When he took the imperial examination, Wang Qi, the examiner, admired him very much and wanted to be the top scholar. However, Wang Qi hates Bai Min's good friend, Balu, who took the exam with him. Let people tell Bai quietly what to break up with. Give a white answer. Just then, he visited, avoided in vain, and left without saying anything. Bai screamed and screamed to come back, told the truth, and said, "If you don't even win the first place, how can you break off diplomatic relations for this matter!" Two people are drunk and lie at the same table. After learning about this, Wang Qi sighed: "We should learn from Bai Min, and now we should take a warning." In the end, Bai Minzhong won the first place, and He Babu was admitted to A home. ..
Li Guan Hedong, Huazheng and Li Ning (now Binxian County, Shaanxi Province) are the secretaries of the three sections. In the seventh year of Daiwa (833), he was buried by his mother and returned to Xiayi. At the beginning of Huichang (84 1), he served as a counselor in the temple and was divided into the east capital. In the second year of Huichang, recommended by Li Deyu, he was recruited as a bachelor of Hanlin, moved to Zhongshu, and later added a bachelor. Tang Wuzong Huichang served as assistant minister of the Ministry of War for four years (844), and Huichang worked with Pingzhang for six years. In the second year of Dazhong (848), he was also the minister of punishments, plus the right servant Dr. Jin Guanglu and the ambassador of Taiqing Palace. At that time, there was a fierce struggle between Niu and Li in North Korea. Bai Minzhong was an important member of Niu and was denounced by Li Deyu as good for evil. After Li was relegated to Lingnan, he was a very important minister and was once in charge of state affairs. Five years in Dazhong (85 1), and seven years in Dazhong. Five years of governance in Bashu, with achievements. In the 13th year of Dazhong, officials worshipped Si Tuleideng and his assistant minister Pingzhang, and assisted in the state affairs. Zong Yi acceded to the throne (860) and sealed the order of the secretariat, and later died. Presenting a book to Qiu, when talking about posthumous title, the doctor accused him of staying away due to illness, relying on Rende to live in the DPRK and banishing posthumous title, making him "ugly". Bai Minzhong is Bai Juyi's cousin. Words are similar to those of Bai Juyi. He has a literary name and calligraphy works. Bai Juyi's tombstone is his book. There are two poems in the whole Tang Dynasty.