Distribution of descendants of Xie Gui, the grand prize of Ming Dynasty.

After Zhu Di proclaimed himself emperor, Xie Gui's family was doomed to extinction. Therefore, the third son Xie Gongquan was adopted by her son in law, and Wang lived in Xiaohu, so she was spared. Xie Gongquan adopted wang xing's uncle's house and attacked his uncle's wang xing, calling him the ancestor of Wang in Xiaohu. The Wang family in Xiaohu is the home of farming and reading, and their descendants are prosperous. Many people study and are officials outside. According to Xiao Hu Wang Genealogy, Wang Gongquan gave birth to three sons, the eldest son Wang Shizhong, the second son Wang Shijie and the third son Wang Shijing. Wang Shizhong's uncle hung in Wu Shi's royal family in Huzhou city, and then he lived in the west of the government and multiplied into the Wang family of Aishantai. The location of the former mental hospital is the former site of the Wangs Ancestral Hall in Aishantai. Wang Shijie and Wang Shijing's descendants have left behind small lakes, moved to the west of the country, Qingliangshan, Shuanglin, Taihu Lake, Qianzhuo and other places. Later, the Wang family of Xiaohu spread to Beijing, Xi 'an, Taiyuan, Northeast China and overseas countries such as the United States and Australia. Wang xing, the uncle of Xie Gongquan, is a branch of the East Dongting branch of Sanhuaitang in the Jin lineage of Prince Wang of Taiyuan. According to the spectrum, it was moved from the East Dongting Mountain to Changxing Zhicheng and then to Linghu, and the lineage inheritance is clear.