Can I hang a banner on the Party building wall?

Of course.

Banners are a norm of ancient calligraphy. Modern banners are often propaganda banners, including banners on websites and banners that can often be seen in streets, squares and in front of doors. Because of its low cost, it can play a good role in advertising and has a wide range of applications.

Party building generally refers to party building. Party building is the working concept of the party and also the concept of party affairs. It refers to a series of self-improvement activities undertaken by the party to maintain its own nature, including not only party affairs, but also the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, work style construction, discipline construction and system construction.

Party building is referred to as party building. Party building is the unity of Marxist party building theory and practice, and the application of Marxist party building theory. Party building includes three meanings: one is to study the theoretical science of party building; Second, the practice of party building under the guidance of Marxist political party theory; Third, rules and regulations act as an intermediary between theoretical principles and practical actions.