The Book of Rites is a miscellaneous compilation of Confucianism, which is very complicated and can be divided into the following aspects: those who specialize in a certain etiquette have genres similar to the Book of Rites, such as mourning and throwing pots. There are also some special descriptions of Yili, such as Guan Yi, Hunyi, Xiangyin, Shooting Yi, Hiring Yi and Mourning Yi. Explain the official ceremony, faint ceremony, rural drinking ceremony, rural shooting ceremony, big shooting instrument, Yan ceremony and mourning ceremony, which are most closely related to Yizha.
There are miscellaneous notes about funeral, such as Tan Gong, Wen, funeral notes, miscellaneous notes, funeral notes, mourning-removing, mourning-asking, asking with questions, biography, three-year questioning, and four funeral systems.
There are records of various ritual systems, such as,, suburban worship, Yu Zao, Wei, Dachuan, sacrificial law, sacrificial system, deep service and so on. Some articles focus on remembering the etiquette and rules of daily life, such as Qu Li, Naize and Shao Yi.
There are notes on Confucius' remarks such as Ji Fang, Biao Ji, Yi Li, Zhong Ni Smoking, Confucius Living Second-hand, Mourning for the Public and Confucianism. Most of these articles are Confucian remarks published in the name of Confucius.
There are Confucian papers with relatively complete structures, such as Liu Yun, Xue Ji, sacrifice one's life for righteousness, realm, university, the doctrine of the mean, etc. In addition, there is a "moon order", which is intended to demonstrate for the prince.