Festival, dare not empty. I miss Confucius, I miss Kun, I won the forest in the west, and this is for Korea. Therefore, "Xiao Jing Tian Zhu" said: "Xuan Qiu ordered the emperor to do it." There is also a "Spiritual Examination of Shangshu" that says: "Autumn students have positions, and the contact period is red." Pretend to be "Spring and Autumn Annals" and be a clear person. Make up discipline and write books, and cultivate etiquette and righteousness. I thought that King Su recalled the past and Emperor Deya was the generation. Although there is a seal of praise for the world, I will come to sacrifice at four o'clock and return to China after that. I fell in love with you, and Confucius was imprisoned in the temple. Sir, it was an honor, so I respected the teacher and valued teaching. The husband sealed the land and sacrificed for the country, all for the benefit of the people, and praying for it is beneficial to the people. Qing is Confucius, and Xuande shines brilliantly. And the former residence of the country, on the day of the ceremony, is not there, not to worship, and it is appropriate for the court to give special favor. I sleep and rest, and my feelings are thoughts. I went out to visit the Wangs in spring and autumn, and I gave them to Mr. Yu. Chen Chendun, the first to nod, capital punishment. I try my best to think about ordinary politics and report it as an effect. Increase the difference. I am in awe of the morning light. As soon as I nod, I commit the capital punishment. At that time, Fu, Dawei, Situ, Si Nong were all engaged in government work. Yesterday, in Zhong Ni, the essence of juice and light was supported by the emperor, and the mother was elegant. If we are in decline, we will not change the warehouse, and we will apply. Self-defense against Lu, raising 3000 disciples. Get Lin's interesting works, see the sign at the end of the door, write the commandments in blood, and topaz responds. Master the Han Dynasty, and the Taoist trial is feasible. It's the Spring and Autumn Annals, and it's a repeat of the Book of Filial Piety. Delete six arts, such as dialogue with heaven. Tick "river" and pick "pheasant", but it didn't happen. Swing around. More important than doing. Chen Shi Houbei
When Shi Jun of Henan was afraid of the word "morning", he never rode a captain to worship. On April 11th, the first year of Jianning, Wu Zixu arrived at the official position, so that he could pay homage to Confucius, see the Taoist temple and be pious the next day. He went to the hall and held his breath and bowed. If there is, it is only a matter of time. Yiyi's old house is a safe place for God. During the Spring and Autumn Period, the ceremony was resumed. I studied the mysterious spirit and didn't enjoy the recommendation of the public. I respect the spring, guide the good, and describe the cultivation of harmony and the quality of the country. That is, go to Shangshu and take the exam. I dare to worship, and I will give the rest. Stone published, tied for the play. Big shot postponed and spent hundreds of millions. Long Shilu Tan Jingrang, Wu Guanmao Lu Kong? . Gong Cao Shi Kong Huai, Hu Cao Dong Men Rong, Shi Wenyang, temple keeper, praised more than 100 people in Kong, net. As a result, Kong Liyuan, a senior minister, and Kong Biao, a magistrate in Hedong, praised the ceremony in the cave, and they all knew that there were more temples and county officials, regardless of size. The temple is exhausted and can be seen. Mr. Guan Wen and his disciples, a total of 970 people, sang and blew a strike song. Test six methods, eight tones and, anyway, sway. They are proud of their longevity, and they are always in love with each other, and they are blessed from top to bottom in Musuyong. Dragon Henry Zhen, and the promise of heaven. After Shi Jun's visit, the Ministry of History retaliated against Liu Dan, the county official, by mending the left wall around Lizhong Road, painting the house, repairing the People's Ditch, and flowing from inside to outside. South injection of the city, afraid of the history of the county to collect people, invade the people, from the city road to give wheat to order, in order to return the money and goods collected by the people. Shi Jun went to the distant Kongdu Muyan well, and people bought it, but they couldn't get delicious wine and meat. He set up Huicheng in Changping Pavilion, which is why he wanted to cut it: desecrating wells, restoring people's health, desecrating chariots and horses, taking the east road, showing the north and south, and having all kinds of catalpa. There are four guards in the tomb of the fake master, Mu Yan's Open Day and Duke Lu's tomb, and the moon and assistant have been removed. On February 23rd, the second year of the reign of Emperor Zhou, Jintai Temple and his disciple Guo Xixuan paid tribute to Dongyue, so they went to the Confucius Temple and carved stones on it. Yang, who was in charge of the goods, chose Ouyang Zhiyan and Xuande Lang as the strategist of Yanzhou Prefecture. Shi Chenbei is one of the more finely carved stone tablets in the Han Dynasty. Therefore, from the existing rubbings, we can still appreciate more writing strokes, and we can use the ups and downs of the pen and the changes of the straightness. If we say that the bamboo slips discovered in modern times provide us with the original calligraphy of the Han Dynasty, then Shi Chenbei, who is exquisitely carved, has kept the standard calligraphy of Han Li for us, and its exquisite brushwork is amazing.