To the east of Linchuan, the land is hidden and high, so Linxi is a new city. Above the new city, there are pools and depressions, but the sides are long, such as Mo Chi by Wang Xizhi and Linchuan Ji by Xun Bozi. The taste of Xihe River longs for Zhang Zhi, studying in Linchi, and the water in the pool is all black. This is an ancient relic. Do you believe in evil?
Fang Xi can't be an official, but he tastes the east and goes out to sea to entertain mountains and rivers. Is it possible to wander around and enjoy this evil? The book of Xi is good at night. If it can, it will cover itself with energy, which is unnatural. Then people who can't reach in the world are not as good as evil people. Then you can learn less! What is the evil of those who want to advance their morality?
Above the ink, it is now a state school. Professor Wang Junsheng is worried that he can't write a chapter. The book revealed the words "Have an Army". He said to Gong, "I wish I had a note." Pushing Wang Jun's heart, although the lover can be abolished, is it good because of his evil deeds? It also wants to push things to encourage its scholars? My wife's ability enabled future generations to do so. What a pity that the legacy of a benevolent scholar will be treated in the afterlife!
In the east of Linchuan county, there is a protruding highland, facing a stream, called Xincheng. Above the new town, there is a low-lying rectangular pool named Mo Chi of Wang Xizhi. This was described by Xun Bozi of the Southern Song Dynasty in Linchuan Ji. Wang Xizhi once worshipped Zhang Zhi, a calligrapher in the Eastern Han Dynasty. He practiced calligraphy by this pool, and the water turned black. This is his legacy. Is that really the case?
When Wang Xizhi made up his mind not to be an official, he traveled all over the East China Sea and rowed on it in order to get ahead of others in the mountains and rivers. Did he ever rest here when he wandered around for fun? Wang Xizhi's calligraphy did not get better until his later years. It seems that his profound attainments are due to his efforts, not his genius. However, no one in later generations can compare with Wang Xizhi. I'm afraid their learning skills are not as good as Wang Xizhi's. It seems that you can reduce your study efforts! What's more, what about people who want to achieve lofty moral achievements?
Next to Mo Chi is the teaching building of Fuzhou State University. Professor Wang Jun was afraid that Mo Chi's deeds would go into oblivion, so he wrote "Wang Jin You Jun Mo Chi" and hung it between two pillars in front of the door as a souvenir, and said to me, "I hope there is a narrative." I guess Wang Jun's mind is not because he loves other people's strengths, even if he is skilled, he won't let it be buried, so even his body is taken seriously? Or do you want to promote Wang Xizhi's efforts in Linchi to encourage students here? People have a skill, but they still respect their descendants to this extent, not to mention what influence the fashion and virtue left by the benevolent gentleman will have on future generations!
On September 12th, the eighth year of Li Qing, Ceng Gong made a note.
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A remarkable feature of this composition is that it is big because of small, big because of small, and big because of small topics. The title is writing for Mo Chi. It is said that this is the pool where Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, washed his brush and inkstone, but there are actually many places in Mo Chi that have been handed down as old traces of Wang Xizhi, such as Huiji, Zhejiang. From Ceng Gong's article "It's an old cultural relic. Do you believe in evil?" He also doubts whether Linchuan Mo Chi is really the original work of Wang Xizhi. So, after briefly describing the place and shape of Mo Chi, he turned to discuss the reason for Wang Xizhi's success: "It is unnatural to cover yourself with energy." In other words, it is not "born", but the result of diligent study and practice. This is the first meaning of this article. This meaning is closely related to the meaning of "Mo Chi" and should be the proper meaning in the title.
But the main idea of the article doesn't stop there. From this, the author further infers that (1) learning calligraphy is the same, and so is "those who want to further their morality". From learning calligraphy to moral cultivation, the emphasis is not transcendental, but acquired; (2) Starting from the fact that "man has a kind of ability", he also remembers for future generations that "the legacy of benevolent scholars" will always affect future generations. From calligraphy to moral integrity, from specific calligraphers to a wider range of people with lofty ideals, this is based on their influence on later generations. These two inferences are very natural, not additional, which shows Ceng Gong's broad thinking and superb knowledge. If you write this kind of tablet in a low hand, you often talk about the matter and stick to the meaning of the topic, but you don't know how to grow and dig. This is the second meaning of this article. Shen Deqian's evaluation of this article is: "The idea is either in the topic or outside the topic, which makes people linger and admire." (Volume 28 of Eight Readings) "In the topic" and "off topic" refer to the above two meanings respectively.
What's more, "digression" is still "getting to the point". These two meanings are not only from small to large, but also from the former to the latter, which is logical; Moreover, from talking about calligraphy to morality, from remembering calligraphers to chasing Mu Xiande, it is still related to the meaning of the question. Why can you say that? Because the former site of Mo Chi is "now a national school"; This article was written at the request of Professor Wang Junsheng. Wang's aim is to "encourage his scholars". So the focus is on the word "mian". Therefore, from learning calligraphy to moral integrity, it is natural to encourage students. If you stick to "Mo Chi", stick to the main idea of the topic, and only talk about calligraphy, you will die under the topic, even far from the original intention of taking notes. Therefore, this second meaning, as far as general practice is concerned, is a "digression"; As far as this article is concerned, it is still in the "topic".
Another feature of this essay is the use of rhetorical questions and exclamations. The full text can be divided into fourteen sentences, including five questions: "Do you believe in evil?" "Have you ever tasted this evil?" "Who wants to study that morality is evil?" "And why, why?" "To encourage his men to be evil?" Ye sentence: "Xun Bozi's Linchuan Ji is also a cloud" and "it is unnatural". Finally, I ended with a sigh: "What treatment did Shi Zhuang, a benevolent gentleman, receive in the afterlife?" The extensive use of these sentence patterns adds a sigh of emotion to this reasoning essay. Especially the five rhetorical questions, which combine pause and stretch, avoid the disadvantages of pouring down a thousand miles and reciting endlessly. Former people called it "Ou Zeng". In this respect, Ceng Gong was deeply impressed by Ouyang Xiu's "June 1 Fengshen".
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Mo Chi is located in Linchuan County, Jiangxi Province. According to legend, it is the place where Wang Xizhi, a great calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, washed his pens and inkstones. Ceng Gong admired Wang Xizhi's reputation and made a special trip to Linchuan to pay tribute to Mo Chi's remains in September of the eighth year of Li Qing (1048). Wang Sheng (official name), a professor of Chinese studies, asked him to write notes on Mo Chi in Wang Youjun, so Ceng Gong wrote this famous essay "Mo Chi Ji" based on Wang Xizhi's anecdote. It is called "Mo Chi Ji", but the focus is not on "ambition", but on the fact that achievement is not innate, and it depends on hard work to motivate scholars to study hard. The article takes the theory as the key link, notes as the purpose, notes and discussions are intertwined, the outline is concise, the writing is novel and unique, and the viewpoint is accurate. This is indeed a rare masterpiece.
This article is a paper, but before discussing it, it is necessary to record the materials related to Mo Chi. Otherwise, there will be no additional content in the discussion, which will appear floating and empty. If you remember it in detail, you will usurp the role of the host and drown out the topic. Therefore, the author uses the method of combining notes with discussion to record details briefly to highlight the theme of the article. At the beginning, I put pen to paper in order to save risks. According to what Xun Bozi said in Linchuan Ji, his geographical position, environment and appearance were almost alive:
"To the east of Linchuan, the land is hidden and high, so it is called a new city near the stream. Above the new city, there are pools and depressions, but the sides are long. " At the same time, according to Wang Xizhi's admiration for Zhang Zhi, the legend that "the pond is full of books and the water is black" points out the origin of Mo Chi's name. In fact, there are other legends about Mo Chi besides those described in Linchuan Ji. Because the purpose of this article is to make sense, not to remember the pool, it is omitted. The simplicity of language can be described as cherishing ink as gold. I don't want to say anything about Motta's account, but I have paved a path for discussion. Then the article is engaged in tracing back Wang Xizhi's life experience of retiring from officialdom. According to the Book of Jin, Wang Shu was as famous as he was when he was young, but he was very light. When the appointment was to review the internal history, it was described as Yang Chuan's secretariat, and Hezhi became his subordinate. Later, Wang Shu, the magistrate of Huiji County, was ashamed, so he said that he was sick and left his job, and swore at his parents' grave that he would never come out as an official again. For this experience of Wang Xizhi, the author simply explained it with a sentence "Fang Xizhi can't be a strong official", and then traced the whereabouts of Wang Xizhi's wandering and indulging in mountains and rivers at will: "Taste the East Pole, and go out to sea to entertain the interests between mountains and rivers. Is it possible to wander around and indulge in this evil? " This paragraph is also very important. It highlights Wang Xizhi's thought of being upright and free from dust and vulgarity, which is the ideological basis and good spiritual temperament of Wang Xizhi's study of calligraphy. Structurally speaking, the sentence "Taste this evil again" proves that Wang Xizhi used the book of setting questions in Linchuan, which was linked with Mo Chi, a scholar of literature, and provided a basis for the following discussion. Subsequently, on the basis of the record, the article turned to the discussion: "The Book of Xi is good at night. If it can, it is unnatural to cover yourself with energy." Yu He's "On the Desk" said: "The book of Xi is unique in beginning and end, which is incomparable. In its last few years, it was the ultimate. Try ten cursive scripts. They are too bright to show their wings. Wing gasp in admiration, because the book Xi says,' I once had ten Zhang Boying cursive scripts, but I lost them when crossing the river, and they often lost their wonderful traces forever. Suddenly, I saw the first step to write back to my brother. I was radiant, and I was still old-fashioned. This shows that Wang Xizhi kept pace with Zhang Zhi, a "sage of grass" in his later years, and that the statement that Xi was written late is based on facts and convincing. So, what is the fundamental reason for Xi Zhi's good calligraphy? That is the result of concentration, hard study and hard practice, not born. At this point, the reason lies in lack of diligence, which further illustrates the importance of studying hard. Finally, the moral cultivation of feudal literati is extended along the meaning, and it is pointed out that "in-depth study of morality" and hard study are also essential. In this way, positive arguments, negative arguments and following the meaning reveal the theme of the article layer by layer. However, the author's exploration of the topic did not stop there. After briefly describing the course of Wang Sheng, a professor of Chinese studies, the article turns to the discussion: "Pushing Wang Jun's heart and loving his lover's kindness, though not abolished, is it really because of his evil deeds?" "Does he also want to push and encourage him to learn?" Although this is a guess of Wang Jun's intention, it is actually the author's good intention to take notes. Then, with material extension, further discussion: "My wife's ability makes future generations still do this, and the legacy of a kind Shi Zhuang is not so good for the afterlife." From Wang Xizhi's excellent calligraphy, the author extended it to the education and virtue of "benevolent scholars", encouraging people not only to have "one skill", but also to study the moral cultivation of feudal literati, thus deepening the meaning of the text. Ceng Gong is an "orthodox" ancient prose writer. His articles have a strong color of defending morality, and also clearly reveal his traditional thought of defending morality.
In the reasoning prose with "Ji" as the genre in the Song Dynasty, it is rare to see a style that is attached to "Ji" and mainly discusses. The ideological meaning of Zuiwengting is that "the meaning of Zuiwengting is not in wine" and "it is also between mountains and rivers". But isn't this "meaning" based on the "discussion" table? Through the description of natural scenery, the contrast between mountains and rivers, the change of dusk and the change of seasons, the achievements are revealed. The focus of Yueyang Tower is not to remember the building, but to reveal the personal nature of "worrying about the world first, and enjoying the world later". In the way of lyricism, the author adopts the technique of touching the scene and feeling, so the article lays out the pen and ink and writes the unpredictable scenery of Yueyang Tower in an idyllic space. However, there are few words used to remember "Chi" in The Collection of Mo Chi, but many words are discussed. It's not a comment after narration, but a mixture of notes and comments. Although there are more discussions than records, there are no disadvantages of disconnection and digression, and it feels natural to read. It can be said that Mo Chi Ji broke away from other people's stereotypes and found its own way.
Glutinous rice cake (1)
To the east of Linchuan (II), the land is hidden and high, so Linxi is called New Town. Above the new city, there are pools and depressions, but they are long, which are called Mo Chi of Wang Xizhi and Linchuan Jiyun of Xun Bozi. The taste of Xihe River yearns for Zhang Zhi ⑥, studying in the pool, and the water in the pool is all black. This is its old story. Do you believe in evil?
Fang Xi can't be strong enough to be an official, but he can taste the Far East and travel around the sea to entertain his mind. Is it because he is arrogant (1 1) and savors himself on this evil?
The book of Xi is good at night (12). If it can, it will cover itself with energy, which is unnatural. So people who are out of reach in the world are not as eager to learn as evil people (13)? Then you can learn less! What is the evil of those who want to advance their morality?
Above Mo Chi, it is now a state school (14). Professor Wang Junsheng (15) was afraid that he wouldn't write a chapter (16), and the words "Wang Jinyoujun Mo Chi" came out in the book (17). He also told Gong Yue, "I wish there was a note!" Wang Jun, love others, okay? Although it may not be scrapped (18), is it because of its evil deeds (19)? It also wants to push things to encourage scholars to do evil? My wife's ability has made future generations still so, and how is the legacy of kind Shi Zhuang (20) in the afterlife!
Li Qing, Ceng Gong, September 12th, 2008.
This article is a narrative written by the author at the request of Wang Sheng, a professor of Chinese studies in Fuzhou. Firstly, the article draws the conclusion that Wang Xizhi's calligraphy is hard-trained from the rumors in Mo Chi, and then extends it to the universal truth that hard-trained the day after tomorrow is self-cultivation. The full text shows the author's unique style of writing, because it is simple and profound, with many questions and euphemistic words.
② Linchuan: Linchuan County, Fuzhou in Song Dynasty. That is, today's Fuzhou City, Jiangxi Province.
3 Depression: The emergence of depression.
④ Wang Xizhi: Shao Yi, a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, was known as Wang Youjun in the world, and later generations were named as "Book Sage".
⑤ Xun Bozi: a native of the Southern Song Dynasty, once served as the secretariat of Linchuan and wrote Linchuan Ji. The Taiping Universe (volume 1 10) records Wang Xizhi's official visit to Linchuan and Mo Chi.
⑥ Zhang Zhi: Zi Boying, a famous calligrapher in the Eastern Han Dynasty, was known as "Cao Sheng" and was good at cursive writing.
Do you believe in evil? Is it true?/You don't say.
⑧ "Fang Xizhi" sentence: At that time, Wang Xizhi was as famous as Wang Shu, who was appointed as the secretariat of Yangzhou and belonged to Yangzhou. Su Xi was ashamed of Wang Shu, so he resigned and lived in seclusion, vowing not to be an official again. See Biography of Wang Xizhi in the Book of Jin.
9 extreme: reach, reach.
Look at the sea: boating in the East China Sea. According to the biography of Wang Xizhi in the Book of Jin, "Wang Xizhi went out as an official, traveling with people from the east and fishing for entertainment. I also had a meal with Taoist Xu Mai, collecting herbs for thousands of miles, and traveled all over the eastern counties, and the mountains were exhausted. "
(1 1) Wandering around (Changyang Changyang): Wandering freely.
(12) sentence of Xizhi: Wang Xizhi's calligraphy was not as western as it was at the beginning, but it reached a delicate realm in his later years. See Biography of Wang Xizhi in the Book of Jin.
(13) Pi: Wang Xizhi.
(14) state capital: refers to the state capital of Fuzhou.
(15) Professor: Official name, in charge of educational affairs and education.
Chapter (16): Same as "Zhang".
(17) should be: the pillar in front of the main hall. Uncover: Mark.
(18) Don't waste: refuse to let it be buried.
(19) That sentence "because": Did you love his body?
(20) Benevolent people: people with moral cultivation, role models. Thoughts left behind: styles left behind, thoughts handed down.