One day, General Wang Dun got up early, while Wang Xizhi was still sleepy. In a short time, Wang Dun's subordinate Qian Feng came in, so Wang Dunping retired from the DPRK to discuss the event of treason and arise, completely forgetting that Wang Xizhi was still sleeping in his account.
Wang Xizhi heard clearly in bed. When he found out that this was a conspiracy of rebellion, he was secretly surprised. Then he thought that since he had heard about the plot, he could not survive. So I had a brainwave, spit out saliva, painted the bedding, bedside, cheeks and corners of my mouth, and continued to pack to sleep.
Wang Dun and Qian Fengzheng were talking excitedly, when he suddenly thought that Wang Xizhi was still in the account, he couldn't help but be frightened and said, "Oh, no! We were all heard by him, and now we must get rid of this little baby. "
He went to open the curtain and saw saliva everywhere, stained with a large piece, and Wang Xizhi seemed to be still jealous!
Wang Dun saw greatly relieved and eliminated the murder. Wang Xizhi saved his life in this way.