The original text of Jin Linggong Bujun in traditional Chinese characters

Ling Gong of Jin is not a king

Pre-Qin Dynasty - Zuo Qiuming

Ling Gong of Jin is not a king. Thick and thick to carve the wall. Play people from the stage and watch their pills. The butcher was unfamiliar with the beast, so he killed it and placed it on a bamboo basket for the woman to carry to the court. Zhao Dun and Shi Ji saw his hand and asked him why he was suffering from it. When the general admonished, Shi Ji said: "If the admonition does not come in, no one will follow. If you go first, if you don't come in, then the son will follow."

At the beginning, Xuanzi's field was on the first mountain, and he abandoned it in the shade of mulberry. . Seeing that Ling Zhe was hungry, he asked about his illness and said, "I haven't eaten for three days." "He ate it and gave away half of it. When asked, he said: "I have been in office for three years and I don't know whether my mother is alive. It's almost here now, please leave it behind. "He used them all, and made baskets for them with food and meat, and placed various pickets with them. After that, he served as a public intermediary, and tipped his halberd to ward off the public servants, so as to avoid them. When asked why, he said to him: "Yisang is a hungry man. "Asked his name and residence, he retreated without saying anything. - So he died.

Yichou, Zhao Chuan attacked Linggong in Taoyuan. Xuanzi returned before he came out of the mountain. The great history book says: "Zhao Dun killed Its king. "To show it to the court. Xuanzi said: "No. He said to him: "The son is a high official. If he dies, he will not overtake the king. On the contrary, he will not seek out thieves. Who else can he be but the son?" Xuanzi said: "Wuhu!" "I am pregnant, and I am grateful for my love." This is what I call it! "

Confucius said: "Dong Hu is a good historian in ancient times, and his calligraphy is not hidden. Zhao Dun, a good doctor in ancient times, suffered evil for the sake of the law. It's a pity that the more you go, the more you can avoid it. "

Xuanzi sent Zhao Chuanni to the Zhou Dynasty and set up his son Heihui. Renshen went to the Wugong Palace.

In the early days, Xuanzi was in the field on the first mountain and abandoned it in the shade of mulberry. See. Ling Zhe was hungry. When asked about his illness, he said, "I haven't eaten for three days." "He ate it and gave away half of it. When asked, he said: "I have been in office for three years and I don't know whether my mother is alive. It's almost here now, please leave it behind. "He used them all, and made baskets for them with food and meat, and placed various pickets with them. After that, he served as a public intermediary, and tipped his halberd to ward off the public servants, so as to avoid them. When asked why, he said to him: "Yisang is a hungry man. "Asked his name and where he lived, he retreated without saying anything. - So he died.

Yichou, Zhao Chuan attacked Linggong in Taoyuan. Xuanzi returned before he came out of the mountain. The great history book says: "Zhao Dun killed Its king. "To show it to the court. Xuanzi said: "No. He said to him: "The son is a high official. If he dies, he will not overtake the king. On the contrary, he will not seek out thieves. Who else can he be but the son?" Xuanzi said: "Wuhu!" "I am pregnant, and I am grateful for my love." This is what I call it! "

Confucius said: "Dong Hu is a good historian in ancient times, and his calligraphy is not hidden. Zhao Dun, a good doctor in ancient times, suffered evil for the sake of the law. It's a pity that the more you go, the more you can avoid it. ”

Xuanzi ordered Zhao Chuanni and his son Black Buttocks to stand in Zhou Dynasty. Renshen went to the Wugong Palace.