The original version of Yiduji entered the Xiling boundary from Huangniutan in the east, and reached the canyon for hundreds of miles. The mountains and rivers are winding, and the mountains on both sides of the strait are heavily blocked. Except for day and night, there is no sun or moon. Cliff or thousands of feet, depicted in stone color, has many images, lush trees, a little winter and spring, apes singing until the Qing Dynasty, and the valley is ringing endlessly. The so-called Three Gorges is one of them. Sa: It is often said that there is water disease in the gorge. The secretary said it himself. As we all know, there is no such thing as the beauty of mountains and rivers. I'm glad to be here, but I don't believe what I heard is better than what I saw with my own eyes. Its overlapping peaks present strange shapes, which are difficult to describe. The trees are bleak, only towering, which is on the surface of Xia Qi. Look up, look down, learn from each other's strengths, linger in the house, never forget. I have never read my resume. Since I am glad of this spectacle and the mountains and rivers are full of spirits, I should also be surprised to know my friends through the ages.