Tang Sikong's Send Cursive Monks Back to Vietnam: "Monks were born in East Vietnam. Although they are young in Buddhism, they have learned everything. Therefore, in addition to their vigorous escape, they have also become arrogant poems that guide the depressed atmosphere in the rivers and lakes. They are the first batch of Buddhists and Confucian practitioners. " Song Shinan's Biography of You Guan, Volume 4: "The brushwork is vigorous and lovely." Carefully check the poem "Wang Wencheng Jigong Monument": "Jigong is not boastful but documentary, and his calligraphy is vigorous and gentle." Wang Xiyan's The Old House Part V Part II: "The handwriting is really good and the brushwork is vigorous, which is Yan Zhenqing's style." Buffon's Horses: Those wild horses are far stronger, lighter and more athletic than most domestic horses.