The third part of The Analects of Confucius says: "There is no way in the world for a long time, and the heaven will take Confucius as the priest."
This passage goes like this: the officials of Yidi guarding the border crossing asked to meet Confucius. The official said, "I want to meet all the people who come to me with moral knowledge." Confucius' students invited Confucius to see the official. Confucius came out and said to the students, "I didn't get an official position." Why are you worried? The world has been corrupt and dark for too long, and God will treat me as a muduo. " Obviously, excellent education can play a great role in driving away the darkness and corruption in the world.
According to documents, Duo originated in Xia and Shang Dynasties, and it is a metal-framed organ. The one whose tongue is made of wood is called Mu Duo, and the one whose tongue is made of gold is called Jin Duo. Muduo is a text, which is used to publicize politics and deploy politics; Jin Duo used Muduo as a military force to command the army. Confucius said that he was sent from heaven to educate the people. Because Confucius has been engaged in education for many years, "Mu Duo" has since become another name for teachers, and Mu Duo's wooden tongue can be compared to a teacher's "educational tongue".
Therefore, Beijing Normal University takes Muduo as its school emblem, and a university takes Muduo as its own symbol, which is also ambitious.