken their strength." Why not follow his example now? Don't implement Chao Cuo's plan to cede territory and seize power, but follow the example of Zhufuyan's plan to promote goodness. The vassal kings in the north enfeoffed their children to the south; The vassal kings in the south enfeoffed their children to the north. In this way, the power of the captaincy will naturally weaken if it is not cut off. "Play with this gift, Ming Huidi nodded.
Soon Judy, the prince of Yan, rose up, and the court ordered Gao Wei to follow Li Jinglong and assist in military affairs. Gao Wei wrote: "I would like to go to Yan. Show loyalty, state moral etiquette, make him understand whether it is a disaster or a blessing with reason, and touch him with the friendship of dear relatives. Let him stop fighting and return to China. " Ming Huidi thought his words were heroic and agreed to him.
When Gao Wei arrived in Yan State, he said: Taizu died, the son of heaven succeeded to the throne, and he implemented an innovative policy, which was loved and supported by people all over the world. I can't believe that you openly broke with the imperial court and led your own army against the teacher of the son of heaven. I wonder what your intention is. At present, the court ministers gather wisdom, the military commanders are brave in fighting, insist on justice, rely on morality, and punish the two ministers who move against the times with the power of providence and the will of the people. The chances of winning or losing are obvious. Besides, your majesty, the number of soldiers under your command does not exceed three hundred thousand. It is also easy to be exhausted by the limited army of a vassal state against the army of the emperor. Your majesty, you and the son of heaven are morally monarch, minister and blood relatives, but still give birth to estrangement and bad blood. Besides, 300,000 sergeants with different surnames can guarantee to work together with you and do their best for your highness until death? Every time I think about this, I will cry for your majesty. I hope your majesty will believe my suggestion, apologize and restore close and friendly relations. The court can see clearly that you have no other intention and you will be forgiven. Mao can feel at ease in the spirit of heaven.
The document was submitted many times, but there was no reply. Soon after Li Jinglong was defeated, Gao Wei got away and returned to the south. When I arrived in Linyi, I met Tiexuan, a politician, and hugged each other and cried. Rushed to Jinan, vowed to hold the city and defeated the prince's army many times. The capital was breached and Gao Wei hanged himself in the post office.
This classical Chinese is selected from Gao Wei Biography in Ming Dynasty.
Ming History is the end of the twenty-fourth history, with a total of 332 volumes, including 24 biographies, 75 chronicles, 220 biographies, and table 13. It is a biographical chronology, which records the history of more than 200 years from the first year of Hongwu (A.D. 1368) of Zhu Yuanzhang, the Ming Taizu, to the seventeenth year of Chongzhen, Zhu Youjian (A.D. 1644).
3. Classical Chinese Gao Zhoumin translated Ming History Volume 143 Biography Article 31 Biography of Gao Wei.
original text
Gao Wei, a native of Liaozhou, is honest and can write. Mother Xiao has a chronic disease, and Wei Wei serves around until she is old. Mother died, and she ate vegetables for three years in Lu's grave. The former military commander Imperial College tried Zhong and Xing. Reclamation in Henan, Shandong and Beiping. There are still a few things, restraint last resort, careful election, cherish the name. Taizu Ghana Kingdom. Ask for a decision, don't say what you want, be guilty, and drop the death of Guansuoling in Guizhou. He chartered his younger brother and nephew to serve him, saying, "Be a dutiful son."
And Hui Di acceded to the throne, on the hydrophobic begging. Soon, the magistrate of Liaozhou wrote a letter to Wang Wei. Wei Wei went to the official department to write a book on current politics. Fang Yi, servant beheaded the kings, and invited Han Yu successively. In short, he said: "The high emperor enfeoffed the kings, which is an ancient system. Both are excessive, and the king is arrogant and lawless, which violates the dynasty system. If you don't cut it, the court's discipline will not stand; If you cut it, it will hurt the goodwill of kissing. Jia yi said:' there is no better way to maintain public order in the world than to establish vassals without their help.' Today, I'm afraid I will do what I want. I don't want to be fooled by Chao Cuo, but I will take the initiative to suppress his kindness for my father. In the era of the northern kings, children were enfeoffed in the south; In the south, children are divided in the north. In this way, the king's power will be cut instead of cut. I also want to benefit from the gift of kissing. When I get old, Ralph asks people to ask questions. The sage wrote a letter praising it. Those who are arrogant and lawless will tolerate for the first time, forgive for the second time, and sue for abolishing the ancestral temple if they don't change for the third time. Does anyone disobey? "Book, emperor qin.
Have Yan Bing, life from Li Jinglong for military affairs counsellor. Wei Yan replied, "I would like to make Yan. Put on loyalty and courage, Chen Yili, know the blessings and sorrows, feel the friendship of relatives, and bring the soldiers back to China. " The emperor strengthened his words and promised them. Said ehud Shapiro to yan, claiming to be:
Chu Shi Gao Wei, King of China, once again paid homage to His Royal Highness the Prince of Yan: Taizu was the guest of honor, the son of heaven was the heir, and the envoy was loved by the world. They all say: "There are saints inside and Han outside, and success and health can be cured. Goodbye this day. " It's not that the king is absolutely different from Zhang Sanjun in the imperial court, but he is resistant to the six armies. I don't know what the king means. Today, among courtiers, writers are wise and warriors are fearless. They stand up for obedience and resistance and safeguard justice. The chances of winning or losing are clear in your hands. Jun Yun "punishes the civil servants in the left class as an excuse, but in fact, Wu Wang is wise and his mentality is well known." Afraid of treacherous people, Wei Wei took advantage of the gap to strike hard. If anything goes wrong, the king will offend the late emperor. Today, according to Peiping, the king took Miyun, went down to Yongping, and attacked Xiongxian County. It's true. Although it is easy to build a restaurant, the war has been going on for several months, and there is still no way out. Besides, all the soldiers under the command of the king can't be counted as 300 thousand. A country with a limited number of people can easily become a teacher of the world. The king and the son of heaven are righteous, close relatives are flesh and blood, and they are still alienating each other. 300,000 people with different surnames can guarantee that Qi Xin will die together in your highness? Every time Wei Wei reads this, he doesn't cry.
May your majesty believe a word: apologize above and mend the relationship again. Without him, the court will be lenient. Mao is safe in the spirit of heaven. If you stick to your own opinions, give up respect for thousands of times, donate a country's wealth, win small battles, forget the great righteousness, and be outnumbered, this is a paradox that can't be achieved by luck. Wei Wei doesn't know what kind of car the King is driving. The situation is not over yet. Poison has been promoted to division brigade. Isn't it very different from the meaning of "Tai Bo, Yi, Qi Fang Guo"? Although the king is determined to destroy the imperial court, there is no doubt that the world is usurping reunification. That is, fortunately, unbeaten, who is the king?
A scholar with white hair, ephemera, is not afraid of death. In the seventeenth year of Hongwu, Taizu Gaozu was the courtier of Xiaozong. Wei Wei conceited: a dutiful son and a loyal minister. Loyalty and filial piety to the death, only wish. Granted the death penalty, it can be seen that Mao is in the spirit of heaven and can only be innocent.
In terms of the number of books, it is not reported.
Jinglong was defeated and Wei fled the south. When I arrived in Linyi, I cried in case I participated in politics in Tiexuan. Run to Jinan, fight to the death, and beat Yan Bing many times. And the city is broken, Vivian has died in the hostel.
Gao Wei, a native of Liaozhou, advocates integrity and can write articles. My mother has a small illness, and Gao Wei has been waiting on her side until she is old. After his mother died, he made a vegetarian tomb for three years. During the reign of Hongwu, the imperial court commended filial piety. He was appointed by Imperial College, and was sentenced by the Governor's Office before the trial. He went to the countryside to open up wasteland in Henan, Shandong and Beiping. In addition, several things are put forward, such as suppressing some unimportant skills, carefully selecting officials and cherishing famous instruments. Mao appreciated it and accepted it. Soon after, he was found guilty and exempted from the death penalty for failing to solve the case, and was sent to Guansuoling, Guizhou. The court specially authorized his younger brother and nephew to go instead of him, and said, "This is to honor the dutiful son."
4. Gao Qiu Wei, a native of Liaozhou, translated this classical Chinese: Gao Wei, a native of Liaozhou, has good moral integrity and good writing style.
Mother Xiao suffered from a long illness, and Gao Wei took care of her personally until her death. After his mother died, Gao Wei lived beside the tomb and was a vegetarian for three years.
During the Hongwu period, the court commended him for his filial piety and appointed him as a Zuoke student of the former military governor's office. Gao Wei asked the imperial court to send people to reclaim barren land in Henan, Shandong, Peiping and other places, and wrote to the imperial court, saying that it was necessary to curb business, choose carefully and reward and punish moderately.
Mao adopted his opinion with approval. Soon after, he was punished by the court because his handling of government affairs did not meet the wishes of the court. The court pardoned his brother, sons and nephews to work for him, and explained: "It was to commend the dutiful son."
After Hui Di acceded to the throne, Gao Wei asked to resign and return to China. Soon, Qin Wang, the magistrate of Liaozhou, ordered Gao Wei to be an official in North Korea.
Gao Wei then went to the official department to discuss current politics. At that time, the rulers were reducing the king's fiefs according to the law of righteousness, and only Gao Wei and the suggestion Han Yu wrote to the king for mercy.
It means "the emperor highly rewards the kings, which is an ancient ritual system." Since it exceeded the standard, most kings were arrogant and indulgent, disobeying the law and violating the imperial power system. If their power is not reduced, the imperial system cannot be established. If it is reduced, the friendship of relatives who are given priority will be damaged. Jia Yi once said,' If you want stability in the world, it is better to seal more governors and reduce their rights'. Why not follow his example now? So don't take Chao Cuo's practice of cutting off the vassals, but take the policy of taking the initiative to suppress the favors. Among the northern kings, his brother and nephew were sealed in the south, while among the southern kings, his brother and nephew were sealed in the north.
If this is the case, then the power of the captaincy will be weakened by itself instead of decreasing. Please also ask the emperor to increase the courtesy of caring for his loved ones and send gifts to express condolences at various festivals in the middle of the year.
The noble and law-abiding court issued decrees to praise and reward them. Those who arrogantly indulge in breaking the law and discipline are tolerated for the first time, forgiven for the second time, and punished for the third time by asking their ancestors to abolish their titles. If so, where are the disobedient and law-abiding people? "After watching the play, Hui Di nodded approvingly. Soon, the prince rose up and rebelled, and Hui Di ordered Gao Wei to follow the expedition and coordinate military affairs.
Gao Wei wrote a letter to the imperial court, saying, "I am willing to send an envoy to Yan Di to release him with loyalty, and Chen Zhihui will treat him with courtesy. I hope to impress him with affection and let him stop fighting and return to the fief." Huidi appreciated his courage and agreed with him. Gao Wei went to the state of Yan and wrote many letters to the prince, but there was no reply.
Soon after Li Jinglong was defeated, Gao Wei returned to Beijing from Yan Di, arrived in Linyi, and met Tie Xuan, who participated in politics. The two of them wept bitterly and then went to Jinan, vowing to protect themselves against Yan Bing. The capital was breached and Gao Wei committed suicide in the post office.
5. Wei, a native of Chatou, translated this classical Chinese:
Gao Wei, a native of Liaozhou, has a good personality and a good writing style. Mother Xiao suffered from a long illness, and Gao Wei took care of her personally until her death. After his mother died, Gao Wei lived beside the tomb and was a vegetarian for three years. During the Hongwu period, the court commended him for his filial piety and appointed him as a Zuoke student of the former military governor's office. Gao Wei asked the imperial court to send people to reclaim barren land in Henan, Shandong, Peiping and other places, and wrote to the imperial court, saying that it was necessary to curb business, choose carefully and reward and punish moderately. Mao adopted his opinion with approval. Soon after, he was punished by the court because his handling of government affairs did not meet the wishes of the court. The court pardoned his brother, sons and nephews to work for him, and explained: "It was to commend the dutiful son."
After Hui Di acceded to the throne, Gao Wei asked to resign and return to China. Soon, Qin Wang, the magistrate of Liaozhou, ordered Gao Wei to be an official in North Korea. Gao Wei then went to the official department to discuss current politics. At that time, the rulers were reducing the king's fiefs according to the law of righteousness, and only Gao Wei and the suggestion Han Yu wrote to the king for mercy. It means "the emperor highly rewards the kings, which is an ancient ritual system." Since it exceeded the standard, most kings were arrogant and indulgent, disobeying the law and violating the imperial power system. If their power is not reduced, the imperial system cannot be established. If it is reduced, the friendship of relatives who are given priority will be damaged. Jia Yi once said,' If you want stability in the world, it is better to seal more governors and reduce their rights'. Why not follow his example now? So don't take Chao Cuo's practice of cutting off the vassals, but take the policy of taking the initiative to suppress the favors. Among the northern kings, his brother and nephew were sealed in the south, while among the southern kings, his brother and nephew were sealed in the north. If this is the case, then the power of the captaincy will be weakened by itself instead of decreasing. Please also ask the emperor to increase the courtesy of caring for his loved ones and send gifts to express condolences at various festivals in the middle of the year. The noble and law-abiding court issued decrees to praise and reward them. Those who are arrogant and indulge in breaking the law and discipline are tolerant for the first time, forgive for the second time, and ask their ancestors to abolish their titles and punish them for the third time. If so, where are those who don't obey the law? " After the play, Hui Di nodded approvingly.
Soon, the prince rose up and rebelled, and Hui Di ordered Gao Wei to follow the expedition and coordinate military affairs. Gao Wei wrote a letter to the imperial court, saying, "I am willing to send an envoy to Yan Di to release him with loyalty, and Chen Zhihui will treat him with courtesy. I hope to impress him with affection and let him stop fighting and return to the fief." Huidi appreciated his courage and agreed with him. Gao Wei went to the state of Yan and wrote many letters to the prince, but there was no reply.
Soon after Li Jinglong was defeated, Gao Wei returned to Beijing from Yan Di, arrived in Linyi, and met Tie Xuan, who participated in politics. The two of them wept bitterly and then went to Jinan, vowing to protect themselves against Yan Bing. The capital was breached and Gao Wei committed suicide in the post office.
6. Wang senru studied ancient Chinese, and he was also a Linyi person. When I was a few years old, Uncle Hiroshi called all my descendants together. Hiroko and the monk danced in the field, and monk Qian sat alone and picked candles and beads for Phoenix. Hong said, "This son will eventually be an elder."
Monks like official script. Filial piety wants to be good at its title, but monks dare not show traces. They often dig pens and books to show their abilities. In Taishi, he was an assistant general and a prefect of Xing Wu. (2) good book, martial arts, and monk Qian Gong book, and county, theorists call it.
Mao is good at writing books and saying things, and he acceded to the throne, which is very powerful. After gambling with the monk, he said, "Who is the first?" The monk said devoutly, "The book of ministers comes first, and so does your majesty." Laugh at him and say, "Your kindness can be described as asking for more happiness." When a monk shows piety to a historical site, he will ask a name. Qian Shang Yang Xin, a monk, wrote a volume "Nengshu Names".
Monk Qian said in "On Books": Books, from the cloud, are comparable to and respected. Commentators said: "Nature is better than sheep music, but kung fu is not as good as music". Great-grandfather received the book, and the right army said, "My brother's book will not reduce me." When Yu was young, he was as famous as the right army. When the right army fell behind, Yu was not angry. In Jingzhou, he wrote a book with people in Beijing: "Children learn easily and learn less, so they should compare with me." Wang Youjun wrote this book on the table, and Emperor Jin Mu ordered Zhang Yi to write this book, which is exactly the same, but he answered the questions after the questions. The right army didn't say goodbye at that time, and it took a long time to understand that the cloud "Zhang Yi is a villain, and I want to be fascinated." Zhang Zhi and Will were rated as the previous generation, and there is no way to tell the difference between them, only by their amazing brushwork. Yang Xin's book was very important for some time and was respected by his son. His calligraphy is particularly good, but it is not worthy of the name. Kong Lin's book is naturally indulgent, with great brushwork, and its rules may be behind Yang Xin's. Xie Zongshu, it is better to hate less flattery. Xie lingyun is neither fish nor fowl, and he has also entered the stream when he meets. Yu Xin learns from the right army and wants to confuse the truth. (Adapted from "Seven Books in the South")
Note: ① Digging pen: bald pen. ② Wang Xianzhi: Zi, a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, is famous for his cursive style. ③ Right Army: General of the right army. Wang Xizhi (Shao Yi), a calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, once held this post and was called "Wang Youjun".
1. In the following statement, bold words are misinterpreted as ().
A. eventually become an elder. Elder: An older person
B. The right army fell behind: it grew later.
C. Natural indulgence: unrestrained
D, the inflow and inflow are also obtained, which are included in the flow product.
2. In the following statements, the group with the same meaning and usage of bold words is ().
A. I often dig a pen to read Rong/Yang Xin's books for a while.
B. Answer/Correct after the question is not a name.
C. The right army did not bid farewell at that time, and it took a long time to realize/break Jingzhou and go to Jiangling.
D. it is impossible to tell the pros and cons/it is the beauty of Xu Gong.
3. The following understanding of the sentences in the text does not conform to the meaning of the text: ()
A. Uncle Hong gathers all the descendants, and monk Hongzi dances in the field.
Uncle wang hong gathered the children together, and wang hong's son, Wang Senda, scampered on the ground.
B. Mao's writing style is good, and he acceded to the throne, which is very powerful.
Mao was good at calligraphy, and he loved it after he acceded to the throne.
C. Youth is selfish.
You can say that you are good at independent thinking.
D. Great-grandfather received the book, and You Junyun said, "Brother's book will not reduce me."
My late great-grandfather Wang Lingjun wrote a letter, and Wang Xizhi said, "My brother didn't lose me when he wrote."
4. In the following understanding and analysis, one that does not conform to the meaning of the text is ()
A. In order to protect himself in front of Emperor Xiaowu, Wang Sengqian did not hesitate to write with a bald pen to hide his calligraphy level.
B Wang Xianzhi and Wang Sengqian are both good at calligraphy, and both worked as county magistrates in Xing Wu, so they are all said to be beautiful.
C Yu Yi, the general of the Western Expedition, is as famous for his calligraphy as Wang Xizhi, and many young students come to Yuyi to study.
D Zhang Yi and Yu Xin imitated Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, and both of them almost reached the level of confusing the real with the fake.
5. The article says that "calligraphy is better than Yang Xin, and critics say that' nature is better than Yang Xin, but kung fu is not as good as Yang Xin'", which means that "Song Wendi's calligraphy can be compared with others, but critics at that time said that' Song Wendi's talent is higher than Yang Xin's, and the artistic level of calligraphy is not as good as Yang Xin' Please talk about your understanding of the relationship between "nature" and "kung fu" in combination with your reading accumulation. (not less than 200 words)
5. Expound the relationship between "nature" and "Kung Fu" by combining personal reading accumulation.
7. Li Changchun Translation of Classical Chinese Li Changchun
Li Changzi was elected by the public and was born in Nankang Jianchang. When I was young, I studied at Baishi Temple in Lushan Mountain. After entering the Jinshi, he wrote 9,000 copies of the suicide note and named the monk's house Lishanfang. Transfer to Jiangzhou Judge and Xuanzhou Observation Judge. This shipment made Zuo Yang intend to advise him to change his rank. Li often recommends his friend Liu Qi. Zuo Yang said: "There has been no such thing in the world for a long time." Recommend together.
In the early years of Xining, he was in charge of the secret cabinet. Wang Anshi befriended Li Chang, and he was appointed as the inspector of the Third Division of Planning, and was appointed as the Senate of You Yi. Wang Anshi introduced the new law, and Li often participated in the discussion. He didn't want young crops to receive interest money. At this time, he listed one by one: "When the Third Division was just established, it caused discussions at home and abroad. As for the tactics of "both lose" and "young crops", it is shocking to collect interest and value righteousness over profit, which is tantamount to Wang Mang's trivial separation of the words of Zhou Guan to poison the world! " As soon as Wang Anshi saw it, he sent his cronies to tell him the general idea, but Chang Li didn't stop there. He also said: "States and counties often spend money, but in fact they can't afford it, extorting people to make money." Zongshen asked Wang Anshi, and Wang Anshi asked Li Chang to send an official document. Li Chang thought that this did not conform to the system of remonstrating officials, so he was expelled from school and sentenced to slippery state. After more than a year, he was restored to Ezhou and moved to Huzhou and qi zhou. There are many thieves in qi zhou, so there is no empty day in the newspaper. Li often caught cunning thieves and stabbed them to death as soldiers, so that the land where thieves lived was completely destroyed and uprooted, killing 700 people in half a year, and there was nowhere to hide their evil. Move to Huainan West Road to raise some prisons. In the sixth year of Yuanfeng (1083), he was called Taichang Shao Qing and was promoted as assistant minister of the Ministry of Rites.
When Zhezong acceded to the throne, Li Chang was appointed assistant minister of the official department and promoted to minister of the Ministry. Some people suspect that he lacks talent and tolerance and worry that he is incompetent. Zhezong asked Sima Guang. Sima Guang said: "If Li Chang is in charge of the national finance, then people will know that the court is not in a hurry to collect profits, and the collection of profits can be a little calmer." Li Chang was right. He wrote seven things, namely, respecting honesty and shame, saving the countryside, failing to keep the slaughter, abolishing bribes, examining suspected prisons, selecting Confucian scholars, and repairing the service law. At that time, the service law was poor, and there was no decision to exempt the two subjects. Li Chang believes that "there is no difference between old and new laws, so it is good to facilitate the people;" Without me, I can be right for a long time. Now if the whole people contribute, it will be difficult for the poor; If everyone contributes, then the rich will be embarrassed. Each has his own wishes, so it can last for a long time. " Therefore, compromise is put forward in the article. The emperor pardoned those who owed less than 200 yuan to escape from the city, and Li Chang demanded interest. There was no charge for money exceeding 200 yuan.
Awarded a bachelor's degree in imperial history, a part-time assistant and a straight bachelor's degree in Jialongtuge. When Li Chang talks about selecting scholars, please divide them into two subjects: poetry and fu, Confucian classics and righteousness, and give full play to their strengths. At first, the Yellow River burst in Xiaowu, and the negotiators planned to draw the Yellow River from Suncun mouth to restore the old river channel. At this time, the labor service started, and Li often said, "JD. COM and Hebei are hungry and sleepy, so it is not appropriate to introduce yellow river. " The imperial edict of relieving labor. Liu Anshi, an admonition officer, handed Cai Que's poems to Wu Chuhou, which slandered the state affairs, so he strongly criticized Cai Que. Li Chang's theory of punishing Cai Que with poetry is not sincere and generous. Liu Anshi impeached Chang Li together and was transferred to the Ministry of War as a minister. Politely declined not to take office, becoming the year of statehood. He moved to Chengdu and died suddenly at the age of 64 on his way to Shaanxi. There are 60 volumes of Selected Works and Recitation, Biography of Poems 10, and 30 volumes of Yuan Accounting Records.
Chang Li was one year older than Sun Jue, and began to be an equal with Sun Jue, both of whom were appreciated by Lv Gongzhu. Their discussions were similar, and their final official position was the same. They died overnight.
8. Read the following classical Chinese and complete questions 5-9.
Pei Yaoqing, a gift for Shouzhenzi, the minister of the household department. Shaozhi, how old, how old, weak crown, secretary orthography, official residence Russian supplement. At the beginning of Kaiyuan, he moved to Chang 'an. The cities in Chang 'an matched the old law, which made the people miserable. When Yao Qing came to the office, everything was ordered to leave the savings office, and he was given a straight ahead of time. There is no harm in cheating. Thirteen years, for Jeju secretariat, driving the east tour, Yao Qinggong self-organized, well-deserved. Moreover, through publicity, the secretariat of the two States in Hebei has been well managed.
In 20 years, Li Shangshu and Wang Yi of Xin 'an were invited to discuss Qidan, and Yao Qing was the deputy. Russia also ordered Yao Qing to give 200,000 silks to meritorious officials. Yao Qing said to people: "Foreigners are greedy and disabled, so they should be prepared to take money deep into the territory." Is to go forward, go their separate ways, and pay once and for all. When Turks and James Wai-Kuo attacked, Yao Qing had come back.
Move to Beijing and Zhao Yin. Next autumn, rain will hurt crops and the capital will be expensive. Fortunately for Du Dong, the general summoned Yao Qing alone and asked about the skills of saving people. Yao Qing asked Tang Xuanzong to transport food and taxes to Beijing. It is deep in the world. Find Assistant Minister Huangmen as a transshipment agent, and ship seven million mangokus every three years, saving three hundred thousand. Or Yao Qing came in to show his effectiveness and save money. Yao Qing said, "Do you mean to seek the constitution with the wealth of the country?"
Twenty-four years, thanks to the ministers left the prime minister. At that time, Yang Jun, the secretariat of Yizhou, committed a crime and was executed. He ordered sixty people to be sent to Yangzhou. Yao Qing went up to remonstrate and said, "I think the secretariat of history and county magistrate are somewhat different from other officials. The secretariat of history, people's parents, are expected by weathering and tortured by disintegration, which is quite humiliating. I can't stand the heat, and I'm afraid I won't be wise and tolerant because of the staff or death. Fu Cishi and the county magistrate decided to stick sticks at the headquarters, and when the summer heat grew longer, they decided to stick sticks and beg for surrender. " Emperor Xu Zhi.
Suddenly, Gai Jiayun, who made a special trip, made contributions and sent letters to two envoys in Longyou, Hexi, which still makes the running Tubo Jiayun go to the army from time to time because of his favor. Yao Qing secretly said, "I have seen Gai Jiayun's contribution to breaking thieves. He is sincere, courageous and courageous. But he has been bragging recently, and I am secretly worried. If you can't change it back, I hope to send it to the road as soon as possible, and I will still be strict. " Shu Zou urged Jiayu to join the army.
In the first year of Tianbao, it was changed to Shangshu Right Servant Shooting. One-year-old Qiu, 63 years old, gave a gift to the Prince Taifu and said that he was gifted.
(Excerpted from Biography of Pei Yaoqing in Old Tang Dynasty, with deletion)
5. Incorrect explanation of the added words in the following sentences (3 points). old are you? Writing B. Yao Qing bowed himself: personally.
C. the general is lucky for both the east and the east: he is lucky. D. He is convinced that ... is right.
6. Among the following sentences, the one with the same meaning and usage is (3 points).
A everything was ordered by the savings office to call Yao Qing to ask about the skills of saving people. Ke should be punished by the prescribed rod.
C. The letter with Yao Qing as the deputy and the effect of D in Ming Dynasty are to let Jin Bi know that Yao Qing has come back.
7. Of the following sentences, the correct one is (3 points).
A I made a special trip to Gaijiayun/I made meritorious service in breaking the sudden ride/I summoned Hexi/Longyou, and I also accepted the favor of running/Tubo Jiayun/I hosted a banquet every day/I went to the army from time to time.
B: I made a special trip to Gaijiayun/I made great contributions by riding a bike/I also summoned two envoys from Hexi and Longyou/I also asked Tubo/Jiayun, who had just traveled all over the country, to receive favors/feasts every day/to go to the army from time to time.
C. I made a special trip to Gaijiayun to make meritorious service/I ordered to add two envoys to Hexi/Longyou/I still let Tubo/Jiayun take charge/I hold banquets every day/I go to the army from time to time.
D. I made a special trip to Gaijiayun to make contributions/I also ordered to add two envoys to Hexi/Longyou/I also managed/Tubo Jiayun accepted the favor/hosted a banquet every day/went to the army from time to time.
8. The following analysis and summary of the relevant contents of the original text are incorrect (3 points).
A. Pei Yaoqing was born in an official family. When he was a child, he was very clever and could write articles. When I was young, I served as a signing in Xiangwangfu.
B. In his second year in Beijing, Pei Yaoqing proposed to carry out grain transportation and move the grain tax of Jianghuai to Beijing, and adopted his suggestion.
C. Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty adopted Pei Yaoqing's suggestion, exempted Yang Jun, the Yizhou secretariat, who was guilty of accepting bribes from the death penalty, and reduced the stick punishment.
D. Pei Yaoqing has served as the prime minister of Jeju's secretariat, Jing and Shangshu, and has made outstanding achievements without seeking personal gain.
9. Complete the following questions according to the specific requirements. (10)
(1) Translate the following sentences into modern Chinese. (7 points)
(1) is to seek favor with the wealth of the country, how can it? (3 points)
(2) The Secretariat, the parents of the people, has been weathered and disintegrated by crops, which is quite humiliating. (4 points)
(2) Find two concrete examples from the article that can reflect Pei Yaoqing's "good governance". (You can summarize yourself or quote the original text) (3 points)
Option: CACC
Hope to adopt