Legend has it that the emperor at that time went to the northern suburbs to offer sacrifices and asked Wang Xizhi to write his congratulatory message on a board, and then sent workers to carve it. The sculptor cut the board layer by layer and found that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy ink had been printed into the board. He didn't reach the bottom until he cut into a depth of three points. Woodworkers are amazed at Wang Xizhi's pen power, perfect calligraphy skills and his pen power. Cut to the chase is derived from this story.
2. Liu Gongquan
Tang Wuzong was angry with a female official in the palace for a long time. Later, he called her in and said to Liu Gongquan, "I am very dissatisfied with this person. I won't blame her if I can get one of your works. " So he handed him dozens of pieces of paper made in Shu County and put them on the imperial case. Without thinking, Liu Gongquan immediately wrote a quatrain: "Regardless of the past, I have always been willing to stand alone in Nagato. But now the king has taken care of him and went back to the pepper room to wipe his tears. " The emperor was very happy, and gave him 200 pieces of brocade, and asked the female official to come forward to thank him.
3. Yan Zhenqing
On one occasion, Moon Hee, a cruel official, framed Cheng Songhun, an imperial envoy, for personal grievances and banished him to Hezhou. Yan Zhenqing said, "How can you want to harm the descendants of Song Jing (a famous soldier in the early years of Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty) because of a temporary anger?" During the Anshi Rebellion, Yan Zhenqing, who was appointed as an ancient adviser, still abided by the etiquette. He impeached Cui Yi, assistant minister of the Ministry of War, admonishers Li Heji and Guan Chongsi, etc., and waited for them in Wang Fu, Guangping, so that officials could abide by the law. In his later years, he was outspoken and offended the prime ministers Yuan Zai, Yang Yan, Qilu and others, and was finally killed.
4. Huang Tingjian
There are many pavilions in the south of China, and Taihe Express Hall is one of the famous ancient attic buildings in China. Kuaige is located in the campus of Taihe Middle School on the east side of Taihe County. This attic was built in the first year of Tang Ganfu (874), with a history of 1 100 years. Express Pavilion is famous all over the world, which began with the famous poem "Climbing Express Pavilion" by Huang Tingjian, a great poet in the Song Dynasty.
When Huang Tingjian was the magistrate of Taihe County, he often went to the pavilion for recreation, and in the fifth year of Yuanfeng (1082), he wrote a well-known poem "Going to the Pavilion". Since then, "the name of the pavilion has become bigger." History: "Huang Taishiting persisted and wrote poems on it, which became famous all over the world."
5. Zhao Mengfu
In the Yuan Dynasty, there was a man named Zhao in Yangzhou, who was very rich and liked to entertain guests. There is a bright moon building in his home. People write Spring Festival couplets for buildings, but they are not as big as their owners' ideas. One day, Zhao Mengfu passed by Yangzhou, and the owner knew about it. He was welcomed to Yue Ming upstairs and held a luxurious banquet in his honor. Everything was made of silver.
Halfway through the wine, the host took out a pen and paper and asked Zhao Mengfu to write him Spring Festival couplets. Zhao Mengfu picked up a pen and wrote, "On the first floor of Mingyue Yangzhou, there are 3,000 guests in Yuen Long welcoming the Spring." When the host got the Spring Festival couplets, he was very happy. He took down all the wine sets and gave them to Zhao Mengfu.